Îți va cădea chila? Bavaria – Episodul 119 – Lady K Sailing

Îți va cădea chila?  Bavaria - Episodul 119 - Lady K Sailing

Susține Lady K – http://www.patreon.com/ladyksailing Sau http://www.ladyksailing.com/team-k Explorăm iahturile Bavaria și defecțiunile chilei pe barca cu pânze Foto Credit: https://cdn.britannica.com /26/188426-050-2AF26954/Germania-Polonia-1-septembrie-1939.jpg https://yotlot.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Alberg-37-Featured.jpg https://upload .wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Cabo_San_Lucas_Race_Start_2013_photo_D_Ramey_Logan.jpg https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rjQdSSHGyMA/VkaD14DJMUI/AAAAAAAACeY/i4620102016010101 20521.jpg https://botels.me/ data/objects/530/60645307.jpg https://botels.me/data/objects/530/5f1c9a6a.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Bp9Ci9EOYog/maxresdefault.jpg https://www.iims .org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/bavaria.jpg https://horizon-yacht-sales.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/csm_bavariayachts-c50-exterieur-highlights-image- 11_91df47b978-1024×768.jpg https://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/jpg/201712/2018-bavaria-nautitech-21.jpg https://miro.medium.com/max/3840/1*OCLTZh305115dQKLckVo https://miro.medium.com/max/3840/1*OCLTZh305115dQKLckVo ://www.victronenergy.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2019/06/Taku-Moe_104176378.jpg https://cdn.openbms-images.com/images/20/103711/height= 1000/quality=92/width=2000/Bavaria_390_Caribic_cockpit4.jpg https://img.yachtall.com/image-sale-boat/bavaria-390-caribic-huge-35864157f3e7abdb.jpg https://www.courant.com/ resizer/FDw5UgWcRKTHeCo91X7W1LuysW0=/1200×0/top/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/LCW2MTDDXNH73AEPJ5ZC3INX5M.jpg https://i.y.yfk7kOp.jpg https://i.y.yfk7OfYmg.jpg /keyassets.timeincuk.net/inspirewp/live/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2019/12/how-to-stay-afloat-Catalina-41-Coolabah-sinks-pacific-credit-john-jennings.jpg https://www.sailmagazine.com/.image/t_share/MTQ4OTg4MDc5NzMzMDI0NDM1/bavaria.jpg https://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/jpg/201711/2017-bavaria-cruiser-16.jpg https://northsailing .gr/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/bavaria-match-35-main.jpg https://ucarecdn.com/11fff556-5f86-461c-a08b-9c3eef621996/-/crop/1024×352/0/0, previzualizare/-/resize/1920x/ https://tschi-578b.kxcdn.com/imgsWeb/mod/1566/bavaria_c45_4_cab.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c6/4c/e0/c64ce0b85f9da9e4770af.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cc/24/08/cc240819ae1977e7c175029bb6f7658b.jpg https://www.kiriacoulis.com/sales/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/csm_bavaria-landingpages-c65- -keyfacts_84a9719f91.jpg https://img.over-blog-kiwi.com/2/08/64/70/20200826/ob_652816_bavaria-c38-3.JPG https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y7bqlSdh6Zg/maxresdefault .jpg https://navigator-charter.com/wp-content/uploads/Navigator-charter-primosten-bavaria-24.jpg https://www.sailingscuttlebutt.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/mortem .04.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R9nnArX1gqM/maxresdefault.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/Cheeki_Rafiki_is_examined_by_Diver.png https://i2-prod. mirror.co.uk/incoming/article3607231.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200d/Cheeki-Main.jpg https://keyassets.timeincuk.net/inspirewp/live/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2014/11/Keel -failure-list-July-14-Hooligan1.jpg https://improvesailing.com/media/pages/guides/sailboat-keel-types/3086812476-1599333085/sailing-yacht-fin-keel-under.jpg https:/ /keyassets.timeincuk.net/inspirewp/live/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2014/11/Keel-safety-insurance-Sep14.jpg https://www.bwsailing.com/cc/wp-content/ uploads/2016/02/Screen-Shot-2016-02-18-at-17.36.05.png https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/11/13/03/16/sailboat-3812244_1280.jpg https://forums.sailinganarchy.com/uploads/monthly_2018_11/2050217697_keelboltbefore.jpg.f6eb1d1f4b3c6acb3cd8364e6ab84529.jpg https://www.sailing.org/match-racing.jpg https://www.sailing.org/match-racing.jpg https://www.sailinganarchy.com ud.com/wp-content/ uploads/2014/06/1362207.jpg https://www.sailmagazine.com/.image/t_share/MTQ4OTg4MDQyMTcxNzg2Mjk1/jeanneau21_7816-gilles_martin-raget.jpg https://simplesail.com/images/1920w/images/1 /content/SSL%20Fleet/MNE-OC41.1-3C-2T-Veda/Images/oc41.1-3c-2t-veda-fine-003.jpg https://www.kiriacoulis.com/charter/wp- content/uploads/2017/04/42B.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/DGls5eIfIiePcnla-z7Tczn5jdxYyWdIMAmnuOv-TA6daYn5hHcwG6xY78_2OC3KHLLLrc9oHxyN5hHcwG6xY78_2OC3KHLLlz8oHxyNrmtnz8oHxyN5jdxYyWdIMAmnuOv xenvZAYVbwPaq9okaVYhLCeNnLH8x3S2tg https://www.tradeonlytoday.com/.image/t_share/MTU5MjMyNTg4NDYzMDIzMzE4/annapolis_photo-credit-josh -davidson.jpg https://xquisiteyachts.com/images/boat_show/US-sailboatshow2.jpg https://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/jpg/201712/2017-bavaria-cruiser-33.jpg https:// www.bavariayachtsmalta.com/fileadmin/api_images/fileadmin_media_sailing-yachts_cruiser-line_cruiser37_highlights/bavaria-sy-cruiserline-c37-slider2-c37_int_salon-2.jpg


