Un tragic accident de transport maritim, încă amintit – Ep. 258 RAN Sailing

Un tragic accident de transport maritim, încă amintit - Ep.  258 RAN Sailing

Alăturați-vă echipajului RAN Sailing ~ pentru streamuri live, conținut exclusiv și multe altele https://www.patreon.com/ransailing Suntem un cuplu suedez care au navigat prin lume din 2016 în timp ce împărtășesc aventurile aici pe YouTube. În 2019 s-a născut fiica noastră și ne-am cumpărat o barcă mai mare pentru a continua navigația în familie. CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI – Site: http://ransailing.se – Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ransailing – Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ransailing PRODUSE ȘI CAMERA: https:// www.amazon.com/shop/ransailing Am adunat câteva dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și pentru a realiza videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru, primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: http://www.epidemicsound.com 00:13 Becquerellah – OTE 00:39 Corner Store – Gregory David 03:03 Douma Jolo – Sillaba 07:58 Shimmering – RaFa Orchestra 11:44 Purple Rhombus – Guustavv 13:47 Ginger Chews – Dylan Sitts 19:45 Kanakassi – Sillaba Love, Malin, Johan & Vera


33 thoughts on “Un tragic accident de transport maritim, încă amintit – Ep. 258 RAN Sailing

  1. Hey Johann, liked the video à lot. Quick question, what brand is that iPad mount that you are using on the steering column? I built myself one out of some leftover mahagony. Looks nice, but I can’t turn it facing sifewise etc. Which would be nice while solo sailing. Rgds. Michael

  2. The bridge tragedy happened because the original bridge was an arch. I have a postcard showing a very large ship going through that bridge; presumably on the way to Uddevalla. The boat fits inside the bridge very closely. The error required to produce the collision would have been quite small. I have a possibly inaccurate memory that the collision happened in a snow storm and during the night.
    The following July, we were on our way to pick up a hired boat on Orust and were surprised to find ourselves directed to a ferry rather than a bridge.
    I find it quite difficult, living in the south of England, to appreciate just how tough life can be living in Scandinavia.

  3. Brings back memories from my 2019 sail to Sweden anchoring on Hjalton almost same place as you but all the way on the beach with a mooring line on the tree right across that rock you tied your dingy. Visited also the horses behind the island. Hjalton is a paradise island. I link to the video I made there. And then again mooring right on the same spot in Stenungsund and again at Hættan Karsson same spot. Thanks for the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px9Ivkk4_GE

  4. Enjoy your videos and that part of the world. keep it up and hope you make it to Cape Breton Island. We have some amazing cruising and sites.

  5. Another scenic, informative and relaxing video. Great editing, music choice and narrative…thanks!

  6. I liked ran I because old aluminum sailboats have a (if I were smarter I'd know the word but nope) certain feel to them but ran II seams really nice, more livable, and easier to sail. I've wanted to learn to sail since I was a kid and because of that I really enjoy your videos. And my great grandfather was swedish its also neat to fallow swedish people on their journey.

  7. Hi RAN, I watched Johan use something for cleaning rust stains off stainless steel a while ago, tried to go back through your vid’s to find it but no luck, what was the product?

  8. Great video. Your anker chain looked a little bit rusty red in the evening sun. Was it originally galvanized? I have about 5 meters galvanized chain, a nylon rope, a lead weighted rope and a couple of different ankers lying around on my 22 feet sailboat (Scan 22 from Nibe, DK). Don't have room for an anker chain locker. Everything else looked ship shape, much unlike my boat. Fair winds.

  9. Your boat seen rowing up to it is beautiful.. nice clean lines and looks friendly but nautically sound as well. The russet red stripe is a very nice touch. Love this as most all your episodes. Your family is true and humble and blessed as you portray quite well. Thanks for sharing with us.

  10. @ 7:00 in additions to the Orust shipyards there are also Arcona in Gustavsberg (just east of Stockholm) and Linjett/Rosättra båtvarv in Norrtälje
    both of which also build very high quality boats.

  11. Nice music picks for this episode. Much appreciate learning some Sweden's shipwreck history.

    "Windwalker" originating from Cape Cod waters, that area documents many shipwrecks dating back to the early 1600s. One of the more famous is the pirate ship Whydah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GZgf1j1n78&t=300s

    Two that happened in my lifetime: The T/V Argo Merchant running aground off Nantucket, splitting in half, causing a big oil spill Dec. 1976 (https://www.whoi.edu/oil/argo-merchant; https://wreckhunter.net/DataPages/argomerchant-dat.htm), and the Maltese freighter Eldia washing up on Nauset beach in 1984 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adfpdKMnx_4).

    Fortunately, no fatalities in either the Argo Merchant or Eldia wrecks. Eldia was later refloated and salvaged. Beware the shoals SE of Nantucket and Monomoy, and between them, as MANY shipwrecks still dot the charts for this area.


    S/V Windwalker

  12. How could the ship’s captain not know the height of the bridge or if he had clearance? Total negligence

  13. With Vera , do you intend to let her speak Swedish and English as well.
    Also at some stage will you put safety netting around the boat, so at some she will be able to walk around the boat.
    Thirdly will you do home schooling on the boat for her?
    Have watched every episode since episode 1 and you have one of the best presented sailing blogs on U Tube.
    Hopefully one day you can make your way down to Australia, safe travels.

  14. Your videos are so wonderful,…we love following along on your adventures, thank you for sharing. Safe travels.

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