Seawind 1260 Catamaran Review 2021 și Premii | Căutarea noastră pentru catamaranul perfect.

Seawind 1260 Catamaran Review 2021 și Premii |  Căutarea noastră pentru catamaranul perfect.

Seawind 1260 a fost proiectat de marinari, pentru marinari. Acest Seawind de 41 de picioare este un catamaran capabil de apă albastră, cu un preț foarte modest. Atât de modest, de fapt, încât dacă economisiți pentru un catamaran offshore, acest lucru vă va duce peste linie cu câțiva ani mai devreme. Există multe de iubit despre acest catamaran cu design australian, cu un istoric dovedit în croazieră offshore. Avem și un Awesome Prize Giveaway săptămâna aceasta. Două dintre cele mai valoroase ghizi de croazieră pe care i-ar putea cere orice marinar sunt la îndemână: Lin Pardey’s Self Sufficient Sailor & Cruising în Seraffyn. Pentru a intra, lăsați un comentariu și asigurați-vă că sunteți abonat! În cele din urmă, nu uitați să lăsați scorul de vot pentru turul final al Top 10: best catamaran


22 thoughts on “Seawind 1260 Catamaran Review 2021 și Premii | Căutarea noastră pentru catamaranul perfect.

  1. Thanks for the review of the 1260; great boat. I’m interested to hear which cat has received your highest rating for value for money?

  2. What about the lack of daggerboards and addition of keels? Sounds like that aft guest cabin is gona turn into a storage pantry/closet for circumnavigation.

  3. I notice that most of these modern cats have an abundance of sloping windows. It seems that would add a lot of unwanted solar heat in equatorial climes. How is this addressed?

  4. After seeing the issues Parlay is having, and hearing of other Lagoons and Benetaus having bonding issues, one of my major concerns would be wanting a stronger built boat. Simple tabbing of joints in tread of just glue doesn’t sound like too much to ask of a builder.

  5. ok. I've watched this episode a few times and I have to say one thing… Nick's restraint from talking for almost 5 minutes (17:34) is MOST IMPRESSIVE!!! You should be crowned "Male Partner of the Year". That is incredible for someone that loves to state his opinion.

  6. Loved this episode. The 1260 looks amazing. As far as why people would need a bigger cat, I have seven reasons, called children. Hey, don't blame me. I have a gorgeous wife. Do they make an ark in a catamaran? As far as the contest goes, I'll make a witty comment: witty comment. Now to put it in my time machine. Except that I already have those books, sitting in my bookcase right next to my well-read "Two Years Before the Mast" and the Mutiny on the Bounty trilogy. My English Rose loves the galley down for two reasons: she wants a bigger saloon and she hates guests looking at dirty dishes in the sink. I see you have more 1260 episodes, and I'm looking forward to viewing them. I already jumped ahead to see your 1370 series–amazing boat. I might have to leave my wretched children on the beach.

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