Bluewater și OFF GRID Steel Sailing Yacht Refit! Avem grijă de rugină și discutăm despre unele îmbunătățiri ale motorului electric de barca cu pânze – posibil motor electric (o ajunge acasă) pentru barca noastră cu pânze din oțel (MAKING IT ELECTRIC SAILBOAT) Acesta este proiectul nostru de restaurare a barca cu pânze din oțel „Dawn Hunter” ACESTA ESTE SEZONUL Nr. EPISODUL #52
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Despre viața noastră pe scurt… Bluewater Sailboat Refit pentru a naviga în jurul lumii: restaurarea STEEL MOTORSAILER KETCH în timp ce locuiți pe un trauler cu normă întreagă. Continuăm proiectul nostru de restaurare a bărcilor metalice. S-ar putea să fie o mulțime de bărci de tip passagemaker de vânzare în lume, dar cu siguranță atunci când începi să te uiți la traulerul care trăiește în general și la croazieră cu trauler, începe să se scufunde în sensul că nu există o mulțime de opțiuni acolo. Viața traulelor este foarte diferită de cea a navigației și oamenii care doresc să trăiască pe un trauler cu normă întreagă sunt, de asemenea, oameni foarte diferiți de marinari, de exemplu. Barca noastră cu trauler este iahtul cu motor Jefferson din 1984 pe care l-am deținut de mai bine de 6 ani și am fost mai mult decât mulțumiți de el. Iana, pe de altă parte, și-a dorit întotdeauna o barcă cu pânze care să ocolească lumea și de aceea am cumpărat motorsailerul nostru din oțel 1985 De Vries. Și acum frumosul nostru pasager este printre alte iahturi de pasaj de vânzare. Vă mulțumim foarte mult că ați urmărit videoclipul Passagemaker Trawler în timp ce restauram oțel Motorsailer în Boatyard și asigurați-vă că ne dați un like MARE și un comentariu rapid!
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Get-Home Sailboat MOTOR ELECTRIC pentru navigație OFF GRID? Barcă electrică MOTOR pentru remontarea barcilor cu pânze din oțel

47 thoughts on “Get-Home Sailboat MOTOR ELECTRIC pentru navigație OFF GRID? Barcă electrică MOTOR pentru remontarea barcilor cu pânze din oțel”
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Why the demonetization of your Chanel?
Both really smart, hard working and genuinely entertaining. Not too often that you get all on one channel .
Great job captain,s
If you were demonetized you may want to check out Fair Tube. It is a creators union. It has already official status in Germany. As long as it is individual content creators vs YouTube, YouTube will win. Maybe that will change if enough creators stand together. Where would YouTube be without creators?
I don't know why you don't have 200,000 subscribers
Video editing has improved tremendously. Great work!
G'day there, Cap'n.The obvious question which nobody appears to have asked is, why did you get de-monitized by Youtube?
In any event, good to see you making progress, though disappointing to hear that Iana has lost interest in editing the record of your endeavours. Perhaps the de-monitization has taken the incentive out of the labourious process.
Maybe it's a good time to lead the way and kick off lifestyle videos in Rumble or Brighteon.
Are you using a special primer to cover the bare metal? Ok, RUST LOCK, 30minutes between coats, reapply 6 x times.
I’m really wondering why you don’t use a sand or soda blaster for the rust it does a great job removing rust completely ps great show
Many many years ago when I had hair my barber had a sign on his wall that said "a boat is a hole in the middle of the water that you throw money into." That sign hung just above a picture of his 50-ft sailboat…

You will figure a way to cool and lubricate the shaft bearings, maybe a tank of some sort to hold the oil then cooled in the Kiel to be pumped back to the tank. Timken makes good bearings.
Keep up the good work!
Why did they demonetise you .
Boat looking good not as good as you Dr
Boats looking good
You already have a get home motor. Use the sails.
Sorry to hear about your YouTube setback. Don’t get discouraged the journey that you’ve chosen is a long one and sucky things happen.
What’s the latest target date for splashing the boat?
Very nice boat. Congratulations. You've done a great job. Do the masts lower themselves? Thanks
Be very careful about your electric drive idea. Most marine transmissions do not do well “freewheeling” much above 7 knots for extended intervals. I’m assuming that you’re going to put the transmission in neutral, drop the chain on and drive the shaft with the electric motor. Find out what the transmission manufacturer says about freewheeling speed since the engine side and pump won’t be turning when on electric.
Please use ear protection!!
arrgh, I was going to write a nice comment about how she's starting to look like a boat, then without warning my ears were hit by the scream of an angle grinder! Don't do that, Cap'n! Not nice.
Enjoying the channel and videos.
The rust may be reduced if you convert it before you paint it
Can’t wait to see y’all splash! Enjoy watching your journey, thanks for sharing this ride.
Soon you will slay the dragon.

btw, when is your next live chat?
Please tell us why you have been demonetized, that sound horrible,we all know putting these videos out is lots of work!!
That filler material. Is that also known as bondo. Like they put on cars????
When you need it most after a week of storms and no sunshine, your electric motor won't help you, just get a diesel like a smart sailor, there is no proof of global warming so it is fine
Could you please tell me why YouTube have demonetized you. Thanks – Great vids by the way.
I just hope you don't end up with half and inch thick putty/epoxy all over like Old Seadog's "White Shadow"
Why were you demonetized? Your not political. If YouTube is running ads while condemning your content it seems like theft of your income to me.
If Youtube demonitized you then why not promote other video sharing platforms.
For example if you have most of your videos on Youtube to get peoples attention but also have even more videos on Vimeo then you can encourage your viewers away from Youtube. I'm sure YouTube will like you advertising one of their competitors on YouTube.
…and your lady crew mate is Russian why not try to tap into the Russian market, there must be a Russian video sharing platforms.
I’ve been working on a similar design for a retro kit similar to the Betamarine design but with out the motor disconnect. Why use a chain drive, it’s going to be extremely noisy why not a large timing belt?
The electric motor idea is not going to end well.
Have you considered doing a wrap alot cheaper than paint? Love your show
So? That's it?
Always enjoy watching your videos, greetings from Indonesia
Hi guys 1 thought would be to possibly use Nebula as your main channel and use Facebook as your teaser. Show pictures and short videos but do your full show on nebula which we pay a subscription to participate in but it doesn't cost you anything to exhibit on. That would be a possible way to increase your Revenue stream without much more effort. Why did you get demonatised? Your show is pg13, uou have no violence and other than the bikinis dhot (thank you VERY much) you're a how to do it show.
Would you consider a video explaining insurance and coast guard requirements and the costs involved?
We're all with you and supporting you as much as we can. Your positive attitudes make your videos fun to watch. Keep up the good work…we love it!
Because the peanut-butter and jelly and filler sides are the heavy sides.
Will, a quick question: have you decided on the manufacturer/distributor of your battery bank? I have heard and seen great things from BattleBorn lithium batteries and voltage controllers. If you do not know of Capt. Rick Moore of "Sailing Sophisticated Lady", check out the electrical refit videos of his 51' Jenneau and what he produces through solar (with a small generator as backup). Carry on.
Can u please give your videos different numbers? It's eachsyer to follow. Thanks.
Love that electric motor retrofit! It’s really Moose And Squirrel cool!
Have you ever thought of taking a hybrid car, stripping it down and fitting it into a boat? I’m thinking very serious about it. I have not found anything that would not work yet.
Why did you get de-monitized?