America’s Cup Sailing: Folosind AI pentru a face Emirates Team New Zealand să zboare

America's Cup Sailing: Folosind AI pentru a face Emirates Team New Zealand să zboare

McKinsey a ajutat Emirates Team New Zealand, campionii apărați ai Cupei Americii, să dezvolte un „geamăn digital” – o replică digitală a unui marinar care ar putea testa noi modele de hidrofoil navigându-le pe simulatorul Emirates Team New Zealand. Înainte de dezvoltarea geamănului digital, testarea noilor modele de ambarcațiune le-a cerut marinarilor echipei să efectueze teste într-un simulator, ceea ce era ineficient și costisitor. Geamănul digital al lui McKinsey îi depășește pe marinari folosind același simulator, accelerând testarea și rata la care design-urile sunt optimizate cu un factor de aproape zece. #inteligență artificială #McKinsey #QuantumBlack


31 thoughts on “America’s Cup Sailing: Folosind AI pentru a face Emirates Team New Zealand să zboare

  1. if this cup has been going for 170 years and cars have been developing for 100 years why the hell aren't they boats going faster. Why has it taken longer to push these boats to where they are.

  2. Americas Cup 2070 – 3000 armchair sailors around the world compete in the Challenge on their computer screen, with 100% Realistic simulation..

  3. Curious if the sailors race against the AI on the simulator. I'd hope so, how good getting that experience against an opponent that's better than you, and learning from you too.

  4. In other words, you too can optimise your industry if you have a budget of 100s of millions of USD.

    I am sure the "AI" did figure some stuff out that the team could use but the problem with all this is the winning team will simply be the team with the most money. Just like with Mercedes in F1, the other teams rarely win. It gets boring.
    The neural net is probably not a very useful tool here as there are not enough real life data points that it would be useful. Optimisation is not a new engineering activity and there are no needs for neural nets just smart engineering approach and good fluid dynamics simulations. You are better off running 10s of thousands of computer simulations and using those results for building some optimisation criteria.
    Kudos to McKinsey to get funds for Quantum Black.
    Poor sailing team….they were like trained dogs for this add. What will you not do to get your funds…

  5. Nice marketing gimmick. You can tell the ETNZ guy doesn't actually understand that you're estimating a predictor for OOS performance; in the RL case you're learning an optimal policy for the agent to behave under. Typical Kiwi marketing scam

  6. What a bullshit!
    Sticking the "AI" label to a software product does not make it any better.
    Just a smokescreen to impress incompetent laymen

  7. I’d like to save you time by not reading the idiot comments here. Just know that AI has become an integral part of the AC75 design & performance especially for ETNZ. It’s exciting to see the contribution AI is making to enable a new class of AC boats reach unprecedented speeds.

  8. The reason for which you are going to loose is that you are praising your qualities and competencies before victory. Always a bad sign.

  9. Hi ETNZ. Please where are the next American Cup held? I hope the next race will be held here at ETNZ Chapion Country. Have a great day all of yous ETNZ TEAM. 😘 😊 ☺ ❤ 💕 💗

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