Navigație cu aluat sărat

Navigație cu aluat sărat

În primul rând VA ROG ABONAȚI-VĂ!!!! 80% din telespectatorii noștri nu sunt abonați!!! Luați în considerare să vă abonați și să împărtășiți videoclipul nostru 🙂 Oh, colegii YouTuberi 🙂 Dacă am primul meu prieten înapoi la bord, înseamnă că îl putem împinge mai tare pe vechiul Gaffer, ea zboară aici…. 9,1 noduri!!!! Este atât de frumos să ai pe cineva care îl cunoaște pe Narhval la fel de bine ca și căpitanul, încât mă pot relaxa știind că e pe mâini sigure. Sper sa va placa navigatia, doar magie!!! 🙂 Simon și Eryn Dacă te simți inspirat și vrei să ne vezi navigând cu această barcă înapoi la Copenhaga, atunci gândește-te să ne arunci câțiva dolari!!!! Music – Massive Attack Tear Drop (copertă) Priviți acești tipi pentru niște haine cool!!!


33 thoughts on “Navigație cu aluat sărat

  1. Many are asking about the father of the newest crew member. Most of us DON'T CARE. We don't even care about the First Mates naughty bits almost showing. We only care about the crew being back together + !. Love the new episode! Thank you….

  2. Guys! Subscribe to their channel so they can live off the money from YouTube ads! It seems to me that this is the only family who gave themselves to this planet.

  3. Found you guys recently. There is something beautiful and distinct about what you two have going on. Don't know what it is, but it is memorizing, and I have watched all your videos in just a short time. Isn't that strange? God bless you two and I hope that you both know how special you are. Love and encouragement from an old guy here in landlocked Arizona.

  4. Just an idea……..I would buy a tee shirt with a logo like the image that starts each of your videos. Yeah…… light blue tee with "The Geordie, The Witch, and the Wench"……done. just sayin.

  5. Your adventures and Mise-en-scène, showing your stories have been awesome. From the first video I watched when searching the net for gaff rigged boats some years ago. At that time, before you had your youtube channel, a reporter was interviewing the two of you living and renovating your boat in Canada. Hope you continue to both tell your saga's. Fantastic adventures.

  6. Great sailing filming…some of the best I've seen…regards from another gaffer. Quick questions: what are the length and beam of your boat? Cheers

  7. I love the music most of all I love the schooner how big is your schooner it is really awesome song for thought I'm your captain closer to home Grand Funk Railroad most awesome selling song I've heard

  8. I lived on my boat Fidelio in Pioneer Bay and used to hate the northerlies. Sadly she became a victim of cyclone Debbie in 2017.

  9. By far the best videos of any of the sailing channels. Cinematography, musical choices and subject matter are all superb. I love how y'all love life and how you share that through your films. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of life as it should be.

  10. Is it just the effect of the low camera angle or is Narhval really flying along in excess of hull speed, 7- 8 knots? Would love to hear some commentary on her sailing qualities.

  11. This is the best sailing channel content out there….whatever the combination is you have found it! I’m not even a sailor but a stinkpot boater….Love it …. I get lost in your videos and never get enough

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