Înainte de a intra în descrierea videoclipului de astăzi, vreau doar să vă spun cât de recunoscători suntem pentru experiența cu David din iarna și primăvara trecută. Nu mulți frați adulți beneficiază de acest tip de timp împreună și, prin urmare, suntem recunoscători că drumurile noastre s-ar putea întâlni pentru această experiență. Îi dorim toate cele bune și îl iubim cu drag. Sperăm că sunteți încântați, deoarece suntem încântați să împărtășim acest proces de învățare, pe măsură ce trecem de la cunoștințele zero despre navigație la suficient de mult pentru a ne duce cu succes în oceanul deschis. Va fi o curbă uriașă de învățare, dar suntem cu adevărat încântați să facem asta împreună și să o împărtășim cu voi. Navigarea este o formă de artă și, deși probabil ne va dura un deceniu pentru a deveni maeștri, așteptăm cu nerăbdare ziua în care vom putea să coborâm și să ne întoarcem pe acostare fără stres hahah. Mulțumesc pentru toate cuvintele tale. de încurajare și sprijin pe parcurs! Penelope este cu adevărat casa noastră de vis și suntem atât de fericiți că trăim viața pe apă. Îmbrățișări mari, Dana #boatlife #sailingaroundtheworld #liveaboard …………………………………. …………… Vrei să ne sprijini? Cumpărați eBook-ul nostru Live în mod creativ de la https://www.wildweroam.com/store sau alăturați-vă Patreon-ului nostru: https://www.patreon.com/wildweroam …………….. ……………………………….. MUZICA Toată muzica noastră o găsim pe Epidemic Sound, poți de asemenea, cu această încercare gratuită de 30 de zile: http://share.epidemicsound.com/pl2WQ …………………………. ……………………. Ce echipament pentru cameră folosim? Pentru lista noastră completă de echipamente și recenzii, accesați https://www.wildweroam.com/gear ………………………… …………………….. Păstrați legătura: pe http://instagram.com/wildweroam
Prima noastră navigație singură – cu experiență ZERO!
21 thoughts on “Prima noastră navigație singură – cu experiență ZERO!”
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I wonder how many people shouted “clockwise!” Like me, But loved it! Looking forward to watching more of your adventures 😊
a sailor with a RABBIT tatoo ???.. i hope you're not superstitious 😉
If he keeps getting kissed for making a mistake he’s never going to do anything right! Great video. Fun and inspiring watching people learn new things.
Your videos are cool but I am glad you mentioned about your brother dropping out because of the amount of editing. People don't realise how much work it is to edit these videos. It is not all fun and games. Happy sailing
Very interesting video and you both have nerves of steel taking the boat out without any experience.
Cool guys
Damn you went through all the trouble to find a boat that had two cabins for that to happen…
Ginger man is right in that you wrapped the line anticlockwise but he should have picked up on that when he took over to winch in the jib.. Worse still is the defending himself and blaming which accomplishes nothing other than to bolster his hurt male pride! Keep a close eye on that going forward otherwise it might become uncontrollable, {from small acorns mighty oaks grow}.
Also ginger never wrap a rope, sheet or halyard around your wrist like that, its a really dumb thing to do and in extreme cases could cause you real harm' wear sailing gloves FFS..
Anyway all this is a year ago now so hopefully you've both survived and are enjoying sailing. You'll never stop learning, it takes a lifetime though! Best wishes 💖
get rid of all that cardboard in the "shameful room" before it turns into the "roach room". wish you guys the best of luck on your sailing journey.
Super fckn cool you guys didn't edit out the the goofs ! Be goofs !
This is my first vid of you guys so im a yr behind. Slow down. No rush. Wear gloves. A REAL rope burn and you will smell cooking flesh. (Thats not a joke). They heal very slow too. Lookin forward to catching up. Stay with it !
Your authenticity is adorable guys ! It's endearing. Gosh I hope you don't quit.
It's really good to see "REAL" people on the sailing videos. I can appreciate ur honesty and rawness since I too just bought my first sailboat in July this year and have been renovating it since. Stay honest and "HUMBLE" not fake and commercialized as many turn. I stop watching others as soon as they become more about sponsors than real life sailing.
I have yet to take my boat out for the first time. I can't wait til I Finnish the work so I can experience what u just have! CONGRATS!
wow.. so much going on – be careful with rope burns, keep in mind ropes are how all that energy is transfered to pull your entire boat through the water. you can not hold that with your hand if there is a quick change.
was just watching almost the same in 360vr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlPC0M3OOLU but I think your video showed it better. LOL
you guys are cute
I love this girl’s attitude, been with my wife for 29 And I envy how understanding she is!
Can you imagine a meet up with all 300,000 subscribers 😭 “gonna need a bigger boat”
I've watched so many edited sailing videos and some are great, and what made me press sub with you guys was to see how you both got through those awkward moments and was honest, that what is rare the authenticity. Through thick and thin afterall, no sunshine no rain.
Thank you guys for all the courage that you let us see thru this video l love sailing
That is awesome.The adventure of learning hands on is the best.