CONSTRUIRE CATAMARAN – Rămâm fără provizii!! (MJ Sailing – Ep 199)

CONSTRUIRE CATAMARAN - Rămâm fără provizii!!  (MJ Sailing - Ep 199)

Ne construim barca cu rășină vinilesterică – și sunt DISPONIBILE la nivel național!! Videoclipul de săptămâna aceasta este un pumn de câteva lucruri diferite, încercând să prindem din urmă de la momentul în care pregăteam Pacemaker pentru lansare (sfârșitul lunii iunie) până la începerea lucrărilor la podelele catamaranului (începutul lunii iulie). Îl dăruim și pe Viking, care a fost o zi tristă, dar vă arătăm transformarea când i-am călcat piciorul în ultima cădere, în ceea ce arată ea când o predăm. În plus, ne confruntăm cu problema că nu putem pune mâna pe rășină vinilesterică, așa că trebuie să găsim alte proiecte care să ne țină ocupați, care să nu implice acest lucru. Din fericire, putem face podelele într-o rășină poliesterică. Acesta va fi un proces lung care *ar trebui* să ne țină ocupați câteva săptămâni, iar Matt explică partea tehnică a modului în care toate podelele vor fi spații etanșe la apă. (*Painting Pacemaker – filmat pe 14 iunie *Mat leveling floors – filmat pe 22 iunie *Data stropirii Pacemaker – 27 iunie *Predarea lui Viking – 02 iulie *Sosirea celui de-al 2-lea container – 13 iulie) Sperăm să vă placă!! Multă dragoste de la Annapolis! Jessica, Matt și Georgie Link către barca noastră: Mulțumim FOARTE Patronilor noștri. Acești susținători extraordinari ne ajută să ne menținem pe barcă, echipamentele noastre de cameră la zi și videoclipurile care urmează. Fără patronii noștri, aceste videoclipuri nu ar fi posibile. Pentru a vă înscrie în rândurile Patreon, vă rugăm să vizitați sau Cumpărați-ne o bere prin PayPal! sau Ajută să contribui la construcție cumpărând Lista noastră de dorințe Amazon! Adresa de livrare: Kentmorr Marina 910 Kentmorr Road Stevensville, MD 21666 Vă mulțumim!, Matt & Jessica – Magazinul nostru online: https:// Video cu limba engleză Moore: Videoclipuri realizate de Jessica, cu Matt și Georgie. 00:00 – Ryan vine să ajute 00:41 – Introducere 01:12 – Al doilea strat de barieră continuă Pacemaker 04:06 – Vopsea pentru fundul nostru Smurf Blue 05:22 – Ridicarea pereților grei la locul lor 06:55 – Ultima vopsea de jos – Mulțumesc Ryan!! 08:02 – Predarea Vikingului – Înainte și După 12:40 – Nu putem obține rășină vinilesterică!! 15:36 – Cum ne vom lega podelele etanșe 18:40 – Obținerea țesăturii Nivelul 22:58 – De ce nu am păstrat containerul? 25:30 – Închidere 26:00 – Taci, Matt!! Muzica: Drumuri Lungi – John and the Land of Plenty Who’s Climbing In That Tree 3 – Jan Nordbring Pandemonium (Versiunea Tribute) – Echipamentul camerei Mondays folosit: – Panasonic Lumix GH5 – Microfon pentru pușcă Shure VP83F – 2rsIHLL – GoPro Hero8 – Bărci anterioare: 1983 Trisalu 37 – aluminiu personalizat, construit în Quebec (Elements of Life) Unde am fost: 2,5 ani refit în Indiantown, Florida; Abacos, Bahamas; St. Barth; St. Maarten; Antigua; Saba; Azore; Irlanda; Scoţia; Norvegia; Anglia 1989 Sabre 34 Targa (Serendipity) Unde am navigat cu ea: SUA – Bahamas – Jamaica – Cuba – Insulele Cayman – Honduras – Guatemala – Belize – Mexic – Bermuda – Azore – Madeira – Insulele Canare – Sint Maarten – BVI – Software de editare USVI: Site-ul Adobe Premier Pro: Facebook: Instagram: & /mj_wayfaring/


48 thoughts on “CONSTRUIRE CATAMARAN – Rămâm fără provizii!! (MJ Sailing – Ep 199)

  1. So much going on with all the boat projects. It's exhausted just to watch. You two must not have any problems falling asleep at night!

