BINE ATI VENIT!!! La acest tur complet în profunzime al frumosului meu 1984 Beneteau Idylle de 11,5 m sau 38’ lung de barcă cu vele monococă cu sloop. Umila mea casă pe mare. Acum trei ani, am urcat și coborât coasta de est a SUA căutând o barcă cu pânze de cumpărat. Cu o cantitate considerabilă de ajutor și sfaturi din partea mentorului meu de navigație Don. Am achiziționat această barcă în Cape Cod Massachusetts pentru 23.000,00 USD. În acel moment, barca era pe greu cu catargul în jos, într-un vechi șantier de bărci la kilometri și kilometri de ocean. Era greu de imaginat că va fi barca pentru mine. Dar după aproximativ o lună de lucru cu vânzătorul și brokerul său. Am stropit barca, am călcat catargul și marea a încercat-o. După aceea, am fost sigur că barca cu pânze era ceea ce căutam. Dar după mai multe îmbunătățiri și upgrade-uri majore pe care le-am făcut în timpul reparațiilor majore. Valoarea bărcilor este acum mult mai mare decât atunci când am început. Așa cum este, utilizarea sa practică poate vorbi de la sine prin aventurile pe care le-am avut și pe paginile mele de socializare „Adventureman Dan”. Din această barcă îmi place să explorez și să merg în aventuri oriunde îmi odihnește ancora. Numele bărcilor explică perfect ceea ce reprezintă: -Aventură: (O experiență neobișnuită și incitantă sau îndrăzneață. Sau pentru a se angaja într-o activitate îndrăzneață sau riscantă.) -Burne: (Carat sau transportat de lucrul specificat.) -Adventureborne = „Ce aduce eu la aventură.” Aceasta este o barcă cu pânze umilă. Dar asta cred că este un avantaj. Pentru că, spre deosebire de majoritatea catamaranelor și a altor nave mai mari. Această barcă cu pânze este foarte accesibilă și are un cost extrem de scăzut de întreținere. Permițându-mi să pot naviga și să navighez cu normă întreagă. Fără griji de a sparge banca. În plus, cheltuiala mea principală aici, în Bahamas, ar fi mâncarea. Dar aproape un deceniu de pescuit sub apă în întreaga lume mi-a oferit capacitatea de a recolta în mod constant hrană din jurul bărcii mele cu pânze prin pescuitul sub apă sub apă. Permițându-mi să-mi prelungesc și mai mult timpul pe mare. În timp ce mă petreceam și împărtășesc recompensele cu colegii mei marinari. În viitor, plănuiesc să fac mai multe îmbunătățiri și upgrade la această barcă. Rămâneți pe fază pentru a vedea ce urmează! . . Mai mult conținut de aventură pe: -Facebook: -Instagram: -Site web: . . . Toată muzica prin Epidemic
TUR complet cu barca cu vele [Affordable 38ft, Self Sufficient, Reliable, Ocean Sailing Monohull]
47 thoughts on “TUR complet cu barca cu vele [Affordable 38ft, Self Sufficient, Reliable, Ocean Sailing Monohull]”
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What do you think about my off grid minimalistic sailboat? What would you add? What would you change?
hey! i just bought a 38 beneteau first, and i would love some help with the do u manage the batteries and the fridge usage?solar? how big? thx in advance!!
Wow 👍👍👍👍
Question… can a 70 year old man (alone) live on a sailboat like this full time? That is, is the efforts of cranking the sails whichever way possible for an old cat that is in OK condition? Cheers! New sub here… Just know that you are living the life that a million others wish they were living. Life is short and you can't take 'it – $$$' with you when you go to meet your maker. Just saying.
Could you do a video on the before and after of the renovation on this awesome home? Even if you only have still photos of the original. I think it would inspire many to chase their dream.
Aluminum structure?? I would have guessed stainless steel.
Why did you need 2 charge controllers?
Beautifully presented. You're a courageous young man w vision! If you're ever docked in Beaufort SC…I'll treat you to lunch!
Paldies par informaciju……
Labs labs
Interesanti interesanti
Amazing 😍
lög hölm käbinn zäh skhai vv
Besides social media how do you make money to sustain living on your sailboat?
Hi bro if you ever want to sell your boat let me know. Looks good for what I want. From a Cook Islander
Wow, great set up. I have a Macgregor 26M which I keep in southern California, but I really like your boat because it's a true sailboat unlike mine. Where do you anchor/dock?, from the looks of that water I would guess southern Florida, or the Caribbean?
You thought of everything! Looks amazing!
Bruh I want one now
4:54 yeah i feel it xD
love the floor in the cabin, a very nice boat
I asked this in another comment, but Dan, do all those solar panels make her top heavy? I was worried about in some good sized waves or a storm? Stay safe Dan. She's an amazing yacht!!
Great vid and your boat looks awesome!
Question 1- how do you do the laundry?
Question 2- engine like that seems kinda small for a boat this size, is it enough power for you?
She's a Beauty
I’d rather become a doctor and help people with the time I have left in this planet
just about perfect set up. really like the layout with the head tucked on that end and the extra bed. Seeing this helps to wait for the right boat
Do find any additional maintenance issues on your solar panel and wiring due to be on the ocean that land based solar system would not?
Stunning boat, inside and out. It's another world, that extra 8 foot in length, in terms of inner spaciousness. The kind of boat I'm looking at buying eg Westerly Centaur (less than 30 foot) or tops an Albin Vega 30, I don't think I could barely fit my arse into the head, let alone walk from one end to the other. And what's that…an aft cabin??
Beautifully done. I'm not much of a sailboat person… I prefer to travel on the same plane as the horizon most of the time. Sailboats that are moving under sail are anything but.
Also, I want to know how well it floats when it's full of water.
I know that's rather pessimistic/fatalist thinking, but it happens and I want to know if I need to be prepared to go down with the ship! (Answer: I'm not.)
Dan, you have turned a modest classic sailboat into your "palace" & you show that ingenuity & design trump deeper pockets. Have a whale of adventure, cheerio.
Dang brother that’s awesome … good luck to you and your adventures enjoy👍
Built with comfortable means & very Dan, congratulations to a job well done!👌
If its not too personal a question how do you finance your lifestyle. Also am I right in assuming you do not possess a water maker, do you think them a vital piece of equipment?
Your really living the life. My only question is how do you do your laundry??
Litreally all the sailing forums will tell you this is imposible. This is awesome man i plan on doing it in 4 years
Looks efficient but comfortable. Thanks for the tour.
Your Solar array, with it being a solid slab and elevated could that be a concern if you were heeled over in strong winds?
Wonderful presentation 👌👌
Perfect for me
Edit : Subscribed 🖐️
Where is this?
is it more comfortable to sleep up front or aft at anchor?
Great 👍 video,
I really like your approach….
Incredible home and video! Thanks for sharing!
Curious how much $ you have into the electronics, running gear etc. Was it "turn key" (ready to cruise) for 23k or was that base? Did you need new canvas? Autopilot, etc.? Just curious.
My dream.
You remind me of that spoiled rich kid. Guarantee Mom and Dad paid for everything. Your soft
My biggest expense living like this would be ground coffee 🙂 Nice job Dan! super envious!! Would love to unplug!