Navigați singur din La Rochelle, Franța, până în Insulele Madeira. Zbor spinnakerul de mai multe ori pe traseu – și experimentez partea mea de bloopers cu acea velă pretențioasă.
Ep 48 Navigare 1300 NM solo din Franța către Madeira

28 thoughts on “Ep 48 Navigare 1300 NM solo din Franța către Madeira”
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Sorry for the delay response Patrick beautiful video nice to see you and your beautiful sailboat cheers.
in my area of 18,000 people, coronavirus has been involved in the deaths of four people in six months. the highway near me has killed 4 in the past 26 days.
great vid Patrick, excellent work with the spinnaker.
I've noticed around the 3 minute mark, when you was fixing the sail, you was not safety tied to a rope. Is that not extremely dangerous incase of accidental overboard?
Beautiful video ,many thanks
Dear Patrick, I've been following your channel and gotta admit that are an incredible source of inspiration. Keep posting and keep safe! Also wondering which part of Cristian Williams' Rarotonga did you enjoy most… I'm on chapter four and feels like watching paint dry.
From afar, it has a resemblance to the island of Tristan da Cunha. It also used to be Portuguese until the English took it away, thankfully they left the name almost the same. Explorer Dom Thistaõ da Cunha gave it the name and the English changed it to Tristan. Anyway, I am a descendent of him. I really enjoy your channel, keep it up…!
Patrick, have you considered getting a top-down furler for your asymmetric? I sail single-handed and have a Karver furler for my Gennaker, which has transformed my use of the big sail. I can easily deploy and furl it back in alone from the cockpit, which means I use it much more frequently.
I very much enjoy your videos. I am surprised however that you are not tethered when going forward on the boat. I would not do this, but as I am sure you have heard while living in France, a chacun son gout [apologies for lack of appropriate accents]
I never experience living on ocean before and always want but am afraid
Poetry, great focus on rationales, audience aware communication and allowing all to travel with you. Thank you.
Hi Patrick
I have only just started watching your videos and they are very good.I sail solo on a 36 footer during the summer months and come as far as La Rochale.
I used to use a sock with my asymmetric on a bow sprit the same as yours but now use an endless furler brought back to the cockpit which I find a whole lot easier.
I'm new to your films and thoroughly enjoy and appreciate them. It's the first time I've felt (rightly or wrongly!!) as a coastal sailor that I would like to sail long distance with that man.
Thank you, and I look forward to your other films.

The ‘half way’ discussion reminds me of a joke about a teenage couple alone in a room on a sofa. If she moves half way to him, then he moves half way to her and it repeats infinitely, in theory they never reach each other but in reality they quickly become close enough for all practical purposes.
Radio cd be an interest to dodge boredom. SSB voice connection on HF, Dx broadcasts, satellite amateur radio?
Nice video, how long did the passage take as I'm planning on going to the Azores next may from the isle off white?
It's about the fact that physical space is discrete, and has nothing to do with math
I've watched a lot of people doing these videos; you seem like an intelligent sailor and I enjoyed watching
Patrick-I have been binge watching your episodes since October and have thoroughly enjoyed every single one. Your adventures have been a wonderful source of entertainment, education and comfort during the pandemic. Sailing is one of my great passions and I can't wait to get back out on the water. In the meantime I will live vicariously through you and have a glass of Chateauneuf du Pape in your and Isabelle's honor. May you have fair winds and following seas. Thank you. Eric
Can’t thank you enough Patrick. One day I’m sure I will employ a spinnaker. Great insight to how it can get tangled! Very difficult to sort while in transit. Having just watched your 2017 Atlantic trip to the Azores…you are much more rested on this voyage.
I have a new activity to pass the time, looking for Patrick Laine song quotes! Turn, turn, turn and Go Your Own Way were easy, but you almost sneaked by me with 25 or 6 to 4. You can bet I'll be listening closely from here on out.
When you said the wind speed , in apparent. Isnt that the 2ind you have by flying the sail, ?
Apparant wind changes when the true wind doesn't?
Dear Patrick, I thought your the stand on vessel outside the TSS, inside you have to give way, don't want to be negative. I'm a big fan!
Why did buy a new boat. You were so successful and perfect in Isobel.
At 13:14, Shows a globe earth, but inside, showing maps for real actual usage, all maps are flat. This world is a terrarium, a built, and stationary growthhouse, not planet freely in a space!
You are such a legend, sir, really you are. What a great channel. Every video is a gem.
this man is brilliant. i love watching his vids
Hi Patrick,
anyway, fantastic to see you, please continue and keep the Brit humour! You are my new hero. Cheers. C
Just discovered your channel, so delighted! Man, you are inspiring me ,I can't wait to be retired and have more time to sail solo long distance…but I'm afraid the next president won't allow me anytime soon. OK, I'll start shorter trips