Pip Hare Ocean Racing a revenit în siguranță pe un teren solid! #SailorGirl Kass Sails with Zest era pe doc și am putut să discutăm direct cu ea, ceea ce a fost pur și simplu minunat! Felicitări și mulțumim că ne-ai luat în aventura ta cu tine, Pip! – Nic x
Vendée Globe termină LIVE – cu Pip Hare pe andocare!

24 thoughts on “Vendée Globe termină LIVE – cu Pip Hare pe andocare!”
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Pip you have done a big job, may be the job of your live? Love and happy kisses from Switzerland.
Rule Britannia Pip rules the waves hooray
Great sailor, great mind, big smile, big job. We love you.
Pip Pip Hooray! Pip Pip Hooray!!!
Massive achievement Pip!
Welcome back and Thanks for your reports.
PIP IS BEYOND SPECIAL!!! – I loved her posts, I loved following – It was unbelievable watching her overcome all that was throw at her in this race.
Oh Hell I got all choked up when Paul Larson had the bowline… Medalia and Pip are SAFE!!
She is now a sailing LEGEND!!! What a gorgeous human!!! Thank you Sailor Girl for your coverage!
You are one great sailor. CONGRADULATION!
I’m such a fan.
What a great person!!!
Pip, you are unique. Congratulations

What a great moment for Pip. We're full of admiration for her and her achievements, all from a standing start with zero funding until Medallia came on board. A thousand thanks to both of you for giving her this coverage and allowing us to get your views on it all. THANK YOU!!
After the Vendée Globe, he is therefore "a great sailor" and a "Beautiful Person" with a philosophy of life ( On the Vendée Globe website I listened to his interview) . " Bonjour " from France…
Love Pip. What an awesome girl. X
Congratulations Pip
Awesome Awesome Job !!
Pip literally INSPIRES ! And thank you so so much for offering this because Vendee really did a minimum of English coverage ; we needed to really figure it all out if we weren’t French speaking ! And the French have now embraced our Gal wonder …. but I think it took awhile . Yes : Pip is really a hero for the times . A massively impressive feat . All that and more – her communication throughout kept us all scouring the videos and posts daily for anything Pip would send from Medallia ! We all need more Pip in our lives !! And thx again for the coverage ! Interview her too if you can manage that !!

Thank you for sharing your trials, tribulations and success. Amazing performance Pip
Pip you are an incredible woman, CONGRATULATIONS 1111
From Toronto Canada. Great race Pip Hare
Nice coverage of Pip's landing and personal comments… "I've not quite landed yet, that will take time"… "lucky duck" to the Pip encounter!