De ce am trecut de la catamaran la monococă | Cat vs Mono | Sailing Kittiwake

De ce am trecut de la catamaran la monococă |  Cat vs Mono |  Sailing Kittiwake

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24 thoughts on “De ce am trecut de la catamaran la monococă | Cat vs Mono | Sailing Kittiwake

  1. Monohull fan here, I just love sailing to windward waaaaay to much.!!But Robertson and Caine Leppard 48ft cat did not hardly move in the anchorage, had hardly any hobby horsing

  2. There is NOTHING like having experience to become fully informed AND more importantly what you cannot put up with.
    This is my first article on your channel and I just about freaked seeing that cat you had.
    One of the big reasons why people go to cats is the accommodation area. Here there was NO UNDERCOVER external protection from wind, sea spray, rain nor sun.
    This protection is very important.
    I see you have a dodger frame on the new yacht.
    It’s definitely worth getting the combo version made up. To be completely enclosed is even better.
    Combo zipped canvas and clear zipped for ventilation as well.
    I could not believe an amazing yacht I saw for $35,000 in central US.
    Obviously, anything you are seriously looking to buy should be inspected with written report detailing ALL “systems”…for example engine propulsion system, safety systems, water storage and making systems, rigging etc etc.
    Personally, I would even pay to hard slip her, water blast and inspect the hull as well. This is nothing like buying a house and an unbiased experienced report is very much worth the money and can even help you sell her once the various system repairs have been done over time.
    There is a maintenance cost over time that you must consider very seriously.
    Nothing lasts forever.
    You are both very young and I know you will learn lots by saying hi to your neighbors at anchor and picking their brains about their experience with their yacht.
    There are some very well costed monohulls out there, which is great for the younger sailors.
    Personally, I would never go under 40 foot not including bowspit. I know they are a bit more. I would rather spend money on a slower heavier older full length keel ketch/yawl with cutter rig than a younger sloop with fin keel. A well built ferro cement yacht is a nice place to be….I grew up on a 42 foot ferro cement yacht here in Australia. Our later 46 foot hi tensile steel mast head sloop, fin keel was so much fast, but being steel the slapping waves and outboard motor sounds were not the best, but tolerable (had no choice)!
    Speed is not a high priority, safety with a strong yacht lowers accident risk.
    I wish you both well on your sailing journey.

  3. Nice summary,,,,personally i agree wholeheartedly about the looks of a boat. In the end the space of a modern CAT is mighty seductive but you cant beet the traditional looks of a beautiful boat from the 80s and 90s or before. I go for it every time! And if you are not in love with your boat it becomes worse than a pain!! All the best to you.

  4. Yes a 48 foot aluminum catamaran would be so nice to liveaboard. But added running cost and price point. just my situation is all. I see it much better to invest In backups to your backups. Then to put it all on the purchase of your new to you cage.

  5. I wonder if there has been any experiments with deployable stabiliser pontoons to reduce rolling characteristics of monohull while on anchorage?

  6. You really don't need to give so many disclaimers before stating your opinion, it would be better if you just left them out, people aren't babies and the points you make are completely reasonable.

  7. monohulls go through the waves while cats are somehow of 4×4 making them horrible and uncomfortable in slightly bad weather

  8. Un voilier dans l'eau, qu'il soit multi ou mono passera plus de 80% de son temps au port ou au mouillage… Les 20% restant sont en moyenne composé de 3% de navigation à la barre et 17% au pilote auto.
    Donc, si on considère que la cata est nettement plus agréable que le mono au mouillage (plus de place, pas ou peu de tangage, etc) et que le plaisir de barrer est inexistant lorsque on est au pilote, il reste effectivement 3% du temps passé à la barre durant lequel il sera souvent plus agréable de barrer le mono que le cata, souvent bien avare en sensations.
    Reste le sujet du prix : Dans la vidéo il est dit qu'à taille égale le mono est moins cher…. Mais si on compare un cata et un mono qui propose la même surface de vie, les prix se resserent… Pareils pour les ports : Il y a 10 ans, la différence de prix était un frein, mais de nos jours les ports ayant bien compris le succès du cata, les prix ont tendance à se rapprocher du mono, certains ports ayant même commencé à privilégier les cata.
    Bref, c'est surtout un question de goût… Pour ma part, vivre en biais et à la cave j'ai donné ! Manger de travers, dormir de travers, cuisiner de travers, se doucher de travers, faire ses besoins de travers, être les uns sur les autres et sans aucune intimité, j'ai donné !
    Et puis il y en a qui vont venir avec l'argument de la remontée au près serré difficile pour les cata….. Mouarf, d'une part les cata modernes sont bien meilleurs dans l'exercice, mais comme le multi va nettement plus vite dans toutes les autres conditions, l'argnument ne servira que pour les béotiens !

    A noter aussi que sur 10 marins qui sont passé du mono au cata, moins de 2 sont revenus au mono….. A bon entendeur !

    Bref, pour le grand voyage, vive le cata !

  9. la bonne réponse au titre : Ben parceque vu ton mono tu n'as pas les moyens d'avoir un bon cata…. Après on peut faire une vidéo de 15mn pour trouver d'autres arguments, mais est-ce bien la peine ?

  10. Ah, Im thinking very few Tayana 37 owners even think about cats. A boat like a Tayana is a certified "Gets you there and back" boat. I have a similar boat and love my fort on the water…

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