Navigare spre nord spre Martinica (motor nou pentru lansare) | EP 19 – Castor cu vele

Navigare spre nord spre Martinica (motor nou pentru lansare) |  EP 19 - Castor cu vele

#sailing #caribbean #beneteau După ce am navigat non-stop în ultimele opt luni, ne-am întors în Martinica pentru a lucra, acest lucru se dovedește a fi puțin mai dificil din cauza știi ce. De asemenea, ne pregătim și barca pentru croazieră în Insula Windward în timpul sezonului uraganelor. Un cuplu din Australia și Norvegia care a plecat din Norvegia pe un Beneteau Oceanis 40 la sfârșitul anului 2018 pentru a explora lumea cu barca cu pânze. (Da, un alt cuplu de navigatori face traseul standard și îl documentează pe film.) Vă rugăm să vă abonați pentru a ajuta canalul. Sam & Nicole X AJUTĂ SĂ NE SISTĂ VIDEOCLIPILE Sau OBȚIUNEȚI CĂRTUL NOSTRU BLUEWATER CRUISER AICI!… Cartea electronică disponibilă, de asemenea, pentru descărcare GRATUITĂ pentru toți cei care ne susțin Patreonii VIZITAȚI SITE-UL NOSTRU: URMEAZĂ-NE PE FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook .com/sailingbeaver CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI PE INSTAGRAM: @sam_hawk @nicolecarlsen


18 thoughts on “Navigare spre nord spre Martinica (motor nou pentru lansare) | EP 19 – Castor cu vele

  1. Congratulations! So glad to see you were able to go home and make some money doing hand modeling and bank robbery and make it back to the boat!

  2. Hi guys, what was the covid test for? To enter another island? Or to leave martinique? I didnt really understand. Are there more covid restrictions whilst cruising these days? Do you have to go through customs (check-in/ out) or can you just enter the marinas?

  3. We have been cruising the Caribbean since 2004 and at present have our boat in Rodney Bay. How are you managing in Martinique. Are you under quarantine when entering? I would like to sail from St Lucia to Martinique when we return in several weeks and wonder if there are isolation days that you must endure. I also see that there are very few masks worn. Also would you know if most of the chandlers are open? wishing you both luck, hope to cross sterns at some time.

  4. Thank you for the sleep deprivation. I just cant stop watching one episode to the next 😛 Absolutely incredible! Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am an airline pilot and a sailor getting ready to hang my wings up in 9 mos. I think I know what i will be doing the first few years of my retirement, with my wife! Nothing but blessings to you and Sam!

  5. Really enjoy your videos, especially since I'm going down a similar path this fall. May I ask, which marina in Le Marin did Beaver stay in while Sam went to Australia? Thanks!

  6. Tohatsu are nice outboards, I've had a few, and never had a problem with them. One, with a Mercury label on it, a 3.3hp, I had to buddy lash a dinghy alongside a friend's boat, a heavy 25 ft Sloop, after the engine packed in, about 40 miles up the Coast to his mooring, averaged just under 4 knots, and only had to stop 3 times (last fillip just to make sure there was plenty of fuel to swing round the Harbour to pick his mooring up without problems. Luckily it was a gorgeous day the Sea was mirror calm and .I had food and drinks passed to me en route. I was thinking of getting the Tohatsu 8.8 4 stroke for my Next dinghy, but they are the same as yours .I think, and a bit difficult to handle and stow and mount being one handed. Still, cross that bridge when I come to it, and I've still got a very low hours well winterised Yamaha 4hp 2 stroke in the garage to fall back on, plus a Tohatsu 3.3hp 2 stroke in there somewhere. Fair Winds and Happy Anchorages. Bob. 👍🙂

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