Top 10 pisici de croazieră de performanță [50 Foot Range, 2022 Models]

Top 10 pisici de croazieră de performanță [50 Foot Range, 2022 Models]

Dacă ai cumpăra astăzi o pisică Performance Cruising nou-nouță, ce ai obține?! Pe măsură ce Salonul Național de la Annapolis se apropie de sfârșit, ne uităm la Top 10 bărci pe care am fi vrut să le vedem în timpul spectacolului. Vă oferim părerile noastre cu privire la tipurile de întrebări pe care ar trebui să le puneți atunci când cumpărați, ceea ce considerăm important pentru o pisică de croazieră și enumerați argumentele pro și contra pentru fiecare navă. Cauți doar o anumită barcă? Nicio problemă, treceți doar la capitolele de mai jos: Participați la sondajul nostru cu o întrebare, ce barcă ați cumpăra?: CORECTE: De la lansarea acestui videoclip am fost informați cu privire la câteva (inevitabile) greșeli. Ne pare rău! Dar iată corecturile pe care am dori să ne întoarcem și să le facem: 1) Prețul WINDELO a scăzut prost. Nu suntem siguri de unde am obținut aceste informații (deoarece informațiile despre preț sunt greu de găsit, mai ales pe bărci noi), dar prețul ar trebui să fie de 1,1 milioane USD. Aceasta este în scădere semnificativă față de cei 1,6 milioane de dolari pe care i-am raportat. Este o barcă interesantă și una pe care toată lumea ar trebui să o verifice dacă ți se pare că aspectul este interesant! Și ne place abordarea lor Eco. Sperăm că acest lucru încurajează mai mulți concurenți să facă același lucru. 2) SEAWIND 1600 este acum mai greu decât raportat. După ce au produs primele câteva carene, au văzut nevoia de a îmbunătăți sarcina utilă de deplasare grea și au lărgit-o puțin. Nu sunt sigur că afectează atât de mult performanța, dar este o schimbare față de ceea ce am raportat. 3) Oamenii de la ITA ne-au contactat pentru a ne informa că puteți obține atât motoare diesel, cât și motoare electrice pe noul lor design. Din nou, aceasta este o barcă nouă destul de cool și foarte asemănătoare cu Outremer în ceea ce privește designul (și probabil performanța). Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei versiuni italiene fanteziste a acelei curți franceze, consultați-le. De asemenea, este de remarcat că această barcă este infuzată cu epoxid, care este una dintre cele trei bărci enumerate aici care au această metodă de producție puternică. 4) OC50 de la HH CATAMARANS este, de asemenea, infuzat cu epoxid, făcându-l unul dintre trei – împreună cu KINETIC KC54 (nu sunt sigur că am menționat asta). Epoxidul este de 3 ori mai puternic decât poliesterul și vinilesterul (deși asta depinde de curtea care le produce). Oricum ar fi, este o tehnică de producție mai scumpă și ar trebui să știi pentru ce plătești și de ce. Sper că acest lucru vă ajută! 0:00 – De ce o pisică de croazieră de performanță? 1:47 – Întrebări pe care ar trebui să le puneți când cumpărați un Performance Cat 7:06 – ORC50 (TS5) – „The Minimalist Racer” 10:18 – Seawind 1600 Passagemaker – „The Cheaper Outremer” 15:17 – Outremer 51 – „The Market Leader” 19:10 – Catana 53 – „The Old Guard” 22:39 – HH Catamarans OC50 – „The Quality Leader” 29:13 – Windelo 50 – „The Eco-Apartment Boat” 34:08 – Balance 526 – „The Versa-Boat” 38:51 – McConaghy MC52 – „The Flybridge Performance Cat” 42:27 – ITA 14.99 – „The Electric Outremer” 44:34 – HH50 – „Fly A Hull If You Want To” 46:14 – Kinetic KC54 – „Poor-mans Gunboat” 50:01 – Ce barcă ați alege și de ce? Doriți mai multe informații despre aceste bărci? Consultați resursa online remarcabilă Katamarans: 51/ https://www. BĂRCI NOI LIMITAT: Am omis în mod intenționat bărci-kit sau bărci cu planuri de design precum Schionning, Chris White și alții. Deși avem mult respect pentru astfel de bărci, astăzi ne concentrăm asupra companiilor care produc o linie de bărci și nu lucrări unice personalizate. Dar asta ar putea face un videoclip bun viitor, așa că rămâneți pe fază! Ah, și regretăm că l-am lăsat pe Dazcat afară. Faceți clic aici pentru a afla mai multe: NOTĂ SPECIALĂ: Opiniile exprimate în acest videoclip sunt ale noastre și nu am fost compensați în niciun fel pentru realizarea acestui videoclip. Deși suntem atașați emoțional de barca noastră și de oamenii amabili de la Outremer, am încercat să fim sinceri cu noi înșine la ce bărci ne-am uita astăzi. Mulțumiri speciale lui Hans de la @GoSunChill, care ne-a permis să folosim fotografia sa remarcabilă cu dronă a Salonului Nautic de la Annapolis din weekend! Mulțumesc Hans! Faceți clic aici pentru a vedea videoclipul cu Scott Rocknak ​​despre care am vorbit: Faceți clic aici pentru foaia de calcul: usp=sharing Postăm actualizări live pe canalele noastre sociale: -voile-familie-navigatoare/


