Marinarii care trăiesc în largul mării pe o insulă îndepărtată | S04E43

Marinarii care trăiesc în largul mării pe o insulă îndepărtată |  S04E43

Am decis să navigăm în jurul lumii în urmă cu 6 ani, după ce am auzit și am citit povești de marinari clișee despre navigarea către insule îndepărtate, mâncând cel mai proaspăt sushi în timpul călătoriei, trăind din ceea ce prindem și construind focuri epice pe plaje pustii împreună cu alți călători ai lumii. Abia săptămâna trecută, toate aceste lucruri ni s-au întâmplat de fapt pe parcursul a 2 zile, care vor trece în cartea noastră drept două dintre cele mai bune zile din viața noastră de croazieră! Locație de ancorare: Costum de baie Desiree: Atticus este un Allied Seawind Ketch de 30 de picioare construit de Thomas Gillmer în 1963. Am cumpărat-o pe Atticus cu 5000 de dolari și am îmbunătățit-o încet și am trăit la bord cu normă întreagă în ultimii 6 ani. Mai multe informații aici: sau urmăriți de la început aici:

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Sunete epidemic


30 thoughts on “Marinarii care trăiesc în largul mării pe o insulă îndepărtată | S04E43

  1. Luv your videos…real content helps us thru these crazy times….I have one question though….why do you call your wife "Buddy " ? Keep the vids coming

  2. Pass de dutchie on de right hand side 16.05 looks like a great session round the fire, oh to be young again, nice work, 👍👍😊⛵

  3. My favorite thing about boating up to the San Juan Islands was finding those little ones with no one on them and just finding those spots you feel no one has ever been. I’m such an introvert and happy being alone too. Nothing like standing on the top of a boat or land where your the only one and you can see all around you smelling that ocean air. And getting rocked to sleep. I miss it. Hopefully someday I’ll see you both on the water. Once we get our own instead of my grandpas. Then we will have to come say hi. Big dreams here. Stay safe.

  4. Don’t eat that fish you caught ever because they aren’t good to eat. They are in the Tuna family but they are not tuna! Lol they are called Bonito. And don’t eat them raw or in general ever

  5. Hi Guys, I just discovered your adventure ( and videos ) I watched one, then i came to this one, and after the opening fish scene with the catch, and blood and then eating it raw minutes later, i had to say some things to you.. : / Firstly, i think what you two are doing is great! its a wonderful adventure and you are REALLY LIVING! that is how it is supposed to be. And i think you two are very lucky to have found each other as well. You seem like soulmates for each other. Again, that is how relationships between a man and a woman should be! BUT…. It bothers me when i see and hear people living like you, in the seas, talking about becoming one with nature and appreciating everything and respecting all the animals, and then you go and hunt fish!!! : / that doesnt make any sense. If you REALLY appreciated the world, and respected the animals? You would know hunting, killing and eating them, is not right! Also, im a health, fitness, and nutrition instructor/educator, and im telling you that " sea food" including all fish is NOT HEALTHY FOR US! Yes, it has some important nutrients, but all living things have important nutrients in it! Having nutrients in something that is alive and functional, is necessary to sustain life! But there are other things that are unhealthy, and deadly, for us, that animals, and sea foods/ fish have with them. The first is saturated fat. ( please do some research on saturated fats, what it does to our bodies and what will eventually happen as a result of it blocking our arteries! ) This true of all animal foods/products and dairy as well! and nuts , avocado, and coconut too! All nutritious, but all containing alot of saturated fats! the body cant get rid of saturated fats, its the only fat that causes so many serious health problems and kills people everyday too! So its serious! The second reason sea foods and fish as well are not healthy for us, and potentially deadly? is because of various bacteria, toxins and disease alot of seafood and fish have! How do they get these things in their systems? well the ocean is the worlds garbage dump! all the human waste and urine goes to the ocean, All chemicals from all the chemical plants and manufacturers around the world dump their toxic and poisonous garbage in the oceans too! as well as all of the oil and gasoline tankers that get punctures and dump thousands of gallons of oil and petroleum In the ocean! The fish and everything else living in the oceans, all eat from the oceans! the shell fish eat from the bottoms and the bigger fish eat the smaller fish. So your taking a very serious risk when you eat anything from the ocean. You can google all the misunderstood health conditions that come from people who have eaten bad fish! The medical world is well aware of this, but wont talk against it, just like with the meat and dairy industries, because its all huge buissness for everyone all over the world! UNTIL PEOPLE GET SICK OR DIE OR BECOME PARALYZED FROM SOME OCEAN BORN TOXIN OR POISON THAT THE DOCTORS DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT EXACTLY IT IS, OR HOW TO TREAT IT! : / JUST LOOK IT UP! DO SOME RESEARCH FOR YOURSELVES! Also canned food is useless and dangerous! firstly, the food in cans is dead food! there is no nutritional benefit in vegetables that have been pre cooked, pasturized, or soaking in alot of salt water and some preservatives for months and years at a time!!! AND! ITS SOAKING IN ALUMINUM! A METAL! METALS ARE CREATED THROUGH CHEMISTRY! Cans cause all kinds of illness too. The dead food soaking in the cans gets infected with aluminum, and when you eat that food? you are also ingesting aluminum!! which will go into your blood stream and your liver and hurt you at some time in your lives! BUY FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AND WHEN YOU CANT OR YOU NEED TO HAVE ENOUGH FOOD STORED FOR LONG TRAVEL TIMES AT SEA? Then get frozen fruits and vegetables. Atleast they retain SOME nutrient benefit, and are closer to fresh! Also you can store, rice, semolina pasta, jars of tomato sauce, lentils and other beans, ( but lentils are the highest protein in all the bean family ) and fresh potatoes. Ok, well, thats what i wanted to say.. Be careful, be safe, and enjoy your lives together! God Bless you both! and merry christmas and a happy new year!

  6. I see almost all of your videos have some awesome drone footage, but I never hear you discuss the drone or what type you have. Could you not use it to help navigate the depths of the water and see reefs when you are sailing around anchorages? Keep making videos, we are now just a month or two behind. The new DJI Mini 2 drone is incredible…

  7. …and thus…I am a "Captain". I'm so responsible. hahaha… Yup, that's a kingfish…aka king mackerel. Des, that's an odd-looking mask you were diving with. Who makes it? 'Pyro' may not have any hair left on his arm, eyebrows, eyelashes, hand…. haha.

  8. I've been watching similar broadcasts of ships like you. Nothing compares to you, the love you both feel for the sea, skills, love eachother etc. No showoff …You are the best! congrats! Tony from Barcelona.

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