N-am știut NICIODATĂ cât de BUN ar putea fi! | Ep 72 | Navigand pe Merewether

N-am știut NICIODATĂ cât de BUN ar putea fi!  |  Ep 72 |  Navigand pe Merewether

Săptămâna aceasta continuăm să explorăm uimitorul arhipelag Bocas del Toro, navigăm pe frumoasele căi navigabile interioare către insulele colorate Zapatilla. Kieran vrea să încerce ceva nou și îl lasă pe Ralph zgomotos atârnat pe o driză pe marginea bărcii în timp ce navighează. La început totul funcționează grozav, dar după o vreme Kieran își regândește alegerea… Navigand pe căile navigabile interioare de la Isla Colon până la Insulele Zapatilla, oceanul este complet plat, fără valuri la vedere – iubesc viața! Apoi, după ce ne-am luat rămas bun de la niște prieteni magnifici, explorăm unul dintre cele mai frumoase paradisuri din jurul insulei Zapatilla II Bocas Del Toro, iar wow este nu dezamăgește cu fiecare culoare și creatură din jurul nostru care arată absolut frumos. Suntem drăguți cu cum a ieșit acest videoclip și ne place când funcționează la fel de bine ca acesta. SPER SA ITI PLACA! Alătură-te echipajului nostru! Căutăm noi echipaje pentru a se alătura călătoriei viitoare. Înscrieți-vă pentru a fi unul dintre patronii noștri pentru o șansă bună de a ni se alătura în călătoria noastră în jurul lumii. https://www.patreon.com/SailingMerewether Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sailingmerewether https://www.instagram.com/kieranwyse https://www.instagram.com/neeisabelle Facebook https:// www.facebook.com/sailingmerewether Sponsori și colegi din Marea Britanie Sailmakers – https://www.uksailmakers.com True Headings – https://trueheading.se


37 thoughts on “N-am știut NICIODATĂ cât de BUN ar putea fi! | Ep 72 | Navigand pe Merewether

  1. Good Nz morning people. So the more I view your channel, the more I love it. You're just a genuine couple. No pretentious stuff going on. I feel I did the right thing by subscribing to your channel, and unsubscribing from an Oz sailing channel. Having over 1m subbers doesn't impress me anymore. To me it's the content. And Mereweather ticks that box. Thank you for sharing and taking us for the ride. By the way, I now have a bigger beer fridge. Just saying. And FYI, we have access to Oz beers in Nz. Take care and stay safe. Atb from down here.

  2. Pro Tip. To anchor under sail,leave the main up.when the anchor is down, position the main perpendicular to the hull to backwind and help set the anchor.✨🌞⛵️✌️🥂✨

  3. I'm glad you got a 15 hp Yammy. I bought mine 20 yrs ago. 1990. And I've only ever done regular maintenance on her. And starts first pull. Before that I had a Merc. Never again. Never.

  4. If Izabella would be a gem, definitely one of the biggest diamonds in the world. Your a amazing mamasita and the Flaco is a fortunate capt. Hello from Antigua Guatemala, OsoYolo. Come to the north and visit us.

  5. Plenty of room for a Dingy davit there mate, Vege burgers look yummy, tell me are they as good as a beef burger, never tried one , cheers you two.

  6. Maybe Jamie Mantzel allows you go down the Bocas del Toro Chiriqui Grande waterway south-west on Isla Popa and visit him.

  7. Beautiful sail, beautiful water, beautiful sandy beaches with beautiful palms, but none of that can compare to how beautiful Isabelle can absolutely rock that bikini!

  8. Always good to try new things. Even if it's only once.🤷‍♂️😁 Beautiful destination, beautiful scenery, beautiful couple. 👍👍👍
    Glad you were able to get this uploaded in time. 😉😁

  9. Our Red Ensign has the Commonwealth Star and the Southern Cross, which is a conversation in its self.

    Commonwealth meaning ‘Commonweal’ aka common wellbeing, which is amazing in its self, as there were 3 civil wars to establish that concept of government Originally a phrase (the common-wealth or the common wealth – echoed in the modern synonym "public wealth") it comes from the old meaning of "wealth", which is "well-being", and is itself a loose translation of the Latin res publica (republic).

    Following federation in 1901, the topic of national colours for British ships registered in Australian ports was addressed by the Navigation Act, which provided that such ships (i.e., civilian ships) should wear the Australian Red Ensign. Technically private non-registered vessels were liable to a substantial fine if they did not fly the British Red Ensign as they were not formally covered by the Navigation Act.

    However, an Admiralty Warrant was issued on 5 December 1938 which authorised such non-registered vessels to fly the Australian Red Ensign, too. Australia enacted fully domestic shipping legislation in 1981.

    The Shipping Registration Act of 1981 reaffirmed that the Australian Red Ensign was the proper "colours" for Australian registered ships and that smaller (i.e., less than 30 tons) pleasure and fishing craft could fly either the Australian Red Ensign or the Australian National Flag but not both at the same time.

    In the decades following federation the red ensign was the preeminent flag in use by private citizens on land. This was largely due to the Commonwealth government and flag suppliers restricting sales of the blue ensign to the general public. By traditional British understanding, the blue ensign was reserved for official government use although the red ensign was nevertheless still in military circulation until after the 1953 legislation.

    There are many here in Australia fighting massive government court corruption, that is being ignored by the attorney generals, and the blue flag flys over the corrupt courts and parliment. Funny thing is the Red Ensign was the original flag over our parliment.

    "This is a stickup, we have your kids, give us all your money. Family Court."


  10. Love this production you have created. One of your best so far. Have you found the one place that has your name on it, and where ever you go on your adventure your going to have to coming back? I hope your courage and spirit of adventure never diminishes. keep safe both of you and keep loving each other.🥂

  11. Middle of film, nice vege burgers: Bravo for your vegetatian diet/lifestyle (except the occasional fish you kill). I'm vegetarian so I appreciate the healthy burgers.

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