48 thoughts on “Top 10 pisici de croazieră de performanță [50 Foot Range, 2022 Models]

  1. Dear family

    About Marsaudon TS5 – ORC 50

    The Human Being has three natural sensors for navigation, the face, the buttocks and the fingertips.

    The face determines the direction and speed of the wind, the buttocks feel when it hits bottom… venturing into the shallows and the fingertips feel when the boat is unbalanced, wants to luff up or to bear off because the sails are not trimmed 100%.

    The Tiller, Rudder Stock and Rudder Blade, all in one piece, makes the fingertips feel the boat in a unique way.

    And that is irreplaceable, when you sit at the Quarter, take the Tiller and raise your face to the wind, a symbiosis begins with your boat that is very special, and as I said before, unique.

    Trimming the sails to 100% is usually a route in 7 days, instead of 10 days. It's not just time, it's water, food, fatigue, etc…

    The best winds 🙂

  2. Just picked up your channel an from a complete novice, I would ask your advice on a lot of things.
    Like the kids safety and the getting up the stairs in a emergency. Never even thought about “ dry” weight ? So adding 5 or more tons of gear etc is highly important when considering load on the mast, especially in heavy weather or worse.
    Thanks for sharing guys with the experience an knowledgeable food for thoughts.
    Fair winds
    Paul 0059 gmt Uk cheers

  3. The issue I have with the windelo 50 is the two helm windows that open are merely plastic. I can’t imagine how these two windows would hold up to green water smashing against it. They have designed the vessel to mitigate this from happening but I’m not completely convinced it can’t happen. Ask the builder why they have scuppers in the helm area and there’s a door that separates helm from cockpit/saloon area. It’s overpriced for the plain interior design elements. Balance 482 would be the vessel I almost bought but at $1.55 million I said no way. $1.3 million yes. Pound for pound I’m going with the Seawind 1370 45 ft but just gotta wait in line ☹️

  4. I guess, I don't understand what we mean by "Performance" Cat. What makes one? Maybe that a video by itself.
    I was surprised that the definition was so narrowed to a ratio between sails area and total displacement.

    I would have thought that there are elements of actual speeds in different conditions…. good old polar chart.
    What was also odd, that Seth drop from the list few performance boats because based on the data (weight) he consider them no to be performance Cats. So how did they get on the list to begin with? manufacture claims?

    I am not say the comparison wrong as Seth knows about this way, way more than I will ever know – But that is kind of the point – I just sharing it as feedback as what someone like me who does not understand much about performance boats, comes to expect.
    The usual debate is "Cats cant sail up wind" – my thinking performance Cat are designed to address that issue (as well as others) and was surprised its not even being discussed.

    In other words, more opportunities to educate.

