Broker de iahturi rasist refuză să vândă o barcă unui negru bogat. Atunci Asta Se Întâmple

Broker de iahturi rasist refuză să vândă o barcă unui negru bogat.  Atunci Asta Se Întâmple

Derrick este încântat să vadă în sfârșit barca cu pânze pe care speră să o cumpere. Când ajunge la clubul de iaht, frumoasa barcă este chiar mai perfectă decât și-a imaginat. Cu toate acestea, el este tratat nepoliticos de către broker, care îl confundă cu o parte din echipa de curățenie. Curând învață o lecție despre Karma și să nu fie rasistă după ce Derrick îl întâlnește pe adevăratul proprietar al bărcii și nu este mulțumită de comportamentul rasist al brokerilor. Abonați-vă acum ➞ 💥VIDEO RECOMANDAT PENTRU ȚINE 💥 Doctorul negru bogat, lipsit de respect de agentul imobiliar alb ➞ Soțul lipsit de respect îl umilește pe grădinar fără motiv ➞ HumiliateBlackGardener Road Rage, polițiștii arestează un adolescent negru inocent ➞ 💥Urmăriți-ne pe Social Media 💥 Instagram ➞ Facebook ➞ /soulsnackofficial Cu Verne Alexandre Florencia Barletta Megan Frade


50 thoughts on “Broker de iahturi rasist refuză să vândă o barcă unui negru bogat. Atunci Asta Se Întâmple

  1. I recently moved to Sc from Philadelphia I was here for 37 days and I had already been called BOY by a man at work and I have just as much grey hair as he does..I always hear about racism but I never experienced it until now..I left the job but I’m still scarred from the interaction to the point that I did not take another job as a handy man because of the fear of being on someone’s property working and they decide to be ignorant,I have a very short tolerance for dumb stuff and I don’t want to end up in jail over these type of ppl..

  2. You all do realize that this is a work of fiction start to finish right? I don't want to hear "yea but this could happen" either. It didn't.

  3. I hate stories intended to reinforce BAD stereotypes, especially racist ones.
    Only keeps those bad thoughts alive.
    Do better. And the white lady being nice at end does absolutely nothing to make up for a bad story.
    Note: I'm a white middle aged nice lady just like her. Whats your point?!
    I act nice always regardless of color. Again STOP pushing bad racist behaviors.
    Most people do NOT act that way nowadays. Those who do deserve no attention at all.
    Fire rude racist loser girl and move on.

  4. It disgust me when swing people bring racist God didn't put us on earth to hate each other he put us here to love each other and get along All Lives Matter not just one god put us here to be family

  5. As an African American women, I get tired of people thinking I am low income. I am not low income, and have excellent credit. I went to an Ivy League school , have my Masters degree and can afford almost anything I want. Don't let this brown skin fool you!

  6. I think that small boat might be a perfect fit for someone like her after the way she treated that man, we are all human being the skin color shouldn't be the problem

  7. Well , did he ever buy the boat ? 🤣 Nah all jokes aside this is something out of our everyday life in America especially in southern California. The things we go through.

  8. It's crazy how they care more about what "race" is buying their stuff rather than focus on the fact that someone is willing to BUY there stuff. Imagine you blew off a billion dollars because you would rather be racist.

  9. The sales lady without a doubt was a liberal the owner is a Republican Trump supporter that’s the difference between a racist bitch and one that isn’t
    🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Trump 2024

  10. I don't blame the boss some boss is not going to allow employees to be racist on the job and make them have to close down their business I say that song to you y'all take a stand in these businesses don't let your employees be racist to the customers get rid of them fire they ass on the spot racism would not be tolerated on the job 👉🏿👿👿🤡👺 your cause a person to lose their business in that kind of manner be a racist towards people people can't come in your business because they certain color or race or whatever then they should book out your business where you won't have no business at all put your ass out of business you don't come in this country in America be racist towards nobody I don't care who you are treat people with kindness and respect they want to spend their money with your business then hey be appreciative be grateful or you will lose your business your choice body got time for that racism you can't afford it you don't know what a person can afford that mouthful you are going to get you in trouble people's always racist people always running off at the mouth you don't know what you talking about how can you afford that none of your damn business that's not your business👄👄👅👿👿🤡👺

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