Ajungând la Marea Neagră.

Ajungând la Marea Neagră.

În acest videoclip, prindem o barcă de marfă care duce cereale către Black. Ne-au lăsat să călărim cu ei trei zile. Aceasta este ultima etapă a călătoriei noastre de trei mii de km către Marea Neagră. Multumesc pentru vizionare! INSTA https://www.instagram.com/tothe_blacksea/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tothe_blacksea-100945584601531/notifications/ Gofundme https://www.gofundme.com/f/to-the-black-sea -fondul-brockwood-park-makerspace


18 thoughts on “Ajungând la Marea Neagră.

  1. To take the Cernavoda – Constanta canal was a bad choice. Is boring, industrial, ugly. Next time you should follow the flow till the Danube Delta which is amazing in autumn (all the way down to Sfantu Gheorghe). Fantastic trip, congrats!

  2. Doesn’t really count as “Green” if you’re on a boat that uses fuel. Or if you spent the last part of the trip on a different boat entirely. Guess I’m knit picking, but 2500km is still a long waayyy!! 👍 Good Job!!

  3. Such a great adventure, and such a short videos! I enjoyed every minute of watching it! it's really a pity that the videos are not longer! Congratulations on reaching the Black Sea!

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