49 thoughts on “Îți va cădea chila? Bavaria – Episodul 119 – Lady K Sailing

  1. Why are you talking about interiors so much? I learned very little about the reasons that keels fail. What about materials and corrosion, inspection and maintenance schedules and procedures, case studies, for example?

  2. I have an Islander 30 foot 1972 that appears to be a Bahama model but there is some question about this after some internet research. What can you tell me about this sailboat other than the general information available on the internet?

  3. My dad grounded in a bavaria 38 cruiser
    With 5-6 knots in norway in what was most likley was a solid rock, the crew got heard quite badly but the boat didnt take water in, however the keel and hull did have significant damages that neede to be fixed.

  4. Interesting video. However, you are totally wrong in your comments regarding marine insurance. As an Maritime Attorney for over 40 years and having represented both carriers and yacht owners I can speak with a certain amount of credibility. The principle thing insurance companies insure against is your own negligence. If you are sailing along and run aground, unless you do it intentionally you are covered and the carrier must pay. Now that assumes you have a hull policy as well as third party coverage. The latter only covers your negligence which damages other vessels, or structures. Naturally carriers will often attempt to limit the payment by getting low ball repair estimates. That is why it is proper for the owner to 1) have his/her own surveyor, and get their own estimates or 2) use the company's survey report to obtain independent bids of repair. The survey report is simply an "as-is" condition report. It is not, nor it should be, an estimate of repair costs. if you get such a report after filing a claim, reject it and demand another survey. It is improper for a surveyor to offer an opinion of the cost of repair. That's is the job of the boat yard or parties who are going to do the work. But remember this: you are insuring against your own negligence and stupidity . That's what your dollars are buying. if a company says "Well, it was your fault." You say, "Then pay."

  5. Bavaria is pronounced Baveria not Bavvarya. As in the area of South East Germany. Why flip the name? I don't know what you'll do with Jeanneau (pronounced Janno).

  6. There's a famous, well documented case of an early 2000s Bavaria Mach 35 losing its keel after a minor grounding at low speed near a harbor entrance. The following days while racing in the early morning hours on Croatian waters the keel parted with the boat resulting in a violent capsize and unfortunately a Hungarian crew member was lost. Bavaria did not live up to expectations and flatly refused to admit problems with craftmanship or pay out to the family after arduous years of litigation. The court sided with Bavaria of course. Left a really bad taste in the Hungarian sailing communities mouths. After the incident Bavaria quietly reinforced the Mach 35's keel matrix, although this is not well documented, so may just be rumours.

