AC75 este ceva special cu capacitatea de a naviga cu viteza de trei până la patru ori mai mare decât vântul. ABONAȚI-VĂ la canalul oficial al Cupei Americii: Apreciați Cupa Americii pe Facebook: Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Twitter: Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Instagram: www.instagram .com/americascup Fiți la curent cu buletinul informativ al Cupei Americii: Cea de-a 36-a Cupă Americii prezentată de Prada va fi disputată de câștigătorul Cupei Americii 2017, Escadrila Regală de Yacht din Noua Zeelandă reprezentată de echipa lor, Emirates Team New Zealand, și câștigătoarea Cupei Prada, seria de selecție a provocatorilor care are loc în ianuarie-februarie 2021. #AmericasCup #AC36 #Auckland2021
Navigați cu viteza triplă a vântului

33 thoughts on “Navigați cu viteza triplă a vântului”
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What is this post production? Music sound twice as loud as the interview voices. Sorry guys but every 10k subs youtube channel does better
Captain Cook's offspring…haha love it
01:10 see that 🙂 they are using ubuntu good for them for using a quality os
My 7 year old could make a more informative video🙄
someday, even cruising boats may have this tech. i can already picture 100foot ships with giant versions of this in some day in the world of tomorrow, this has to be the coolest water based mode of transport invented in the modern era-nay ever! even the thought of fully automated 20-30foot sailboats like this bringing the families and adventurers of tomorrow around the world. what a sight to see this being born!
Great video, but disappointing sound design. Some of the voice levels from the sailors where barely audible over the background music.
I'll take the old style boats any day
This isn’t sailing. It’s something, and you may like it, but it’s not sailing…
Yes, they are gloriously fast. but they lack the feel of the original "Yacht" racing spirit. These are over teched, overpriced hot rods of the seas, not racing yachts. I would love to see proper match racing were in identical boats of identical designs and weights go head-to-head. The whole point of the cup was to see who the best yachtsman is, not how much can you spend.
I love it but the editing is terrible. The music covers the voice, too many cuts: we want to see the boat sailing. Not just half a second of bits and pieces. The editing really doesn’t do justice to this marvel.
Luna Rosa Cup and Prada Cup? I like sailing, but, I would be lucky to get into the Aqua Velva cup.
Wow that was informative and exciting! I learned how to say exciting with 14 different accents. …….
It would be ok if you could tell what they are saying. They're talking through their back passage.
Boring to wach them race.
Time for a new series. World Cup?
Right triple Trump speed we never exaggerate. I think twice wind speed is the impossible limit. This is when the apparent wind comes from the bow at 90 degrees off wind. In 30 knots the limit is 60 and at 40 knots the limit is 80 knots. Sailing at 90 degrees off wind the apparent wind comes directly over the bow at twice wind speed. Is this true??
Wider is faster. There to one force vector ratio. What if you sailed twice as wide as tall with your head sails accurately keeled and the mainsail accurately keeled. The hydro foils carry the keeling ahead of the sail effort on the surfaces wings with daggers. Double wide.
I know stupid people when I hear or see them, these people got really low intelligence, just saying. Listen to them speak
"One must admire the speed. These boats are very: fast, quiet and unique. Nature's wind power is truly extraordinary." 👍
Anyone wondering how: it's basically a hydrofoil craft, which a known to lower drag to the point they're lightning fast.
umm…..dump the crappy music.
Came for a physics lessons. Left with talk of rooster tails for speed indication
All I can say is, when we watched these in Bermuda, it was sad. These are so boring now. I liked the older style boats MUCH better.
quite boring imo
It’s exciting?
How can you go "Full Throttle" when you dont have a motor?? Rhetorical… Meat head! Rough water and those fins lapse the water and it's bye bye for Billy! 🤡 Cool design though for calm seas, bays, and large lakes. Speed about on some relatively calm waterways.
It should be a legal requirement that every video like this has at least one tripod shot of the vehicle moving SO WE CAN ACTUALLY SEE HOW FAST IT IS. Please leave your drones and dubstep at home
What if zero wind?
Still hard for me to imagine a sailboat goes faster at an angle into the wind than going downwind.
I think it's similar to pinching a watermelon seed 'til it shoots out of your hand.
For anyone else interested here's a video:
oil money produces incredible boats
This is incredible !!!
Yeeahh, right, and when your forward speed is now faster than the wind speed, you've made a new force on the forward side of your sail. You have equal forces on both sides of your sail, and you slow down, not speed up. Impossible.
This should not qualify as sailing. They are out of the water.