Am fost foarte dornic să mă urc la bordul Ocean 90 și nu a dezamăgit! Sponsorizat de: În asociere cu: https:/ / Cu mulțumiri către 0:00 Introducere 0:35 Beach Club 2:21 Cockpit 2:38 Interior Puntea principală 6:31 Interior Puntea inferioară Înainte 9: 20 Interior puntea inferioară pupa 15:05 Zonele punții 18:49 Flybridge 22:41 Cabinele echipajului 24:09 Sala motoare 26:31 Outro https:// Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la Vezi mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY:
Tur SuperYacht de 7,1 milioane de lire sterline: Sunseeker 90 Ocean

43 thoughts on “Tur SuperYacht de 7,1 milioane de lire sterline: Sunseeker 90 Ocean”
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My Welsh Terrier would love those glass panels in the bulwarks…all the better to gaze out upon his domain and find things to bark at!
Super LOVE for this SuperYacht. What's not to like? Nothing at all. Thank you for this lovely tour.
Another great video! Thank you Nick.
Plz slow down with how many times you say here.
red socks, nick?
It is a wonderful presentation. It just make me wanna buy this boat….
You say the boat has a crew but can you owner operate it. It seemed like a boat you could operate youself. Because of the layout so can you if you want operate it yourself??
If that had the speed I would be getting one but sunseeker should be sport vessels love the look just hate the speed
3:20 love it "when your ordering the boat" like anyone of us could be able to afford it
Orange Monster, good choice, but your GMT II will be a better choice for this boat and its practical aspects.
I always love when he says "the lot"! So British!
Seiko skx Nick? Man, you seem to have quite the collection
12:00 So Nicks Hobbies are Boats, Cars and Watches…. Quite an expensive set there!
The fake teak on this boat actually looks great. Will last longer too.
If I’m ever in a position to buy a boat like this, Is it a fixed price?
Since I get seasick in a bathtub, boats never really appealed to me. But watching them in a video, without all the up and down and side to side, really allowed me to appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into constructing these brobdingnagian monstrosities.
The dutch owner Got taste!!
Nice video btw!
It's interesting the owner of this particular yacht "Bandazul" sold a Princess 30M to buy this.
I think this is my favourite yacht on the channel. I keep coming back to watch it. It feels so much bigger than the 86 or even 88 it must be the beam. Great layout too. It almost feels like you could owner operate this if you really wanted to.
Not impressed at all… have you seen the competition lately ? Beach club, salon, ….Sunseeker is way behind…
What a magnificent charter boat… only question, 4 crew? A Captain, a chef and one in and one out? For 10 guests, isn't that a bare bones crew? Even one more spot for crew would help.
"you can just choose what you want"
cries in middle classery
Are those stair lights strobing or is that just the camera?
This is a beaut. Sunseeker are special.
so when you say the engines can go to 1,800 miles what does that mean like untill you need to refuel or get the engines checked out?
That's a Yacht I want, not too big not too small
perfect for 8 to 10 people
What does he do for living? How did he start?
Cupboard areas? If I’m paying £££millions for a boat then I’m expecting cupboards just not cupboards as selling points.
. Oh look, for 7.5million you get a few substantial, spacious cupboards. If I’m paying that much for a boat I’m wanting to hear how many spectacular rooms it has, how fast it goes and is it going to make people sea sick.
I love Sunseekers…. for some reason
I would like to know if the big lottery winners invest in one of these, as I would purchase in the first month of winning
I think it needs a few more seats.
Now this is what I'm talking about! This boat is fantastic! Thank you, Nick, for sharing!
What a terrific yacht. Has everything. Thank you!
RED SOCKS!!! You should have a red on your left and a green one on your right foot!
Can I just ask, why do the owners provide their boats for these shows or is there an incentive for them or is it pre delivery ?
I love the boat except for two things. First the placement of the tv in the salon. Second which I think would be a deal breaker is the engine room. The engine room on a boat that size is horrible! How does someone maintain the boat properly! There was no room to move at all in there! A boat with a beam of 23 feet and 90 long could have a lot more engine room!
Nick you are fantastic thank you for your work much appreciated .

This Sunseeker design is magnificent. I would like to own one when my funds get in this design with exception one change would to lower Anchor and chain with a glass door. Wouldn't want anyone to stump their toes. A beautiful boat plenty of room.
great starter boat
Lots of "here"
Lovely vessel, understated elegance, great video.
Must be great to walk around all these boats and dream…. Was doing that since I was 19, always collection International Yacht Magazine from the 90's….. You lucky thing….