TOP 5 CELE MAI MARI YACHTURI DE EXPLORATOR ÎN 2020 [Crazy toys including submarine, helicopters & more]

TOP 5 CELE MAI MARI YACHTURI DE EXPLORATOR ÎN 2020  [Crazy toys including submarine, helicopters & more]

Iahturile de explorare sunt extrem de populare. Și cine poate contrazice asta? Cât de tare este să mergi în apele înghețate ale arcticii și să vezi animale sălbatice precum urșii polari, pinguinii și orcile. Dacă simți că există mai mult decât plaje cu nisip și cocktailuri de băut și ai în tine un adevărat aventurier. Atunci mai bine urmăriți pentru că acestea sunt cele mai mari iahturi de explorare din lume. Credite de imagine: Fraser Yachts, dsproductions2012,


28 thoughts on “TOP 5 CELE MAI MARI YACHTURI DE EXPLORATOR ÎN 2020 [Crazy toys including submarine, helicopters & more]

  1. I love how you just ripped off other peoples footage and cut it making your own video. This is called plagiarism. You're a disgrace to youtubers

  2. LOL…REV Ocean is build to battle climate change(What a JOKE). Those 4X3600HP engines won't run by solar panels. I bet she have at least 6 diesel generators on-board.

  3. If I could afford any yacht, it would be an explorer vessel. 😉
    There's an Explorer Yacht I saw a video of called the "Ragnar" from ICON Yachts that was in sea trials (while filming).

  4. I kind of wished you gave prices for all the yachts. I know they may not be for sale at the moment, but you could find the prices they sold for originally

  5. Imagine that Paul Allen buys a yacht the size of an Aircraft carrier a Mig 29 and dies. Steve Jobs also bought a Mega Yacht and he dies before it's completed, His wife now owns the Yacht.

  6. AHH! The old climate change nonsense. The second greatest scam on humanity, after covid. And guess what, all being pushed by super yacht owners.

  7. A yacht to battle climate change, what a crock of shit. Four, thirty-six hundred horsepower engines help battle that non existent phenomenon how exactly? If you really wanted to battle that Quixotic dragon you'd have built a tall ship. Spare us the bullshit.

  8. Nice to hear these billionaires care about climate change so much. I wish I had giant mansions, jets and yachts. So I could help the environment too…

  9. how the frig is it gonna take care of the oceans? you gonna sweep the pollution of India and China from the seas? you gonna stop those two countries massive net fishing programs that take anything and everything in those nets and they eat it? i doubt it.

  10. I love how they have Guests listed @ 20, 30 etc., and could house 10 times as much easily and with comfort too.

  11. There’s probably a tax strategy of buying these super yachts that could reduce the overall cost if you’re willing to rent it out for a few years.

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