În culise – planificare PASAREA OCEANĂ | Navigarea Florenței Ep.103

În culise – planificare PASAREA OCEANĂ |  Navigarea Florenței Ep.103

A rămâne fără alimente, apă și combustibil sunt posibilități reale pe acest pasaj oceanic de 3000 de mile. Navigarea cu barca este doar o parte a provocării, trebuie de asemenea să ne planificăm cu atenție pentru a ne asigura că nu ne liniștim și ajungem să fim în derivă luni de zile și să rămânem fără provizii. În timp ce ne umplem rezervoarele de apă în pregătirea pentru a începe călătoria noastră de o lună, vă vom duce în culise și vă vom împărtăși cum ne planificăm trecerea și dificultățile de a furniza o barcă aici, în această parte a Indoneziei. Suntem un cuplu britanic care a pornit din Anglia în 2016 pentru a ne îndeplini visul de a naviga în jurul lumii cu barca noastră cu vele de 37 de picioare, Florența. Pe parcurs, împărtășim stilul de viață la bord cu înaltele și dezavantajele călătoriei în jurul lumii cu barca, propria noastră casă mică. Viața cu barca în larg, pe ocean și în afara rețelei. Susține-ne pe Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailingyachtflorence Ne poți urmări și prin blogul nostru la http://www.sailwiththeflo.wordpress.com #Sailing #sailingaroundtheworld #offshore #oceanpassage #offshoresailing #Indonesia #travel #covidtravel #circumnavigation #SailingYachtFlorence #passageplanning Muzica în ordinea redată: Keep Walking – Alvaro Angeloro – www.hooksounds.com – Creative Commons – Atribuire Creative Commons 4.0 Licență Misiune periculoasă – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat


34 thoughts on “În culise – planificare PASAREA OCEANĂ | Navigarea Florenței Ep.103

  1. First I wanted to say safe travels. I had a question about your route planning. You do a good job of explaining how seasonal routes and typical winds are determined being averaged using historical data. My question is with global warming and more and more atypical weather patterns taking hold do you find that this has a significant impact on your planning?

  2. Best of luck, Matt and Amy. May you have good wind in your sail, and Happy times in your horizon

  3. Have you considered doing your own bottling or canning? To pasteurize you need to put the bottles in a boiling bath of water for a while. You’d probably do better than a random YouTube comment to learn about it, but it could deal with your canned food provisioning issues.

  4. Fascinating information, thanks for sharing what most other sailing channels don’t, we love it! 💥👍🏻☺️🙏🏻
    Having worked with an aviation customer in Indonesia for five years 2010-2015, I learned very quickly that there is almost always a “paperwork adjustment fee” required (in cash of course) for processing anything related to the government, with sometimes room for negotiation of that fee due to your “maximum amount authorized fo this project” 😁 I found it always best to just grin and bare it, and play along, just like in Mexico and similar places. It actually became a fun game after a while, one just has to add it into one’s financial planning 😁 Worst you can do is try to fight it, or – God forbid – threaten to ‘report them’, either of which can land you in a world of hurt 😩 Hope you two got out ok, will find out in your next episode ⛵️🙏🏻☺️

  5. Why not can your own food? If you have the room for the equipment (a pressure canner) it would allow you to take advantage of cheaper local foods. Pickling and dehydrating could help extend shelf life as well without the need for a pressure canner.

  6. What interests me is how to register a sailboat without an address.

    I mean, if you've been at sea for a year and you've got an address, you still have to pay for the apartment and then there are taxes and other things.

    Again, you no longer have an address (at the municipality of residence and you are deregistered from the state) can you not register a vehicle?


  7. Wondering if you guys were able to leave Indonesia? the covid news from there are really bad. Did they allow you to go on shore to finish the check out?

  8. HEllo, great video. One question I`d like to ask. I noticed that you covered your mast in the saloon. Why is that? For asthetic reason or does it have something to do with water insulation somehow?

  9. Great video. Your channel is a refreshing find within the sea of tired channels that use silly clickbait thumbnails, made-up hype and over dramatize everything to attract viewers.

  10. So i have a weird question.
    With the advance in battery capabilities and solar cells, it's getting a lot easier to have what i would call disposable power?
    Extra electricity to power a luxury item.

    So say, you wanted to install something like a onboard greenhouse, using modern led grow lights. Me being in the US it's legal to grow marijuana in certain areas. Could you do something like that, or would you have problems when it comes to i guess docking at islands, or countries in the Asian Pacific, Indian Ocean?

    With your internet, have you looked into star link? I think it's available to the public now, id be curious to know if a system like that would work for blue water sailing.

  11. Love your vlogs. I'm contemplating a similar life so I'm curious with you being away so long, how do you deal with taxes? Do you even have to do them? Thanks for putting up such great stuff & best of luck on you voyage!

  12. Meanwhile me …. this is going to an incredible passage… to our left we see deep blue ocean AS FAR AS YOU CAN SEE, and here on our right is quick trip and walmart just 1/2 mile cuz im uneducated and scared lol

  13. I have lived in Indonesia for 3 years and know all about the difficulties you experience. Perhaps Thailand would have been a better place to start:

  14. Lol. I can totally relate with the difficulties sourcing tin and dried food in local store in small city in Indonesia 😃😃 good job though👍👍

  15. Wow! What an absolutely exciting way of life you've chosen!!! You both radiate such joy of life and respect and love towards eachother. And also so very professional when it comes to sailing, which is no game the way you two cross oceans. A couple of questions come to mind whatching your excellent videos: How old are you guys? How do you finance your 5+ year trip? Is it a continous voyage, or do you go back "home" from time to time? And it would be interesting to hear a little 'bout Florence. Is it covered in one of your other videos? (Found some on your written blog, though. And now also your lovely walk around video. Very interesting and impressive.) What about the pandemic? Did you get vaccinated or do you rely on face masks? Or both? Sorry to probe but you really make me want to know more, being sailors too, me and my wife. All the best and stay safe!!!

  16. To minimise glugging and splashing when pouring liquids from a can, keep the neck of the can uppermost. This allows air to enter freely and you get a continuous almost laminar flow.

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