Let’s Dance Sailing Story #71 – Trăind pe cârlig

Let's Dance Sailing Story #71 - Trăind pe cârlig

Puțin încet să-l scot pe asta, băieți. Cred că acesta este un indiciu al cât de ocupați am fost sau poate cât de mult ne-am distrat. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce sărim în nord de-a lungul coastei turcești, așteptând șansa noastră de a sări în Grecia.


25 thoughts on “Let’s Dance Sailing Story #71 – Trăind pe cârlig

  1. Hi guys, amazing footage and great video as always. We love you guys. A couple of questions. At the end of your shorelines to rocks, are you using a special rope at the end or a cable /chain??
    Also, is it possible to sail for longer than 3 months in Turkey because its not EU or Shengen? Thanks in advance.

  2. yo guys
    what a cool boat building yard
    age old skills on show there
    cant beat a bit of
    the who
    teenage wasteland
    for backing track
    c u soon {:-) PAV uk

  3. Another great vid. Make more please! Heheh… just love the lack of peddling gear, pimping patreon and other monetization. Just a great look at a life choice with a nice couple kind enough to share. Cheers…

  4. Another great video guy’s..the weather looks beautiful..it’s freezing back home in Oz & COVID ravaging the country doesn’t make things any easier.
    I’ve been missing in action of late..been a bit butchers coming good now..if our Swannie’s beat the Giants this weekend that’s sure to put extra spring in my step..hope your both well..stay safe.
    Aussie Mick

  5. Great video in hopefully our next year destination. Hope you make it across the border to Greece as planned. Very envious stuck in Oz with our cat in Almyra on the hard. CU next year. SV RUKUS

  6. Hi Michael and Marita, Another great video Thank you. But on a more serious topic.Can Buddy kick another 8 goals to make it 1000. Today they are playing GWS. Not sure. He has kicked 1 in this game so far. My team didn't make the finals this year. Tigers.Stay safe and take care. I guess you are in Greece now. Heard about the fires. Terrible. Regards Chris(Melb) and we are still in lockdown.

  7. Pop the plastic seal off all bearings very small slot driver … clean & repack with new grease .
    You went to all the trouble to dismantle…might as well do a complete job…..just saying…. 😉
    Glad your navigating through this CCP VIRUS……
    Fairwinds from the @captains.chair

  8. Hi there, I'm working my way through your videos 🙂 I am wondering why you went with the Elba instead of a Leopard 45. We are looking at both and I really like the FP but Leopard is so popular. Your delivery was quite a tribute to the strength of a FP. Just wondering your decision points. Safe travels! F

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