Jumătate de miliard de dolari Sailing Yacht A – În interiorul unui superyacht uriaș

Jumătate de miliard de dolari Sailing Yacht A – În interiorul unui superyacht uriaș

#sailingyacht, #sailing, #superyacht Dacă vă plac iahturile cu vele, probabil că ați auzit despre proiectul Sailing Yacht A. Acesta este un superyacht construit de șantierul naval Nobiskrug din Germania. Nava într-un fel, nu vei găsi un alt iaht ca acesta în lume. Se pare că a costat 600 de milioane de dolari în 2015 și a fost cel mai complicat proiect din industria construcțiilor de iahturi cu vele. Nobiskrug nu ar putea produce toate părțile superyacht-ului fără contractori din toată lumea. Compania a colaborat cu numeroase companii europene și americane pentru a oferi un iaht unic cu vele, care este extrem de mare, absolut unic și incredibil de scump. Yacht-ul A aparține unui miliardar rus, Andrey Melnichenko. Nobiskrug a anunțat noul proiect în 2015 și a livrat iahtul în 2017. Imediat după ce a părăsit șantierul naval Nobiskrug din Kiel, Germania, ambarcațiunea a fost numită superyacht-ul care depășește granițele de către Boat International. În timpul testelor finale, iahtul a traversat Marea Baltică cu rezervoarele de combustibil aproape goale folosind în principal energia eoliană. Dacă doriți să fiți la curent cu noile noastre videoclipuri, abonați-vă la canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClDmp1tTwLarbC6VtXXZ5PA?sub_confirmation=1 Etichete: iaht cu vele, iaht A, iaht cu vele A, Nobiskrug, iaht Nobiskrug, megayacht, superyacht, m/y A, Andrey Melnichenko, iahturi rusești, iaht A design, iaht A construcție, iaht A motoare, barcă cu vele, vele, barca cu vele, Nobiskrug iaht cu vele, iaht A licitații, iaht A specificații, iaht A catarge, vele mari, superyacht cu vele


43 thoughts on “Jumătate de miliard de dolari Sailing Yacht A – În interiorul unui superyacht uriaș

  1. This is the most ugly and rejecting yacht I have ever seen🤮! I saw it a few years ago at the Côte d'Azur and it looked like a nightmare in steel. It's just disgusting!
    Good to know it's stuck in Italy now!

  2. Wow it’s a spectacular piece of innovation and beauty.
    It always astonishes me how some can have so much and others so little.
    At what cost, now the ship has been seized by authorities because the owners relations with Russia.

  3. amazing ship, its like a bunker for an end of the world doomsday scenario. when all the other rich people are hiding underground he can sail the seas

  4. Only greed and been a complete dodgy bastard gets you such a over the top item, glad it’s been seized and the owner brought into the real world

  5. russian billionaires are having all their assets seized from other nations. You'd think puitn would have told his buddies, so they could get all their yachts heading to Vladivostok. Currently, almost 2 Billion dollars in Russian owned superyachts! They have to be pissed off!

  6. When I see this ship, I am reminded of the pregnant woman who's pelvis was blown apart by Russian mortar fire ordered by Putin himself. Killed her baby and the pain Putin inflicted killed them both. Mariupal is an Ukrainian port city.

  7. It is a hull on the water without any charm or design. It is a cartoon of a boat, maybe right for Disney or Popeye. To me it looks like a abortion of a boat.

  8. Thats soooooo stupid how the sheerline blocks the side view of the bridge, worst form over function Ive ever seen on this scale.

  9. The Yacht is a "one of a kind" type, rather like Russia. It would have been far more noble of the owner to pay tax and sail around in an Oyster than act like Mr Golden balls who is above the law. Then again if your mates with Vladimir………..who cares!!!!

  10. The sails would cover a football field? That doesn't sound correct. It should be multiple fields. I'm gonna hafta look up the sail area of this vessel, if it's even available

  11. The design is beyond ugly and obnoxiously tasteless, takes a crew of 54 to sail, and costs the same as a fleet of 120 ft "J" class yachts. Showing the world yet again how useless the rich are at spending their extorted great wealth.

  12. Gorgeous ship.

    I mean, one could feed half the damned world,
    make serious headway toward mitigating climate change, or resolve major global social issues for that money, but let’s forget about that for a moment.

    Who the frak calls a ship like this “Yacht A”‽


  13. Now it's 'safely docked' in Triest in northern Italy if you want to spot it. It's confiscated becuase of the wat in Ukraine. The thing is it's docked pretty far from land and if you take a look with zoom or binoculars it seems to have only 2 masts (first one is missing). However ship radar shows this location as SY A so it's probably that one. I'm pretty sure I was seen it also 2 years ago near La Madallena near Sardigne.

  14. Azzam, isn’t the world’s largest yacht. It’s the longest yacht. Eclipse is the largest yacht. Thanks for putting out bad content!

  15. Some things were right, but a lot wring. The sub thing for sure. And the capsule for underwater is literally just a shallow dip in the hull that extends 2.5 feet underwater. It is currently in Dubai, unflagged and sanctioned

  16. I saw the yacht in Saranda, Albania, pictured at 2:13 in the video, when I went there for vacation. The Russian owner and his girlfriend/wife, very normal people, sat at the restaurant without escorts or bodyguards. You can't tell how huge this yacht is unless you see it in person.

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