  2. Vinyl ester in marine quality is available in Germany in big numbers ready to ship 50-205kg and even bigger batches. Maybe the transport cost will be to much but it's ready available. I thought I just leave the information here, just in case…

  3. In the hull where you were leveling. if I understand it correctly ,the space bellow the deck will be a hollow inaccessible space. If this is true why not fill it with closed cell foam? Thoughts?

  4. are those pieces for the web flooring going to increase the overall weight of the boat too much more than the plans or was there never an overall weight in the plans?

  5. Jessica, I know you work really hard filming & editing these videos, and we really appreciate your generosity in sharing your ambitious project. But, and there is a "but" for me, I have a couple of suggestions which would make a difference for me, and probably others: One, I like it more if you or Matt do a voiceover while doing a job, rather than standing in front of the camera and explaining it before actually showing it – sounds like you're talking down to us. It's more interesting when you do both at the same time. Second, learn the difference between pronouns used as subjects vs. objects in a sentence. "I" or "He" are subjects, "me" or "him" are objects. Subjects often lead a sentence, while To, or For often precede the objective form. So, "He and I went to the store", and "Joe bought eggs for him and me." For some of us, misuse of these is very distracting, and sounds uneducated. But I sure wish I had a fraction of your editing skills! – Don, from a little town on the Erie Canal.

  6. You should not lift or handle foam core panels as it shears the foam sheet bond
    Or at least breaks the cellular microwalls
    It especially should not be allowed to Bounce! Think of how granet,marble &
    plate Glass is shipped. Just saying.

  7. That sure seems like a lot of wasted space under those floors. Seems every single sailboat channel out there has storage everywhere in the floors. I get that it's more a performance design hence carries less weight but that just begs the question of how suitable is it actually for cruising.

  8. I don’t understand why you didn’t lay in some temporary flooring like just placing some plywood to save you stepping over that for all this time. Am. I missing something or are you just gluttons for punishment?

  9. There is absolutely no issue using polyester in these regions. Polyester although much maligned is simply not what is used to be. There are so many yachts out there that are built in polyester and well cared for will last for a lifetime and more. Don't be scared to use this in any part of your internal fit out guys, bulkhead tabbing should however be in Vinyl. It will also save yourself a good amount of money. Ross

  10. 21:60: Watching this process, it seems evident that this would never do in a production environment. What do they do in production to do this leveling? If it's the same thing you're doing the world is in need of another invention.

  11. Maybe this is a dumb question but why aren’t you using a laser level when flattening out the floor? Well done on the vids and the boat so far!

  12. I’m alittle awkward at grabbing things. Haha it’s good to have men around for what we are built for. Picking things up and putting them down.

  13. If your ear's are bothered by using tools definitely wear some foam ear plug's whether it bothers you or not as a professional tradesman myself I would highly recommend you purchase foam ear plugs.

  14. My goodness the attention to detail is incredible and the organisation is outstanding … Well done guys … Stay Safe & Fair Winds !!

  15. Exciting time that you received your 2nd trailer! Great job on your work and refurbishing the motor boat! You two are awesome! Hope your short trip to Michigan was good?

  16. Honestly you should make use of some of those cavities in the floor for storage…alot of wasted space that could be used for food storage.

  17. I have to ask where are you going to run all your systems if you are just putting down the floors? You have not said anything about it as far as I can recall.

  18. You are crazy using polyester resin this is the blind leading leading the blind the secondary bonding of polyester resins is extremely poor you should be using epoxy resin. You are crazy

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