Cele mai bune curse de iahturi CLASA J

Cele mai bune curse de iahturi CLASA J

Unele dintre cele mai uimitoare, fabuloase și epice înregistrări de curse de iahturi din Clasa J, cu muzică frumoasă de care să te bucuri în timpul #carantinei #covid19 #stayhome #thankyouhour Drepturi de autor pentru muzică: O melodie minunată, epică, emoțională și profund inspirată de la Audiomachine. #EpicMusic Vizitați: https://www.jclassyachts.com/ Pentru mai multe videoclipuri, nu uitați să urmăriți!


46 thoughts on “Cele mai bune curse de iahturi CLASA J

  1. I’ve seen bigger, I’ve seen faster, I’ve seen far more high tech. But nothing, NOTHING compares to the elegant grandeur of the J’s.

  2. To put another perspective on this, imagine filming inside the homes of these mega millionires as they go about their lives with 20 or 30 or 40 staff running around serving their every whim.

  3. looks rediculus. They have like 40 ppl onboard, the boat is flat on deck, it is leaning 45 degrees and they have no fence or elevated edge. no lifejackets, they must have following rescue boat right next to it all day.

  4. I’ve always wondered how one find their way into the sailing subculture. What parts of the country do these folks tended to come from. New England? Old money families?

  5. The most beautiful and elegant yachts to be designed and built ever. just sailing on one of these incredible monsters would be an amazing life experience.😮

  6. für mich sind die Jclass yachten das schönste was an segelschiffen auf dem wasser schwimmt. bzw auch die, die dem stil nach empfundenen kleineren schiffe. was da heute mit foils und getöns übers wasser schiesst. ebenso 100 fuss yachten die alleine gesegelt werden..gut macht man eben, aber J class verkörpert für mich den segelsport. schönheit elegnaz leistungsfähigkeit wird da am besten dargestellt. ob die en um die welt rennen fahren könnten keine ahnung. soll machen wer will. mir genügt es die paar fähigen jclass schiffe in den entsprechendennregatten n hier auf video zu sehen…. da kann kein moderner foil und sonstwas bestücktes schiff mithalten… segeln mit helm wers braucht viel spass dabei.. schön wäre es aus meiner sicht, wenn die keine schwarzen segel fahren würden sondern weiss bzw bunt,,,

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