Navigați din Salcombe către Fowey

Navigați din Salcombe către Fowey

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13 thoughts on “Navigați din Salcombe către Fowey

  1. Hi you mentioned a tidal navigation app during your vlog, could you possibly give a link to it, much appreciated, thanks

  2. Yo Mike. Just catching up on a rash of some magical vids which I always find entertaining & educational. And yes – my favourite spot is on the lee rail watching her cut through the water. This area was my cruising ground as I lived in Saltash for 30 years. Some great sailing to be had around Cornwall & Devon – some would say the very best. However it's a long haul back to Conwy but what an adventure. Also lovely to see your wife on board sharing an experience that will stay with you for the rest of your lives. Chin-chin Rej

  3. Great videos! I particularly like how you go through your thought process including trip planning, charts, weather info sources like, and combine this with sailing footage. I sail in an estuary called Lake Pontchartrain just north of New Orleans, La USA but your thinking and practical approach are helpful all the way across the pond.

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