Aceasta a fost o săptămână de reținut!! După câteva zile de pregătire pe Sophisticated Lady, aranjarea lucrurilor mici și mari pentru a face barca potrivită pentru navigație (lucruri ale vieții de zi cu zi ca într-o casă normală de familie sedentară) și instrumentele de navigație eficiente și funcționale, am putut naviga. valurile marii!! Succes mare 🎉🎊🎉 !!!! Ca întotdeauna, sunt câteva evenimente neașteptate, eșecuri și neplăceri de înfruntat, dar emoția și bucuria, după luni și luni, de a putea avea ocazia și libertatea de a ridica ancora și de a desface pânzele este neprețuită! .. Conditiile de vant, de la 17 la 20 de noduri, si marea frumoasa !! Soarele să ne lumineze ziua. Rezultat mare: navigați doar pentru pasiunea de a naviga fără o destinație precisă !! Acesta este marele nostru spirit .. în sfârșit a reapărut după o lungă hibernare obligatorie !! Mare dorință de libertate și de a te simți viu!!! Doamna noastră s-a purtat foarte bine!! Demn de numele lui!! Chiar credem că aceste zile au început următorul sezon de explorare a unor noi mări și locuri încă necunoscute nouă !! Avem 2/3 luni de muncă și proiecte de finalizat .. câteva instrumente de cumpărat pentru a face barca noastră puternică, sigură și confortabilă pentru călătorii în Pacific .. Viitoarea noastră destinație! fantastic!!! Salud, Almirante Maddy, Capitan Rick și TIKI Ajută la sprijinirea videoclipurilor SSL la: Tuturor celor care contribuie la lista noastră de proiecte în curs pentru visul nostru Pacific, Vă mulțumesc mult! http://www.Paypal.Me/SailingTheLady Vino și alătură-te nouă în timp real la: Colecții de videoclipuri SSL pe Vimeo! SSL Lithium Systems de:

31 thoughts on “SSL511 ~ Ziua PERFECTĂ de SAILING..!!”
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Man the hair cut you look like you added 200Hundred grand
Great video Rick .
I felt as if I was on the boat with you guys!😎
Well I can wish, the weather in the uk at the mo is -3
Thanks. I needed that. Cheers.
Rick, stop exploiting asses and boobs. Come up with something more original,please.
It’s so great to see a sailing channel sail
Great sail it looks like you were really moving round the west and north side.
Do you have reserved spot to set the anchor or is it first come first serve?
Thanks for the sail…cheers.
hEY tiki< poRTnOY FUDESSTIEN THINKS YOU ARE hot AND WANTS TO "blank you silly!
Great video!!!!! We last met in BVI many moons ago. Sitting in Canada today looking at the ice fishing huts in the harbour.. (prespective) . lost boat we sailed when we met you in Irma, new one now in Croatia. Hard to keep the Kanucks down. Take care, Maddie is a keeper. from an older Newfoundlander.
Cap'n, you should, disconnect the low oil pressure alarm. that's ridiculous to listen to that everytme. Always going to be low pressure at low rpm. As long as oil level good no problem.
great teaching pieces.
On a cold 🥶snowy day in upstate NY what better to watch than Captain Rick and crew in the Caribbean 🌞
That was a hard jibe man. 😁
This is a very nice video. It helped me sleep tonight, which is a good thing. I've been dealing with a lot of pain lately. Don't worry, I saw everything. Thank you for the beautiful vlog.
cool necklace, dude
13:35 Sir mix a lot said it best.
Looked faster than 7 knots!
Just read your bio Rick…i was born pretty close to where you were, Trenton, and raised in Barrie. Cool. Love your videos. Been watching for the last yr and a half. Thanks for keeping our spirits up in this crazy time. Best wishes for all.
Nice 👍
Hi WHO is THE Brown Beautiful.womem
It’s good to see you playing instead of working. Maybe it’s the cool winter in Los Angeles, but, it looked a bit cool on your cruise. Can you ball park the air and water temps?
Thank you captain Rick for all the awesome videos and knowledge you provide, I've learned a lot. Another 3 and half years of work and then hopefully I'll see you on water
What seems like work , is free sailing lessons.'' Soon to be a captain of there own vessel.
couldn't ask for more.
Manda a legenda em português pois somos Brasil.
Capt Rick, I love these and hope you will always tag them as 4K. Living in the rural part of NC, my broadband just gags on this. If I know I can use the work around. Salute to Matty and Sebastian.
All of you had a Blast. Great video, and you got the Shaking you were looking for!
I didn't see. Did you radio the harbormaster to say you were leaving, circumnavigating and returning? I love her Ethiopian color One Love San Andreas t-shirt. I'm sorry you didn't run with a fishing line out the back to catch a nice mahi mahi or African Pompano (my favorite fish to eat).
What a view…Thanks Capt. Rick !!!
What a relaxing great video! Thank you!! 🤙😊⛵💖 why would anyone give this channel's videos a thumbs down? Maybe they are jealous? Not sure.