  7. Hi I’m new to sailing when you’re under my belt my wife and I are thinking about buying her own boat I’m Nonsuch just curious if anyone’s got good or bad we’re planning on selling from Washington state up the coast to Mexico into the Bahamas just wondering what you think I can’t seem to find very much information on that boat

  8. Those companies that buy out companies like Bavaria are buying them out. to strip their profit then sell the company or bankrupt them. This is common practice in today's world the same thing happens to companies like Toys R Us. If you really look into the companies that were striped By greedy companies that do all of this using the money of retired people that don't know any better. That is the short of it. It is much more illegal and criminal and technical than I lade out here. but you get the point.

  9. Bottom line. Your keel can't fall off if it is part of the hull. There is no argument you can make for a bolt on keel that can top that fact.

  10. So if insurance doesn't cover damage that may have been caused by a grounding, then those hitting something in their car are not covered, who would want insurance? I know, the government, the bastards get a kick back from compulsory insurance.

  11. Ive run aground on my Sunfish quite a number of times. A few times a full "hull speed" as you say. A little bubblegum and duct tape – and boom, im sailing again baby. … same day too. -lol.

  12. I have always gone for molded in (preferably ) lead keels. With 5 serious cruising boats in my life, I have never had a keel problem of any kind. I have worked for large charter clubs that have had a fair amount of keel and keel bolt issues. In a 60 boat fleet we have never had a keel snap off but we do keep seriously up on the maintenance and care of this area. You have to. Also , an “old “ boat in our fleet would be maybe 7 yrs old. So all pretty new. Bolt ons certainly have much more potential for trouble. And require a good bit more maintenance. Sometimes rather costly too.

  13. I really like your channel and the content, nice work!!! We are new to sailing and we are loving it. You have really helped us out along the way in so many ways. Thanks for sharing!!!

  14. It is important to note that Bavaria's from different periods are completely different, designed by different designers. I have owned 3 Bavarias built in the 2003/2006 period. One B44 and two B 39 Cruisers (not at the same time). The problem is not Bavaria, but the bolt on keel construction used by most production boat builders. I still have a lot of confidence in this design as long as you do not run aground and check them regularly. If you do run aground you need to get the keel lifted and have the keel, bolts, hull and matrix checked professionally to make sure it is still OK. reparing can be done too, as long as it is done by a professional. Be prepared to pay!

  15. People do care that it is Bain Capital. They are known for loading up their acquisitions with debt, forcing them to cut corners, splitting them up, having a reputation for treating their employees atrociously, and more.

  16. "I being a very cautious navigator have never run aground, but there has been multiple times when there has not been enough water to go where I am headed."

  17. Bavaria did this kind of dance on a razorblade several times.
    And look, this `fresh stuff` I found yesterday on YT:
    It`s in german – but the pictures and the faces of the owners, who drove into a lock on Weser-River where there happened an unexpected collision with a concrete barrier under water.
    It`s not a time for racing, when you steer you boat into a lock… but mind the damages in the keel-structure.
    Meanwhile Hallberg Rassy & Co construct their boats into the same direction: Unstabelized rudders and keels `like on a Volvo-Oceanracer`…
    Good to see, that the US-shipbuilders take a more conservative walk concerning security in case of small collisions… like building passive safety-technology like in cars (a BMW e.g. can crash with a speed of 6 kilometers against another car, without causing damage).
    I like your philosophy and admire your experiance, your feeling and love to boats… Thank you Sir !

