Ep 29: Sfaturi pentru profesioniști: se confruntă cu Propwalk

Ep 29: Sfaturi pentru profesioniști: se confruntă cu Propwalk

Bun venit la episodul 29 din Carpe Diem Sailing. Alături de vânt, propwalk-ul este una dintre cele mai mari probleme cu care se confruntă marinarii atunci când își acostează sau își decupla bărcile, dar poate fi și un instrument foarte util. Adesea, când propwalk-ul nu este bine înțeles, barca pare să aibă o minte proprie. În acest videoclip explic ce cauzează prop-walk și cum să-i atenuăm efectele, precum și cum să folosești prop-walk în avantaj în situații de andocare apropiate. Stăpânește ARTA DE ANDOCARE https://www.carpediemsailing.com/courses/docking-made-easy/ ANTRENAMENTUL CARPE DIEM SAIL www.carpediemsailing.com ÎNVĂȚAȚI SĂ SAIL PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list= PL0ZXXuQk__sjlIDC-o-8v4evqHkaHqze5


28 thoughts on “Ep 29: Sfaturi pentru profesioniști: se confruntă cu Propwalk

  1. Excellent explanation, thanks. Would love a similar video for full keel boats! Obviously very different forces at play but hopefully calculable for the individual boat. Some theory for working on this would be great. Nice clear series, thank you!

  2. If anyone out there is learning on a tiller steered boat, you will find these concepts EXTREMELY easy to learn, because you have an immediate visual indicator in the cockpit, of EXACTLY where the trailing edge of your rudder is pointed.

  3. This is an exceptionally well produced video.
    I have a Cape Dory 28 in San Francisco.
    When you visit the Bay Area, I will loan you my boat for the full-keel challenge edition.

    Some points that might be included: prop pitch is much more a factor that diameter, the gear ratio’s in Fwd and Reverse are likely different and will have an effect on shaft RPM, keep your morse cables well lubricated and adjusted so you can reliably shift fwdrev quickly, deploy an extra fender or two for the docking maneuver when appropriate (especially in a cross-wind docking scenario).

  4. Excellent explanation . Can I respectfully suggest that when pivoting you only provide a forward burst for one or two seconds otherwise you run the risk of the boat going forward but the reverse thrust needs to be four or five seconds . The propeller is much less effective in reverse.

  5. Thank you for this helpful video. Now I want to know how to get out of a botched docking operation, where propwalk is a factor. Specifically, what do you think my options would be if I back out of my slip and suddenly the wind picks up on starboard? For example, I was turning the bow through the wind as I backed out and everything was good at first, but then the wind picked up on starboard and cancelled the turning momentum. As I run out of room to backup, the wind actually begins to turn the boat in the other direction. Now I'm 'slipping' down the fairway, as you described at the end of the video. It's a situation that is difficult to abort, and I know that I'm not the only one.

  6. Excellent video! This video came to mind when I got into a little situation the other day on my boat. Remembered the pivot routine, used it and it worked great! Thanks mate! I sail the same waters as you and our tracks cross the beers are on me. Keep those videos coming!

  7. You didn't describe what a right or left hand propeller is…since at the same time you showed the propeller in reverse turning left while you said, "if you have a right hand propeller." It's one of those training things where you have to assume the student understands half of what you say and maybe only sees the visual or hears the words that don't agree with the visual. This is the third prop walk video in a row i've watched where the details about the way the propeller turns is no clarified.

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