Cutia Wanderlust | Primavara 2020 | Phuket, Thailanda

Cutia Wanderlust |  Primavara 2020 |  Phuket, Thailanda

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50 thoughts on “Cutia Wanderlust | Primavara 2020 | Phuket, Thailanda

  1. Sunshine Squad: My daughter has been to Thailand and says it is a beautiful country. She got to go play with the elephants. That was the highlight of her trip. That scarf is beautiful.

  2. Wow, my hubby and friends are in Thailand right now, left Phuket last night!! I wish it had more actual Thai stuff in the box but I like how they tried to relate all the items haha. ❤

  3. hi, kristy! sunshine squad hugs! what a fun assortment – so interesting to see the variety of items and the information of thailand. think it was a great value. can't wait to hear how the curry was. love and hugs! ~k

  4. Your new do really showcases your earrings! So many interesting products – I don't recall seeing this box before (though I probably have). The curry set is really fun – my husband and I like different curries so we tend to eat it out more than I make at home. And I loved the scarf. Hope you have a lovely week. Sunshine squad.

  5. If you want to learn about the acid content in your skincare, you should check out Hyram skin care on you tube. He is very knowledgeable and tells it like it is with all ingredients. What they each do for you and how to use them. Love the earrings BTW.

  6. Wow. This box was so cool! Love your hair!!
    Also if possible, can you post that recipe? Pineapple shrimp and rice-it sounds so yummy!!!
    Sunshine Squad 🤗
    Thank you

  7. My friend moved there in 2010 to teach English and has no intentions of ever coming back here. Absolutely loves it.
    Everything sounds amazing in that box, except maybe the curry, I don't care for the smell or the heat to it, but if given would have to try 😀
    Sunshine Squad

  8. I’ve never had curry either. I’m not big on spicy foods and really don’t like coconut milk in things other than sweets. I need to try it though bc I’m sure I would enjoy it if I just go for it. Fun box
    Sunshine squad 🌞

  9. Love this box- super fun! Love Thai food and coconut curry is amazing or curry with a tomato base to be more savory- eat curry about once every other week but I only have one other family member who loves it (younger son) so don’t make it that often. Hope your family loves it! I super recommend adding bamboo shoots if that isn’t in the recipe 🙂

  10. I have a friend who lives in Thailand, he owns a string of martial arts schools. He visited the country once and loved it so much he moved there. It sounds beautiful! Your haircut looks cute! Sunshine Squad

  11. This is currently my absolutely FAVORITE box you open. OMG! (And you're looking super cute with your new haircut!)
    Panang curry is not very spicy. My fave is green… that's the hottest one.
    Those sunglasses look absolutely ADORABLE on you!!!
    You got the best scarf EVA! I like that one much better than the one in the brochure.

  12. I lived in Thailand for a little bit, and it truly is a beautiful country!! And I remember having to get use to not pointing with my finger or having my legs crossed when I sit! Haha

  13. This really is such a different box. This looks amazing. I don't fly. Period. Well I didn't but I am going to have to change that somehow. (By being sedated and loaded onto and off the plane LOL) I need to plan a getaway with the Love of my life and finding out places to go and things to do is a total cheat sheet. I need the help so this box is amazing.
    Thanks for sharing 💜💜💜

  14. #SunshineSquad wouldn’t it be cool if we were all rich enough to get this box every month and THEN go on a vacation every month to the place they go in the box???🥰 FYI if u haven’t done a peel yet and are scared about it, like I was, my friend gave me some m-61 powerGlow peels and they were SUPER mild. Just don’t make the same mistake I did and use it the day after I dermaplaned (shaved) my face. But that was totally on me.🤪 This was such a great box!! Tfs💛💛💛

  15. Love the concept of this box but it’s pricey and some of the items seem a little random. Wish there were more travel themed boxes out there but thank you for opening this one. I’m anxiously awaiting to see where they go next season.

  16. Could you try the Journee box. Outside I think it looks like the most beautiful box ever. The contents also look pretty great and I would appreciate your opinion

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