  18. I feel like your statement at 12:00min contradicts everything else you said… “new production boats arnt meant to run aground at hull speed”… and everyone runs aground at some point…. Sooooo you would be taking added risk to sail great distances with a bolt on keel… production boats take the risk and will argue.. not our boats fault, owner abused the boat…. Instead of… this boat was built for abuse.. good luck ripping the keel off this bad boy… unfortunately, all modern non bolt in keel boats will cost you an arm and a leg.., aka.. a kraken 50… so we all take an extra risk for the sake of money (which none of us has enough for a kraken 50)… not saying kraken is best boat in world, just the only one I can think of that doesn’t make production boats with bolt on keels… if money is no object, then I would argue… eliminating the possibility of your keel coming off (be it your fault or manufacture) is a good thing… build a boat that’s 100% about safety, then make it sexy… not the other way around…

  19. I would love to see my boat lol probably wouldn't find much on a 70s bayliner buccaneer. Love watching your channel though. It's nice to have a Canadian sailing channel. If you're ever in New Brunswick hit me up for a free tattoo

  20. Unless a boat has an integrated keel, (No bolt ons, ) has a protected rudder, either by full keel or by a skeg, and is robustly built, It is not a blue water boat suitable for passage making. It should also have a keel mounted mast, heavy duty rig, and oversize furlers and winches, either manual or dual electric manual. In other words it should be tough and resilient. (The current criteria of force 8 and 4 metre waves is nothing close to being resilient).

  21. Hi Tim, worth visiting this subject again- Leverage, imho, much more important than most people think is Deep Draft Bolt on Keels on Cruising Boats. My biggest issue with Bavaria, because there is so much to like otherwise, is Shoal Draft in the entire size range I'm interested in, is nowhere near Shallow enough for the places I want to go- ideally 1.5 mtrs, or 4ft 11 inches. or cut the number of places available to go to, to a level I can live with less happily, a Draft of 1.6 mtrs, 5ft 3 inches. I've seen boats grounded heavily with such shallow Drafts, and the damage has been light enough for people to only spot it on their next boat haulout, and not too bad a job to sort out, and I think it comes down to that lack of leverage. that you get with deep Fin Keels. So for a Cruiser, less strain on the Keel Mounting, and another related benefit, Hugely reduced Keel Bolt Stretching, with stretched Bolts, needing retorquing, which encourages more stretching, with external leverage stretching, needing more torquing, and you are in a Bolt strength destroying Cycle, and needing replacement Keel Bolts. Bavaria, simply don't make a Sailboat with a shallow enough bolt on Keel for me to even being considered by me tobuy one. Dealer is even worse, their 46 which I like below deck ? ShoalDraft is 7ft 1 inches ! Are they Nuts ? I can't even run into small sheltered Bays locally to hide from Storms at low Tide with a Draft like That ! Yes there are parts of the World a boat owner can get away with a Draft like that, but the places to go are dramatically reduced, and tbh, I'm not interested in anchoring as much as a mile offshore to have water deep enough to Anchor, and all those safe really well sheltered Bays to hide out in? They are ruled right out aren't they. A Bavaria C45 was pretty close to the top of the list of the boats I was considering, for a lot of good reasons, but that 5ft 8/9 inch Draft is way too far over my red line sad to say. It's not just Bavaria though, other builders are building not shallow enough Draft too. I Like Dufour too, and they miss the mark with Shoal Draft Depth as well. Still, some less recent boats may be available with 1.6mtr Draft, so something will turn up, as new builds do seem to have ruled themselves out. Best Wishes and Fair Winds. Bob. 👍⛵️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️

  22. Ive been sailing for 15 years and I have never unintentionally run aground. However, I have never been ocean sailing and all the lakes I've been on have been well charted and i have always known my approximate depth. The times I have intentionally run aground are mostly on a 13ft Styrofoam boat that is easier to beach then to anchor, and on a 23ft precision. That time I sailed into shallow water and let down the center board so it would dig into the mud. The reason was because the top halyard pulley broke, and we thought it would be easier to hoist someone up the mast in a harness then drop the mast. We wanted to reduce as much rocking as possible since a 23ft boat isn't really heavy enough to have a person swinging around the top of the mast

  23. Bavaria boats are "Australianised " when brought here. The keels are just bolted on with washers. Here they are fixed by glassing in a half inch stainless plate with decent bolts attached.

  24. I regards to the 4 crew members that lost their lives, my condolences to the families. Why wouldn’t they have been saved by life jackets if they were wearing them?

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