    And to your question…

    I got very interested in the HH OC 50 …. felt like a good balance but honestly, besides it looks great and claimed to be performance – I would want to know about the actual performance. At the end its a compromise, we can see the compromise on the space but its not clear what is the gain. Did search on YouTube and found very little information on it – I assume its too new.

    my 2 cents.

  5. Way late to the party, but- gotta throw out the all electrics- it isn't real today. Gotta toss the topend out, anything that doubles the cost of entry is out for 99% of the world. So, goodbye Windelo, good bye Kinetic, goodbye HH50. But, to perform & click off 200+ mile days, the Balance 526 (still a little rich for my blood) & The Seawind 1600 are completely legit. And, for lots of valid reasons of safety, speed & integrity. BTW, the lightship weights are complete & total BS. There's NO 50' cat coming in at 11.5 tonnes, or 12.5 for that matter. Just saying.

  6. The orc 50 has plenty of comfort for me. I want speed, but I’d have to change it to a raised helm station and more space outside for dining out the back.

  7. I can definitely see the advantages of the forward helm for sailing. You get a fantastic view both forward and of the sails and all of your controls are in one place. However, for a cruiser I can see three massive problems for cruising. Firstly they take up an absolute tonne of space (seriously you could fit an entire kitchen in the place of one of these), secondly as they're essentially unusable in foul weather you need an entire backup helm and lastly if you need to adjust lines in foul weather you have the choice of either going out the front door (in which case you risk getting seawater into the boat) or going up the side of the boat (which is risky).

    Overall if I had a racer or something massive (like the Atlantic 72) I'd go for a forward helm in a heartbeat. But for those of us trapped in the land of the living the trade off just doesn't seem worth it.

  8. The McConghy strikes me as having bought a whole tonne of space with the extra displacement but then having wasted it all by filling the back of the boat with stairs and the middle of the boat with a massive island.

    I think they were looking to fill the gap between the cruisers and the performance boats (and there's definitely a niche for that) but the design waste's all the space it's bought with useless, ostentatious nonsense. I also cannot understand the idea of the floating apartment, you buy a boat because you want to sail and enjoy the places you're sailing to not because you want to spend all day sitting in a glitzy apparent.

  9. Good video. Now, six months later, I would double check a lot of your info on the Windelo 50. You called it out for displacement without any discussion of the unique basalt-fiber material that is the primary hull material (which is actually a lot lighter than fiberglass). In fact, you called it out for the reported light displacement, and used the number in your graph for their heaviest model (not actually the Sport). Now that there are more than half a dozen of these out on the water, we know it's reported displacements were very accurate. It's also worth noting that the Windelo 50 Adventure and Yachting models actually have more cubic footage of storage than the Outremer you were making the video from. You also questioned its range as well without noting the hydrogeneration aspects of their electric propulsion and power generation. Basically, there's a bunch of very good reasons it ended up being nominated (alongside the Outremer 55) for the European Boat of the Year – Bluewater Cruiser category. Maybe give it another look.

  10. The HH 50 or even the new HH 44 if you ever do a review of that one. This was a very well done review of these boats. I would like to know more about what the back ground about the demise of Gunboats.

  11. Thanks much for the review. A problem with fully opening front windows is that if they're not properly closed when under way can let in seawater which can damage the interior, electronics, etc. Worst case, if a wave hits, it can swamp the boat. That's why many boats such as HH and Balance only have a small opening portlight in front.


  13. I like the HH 50 and the Balance 526. Now the Balance 526 has more of an opening between the cockpit and the salon. I like the Outremer, but the 55. The overall winner has to be the HH 50.

  14. Performance cruiser over cruiser I get for the safety and more comfortable experiences. But because life is about the journey and not the destination, I think I would choose the HH50 over all. It's huge on safety when it comes to strength and durability in a boat of any category and having some creature comforts along with me on my journey would be ideal. I would give up a little speed to know I will arrive safely and to have lived a little along the way ain't so bad either.

  15. I’m really late to this party but thanks for the reviews. So hard to do as depends on the market you are selling to
    Couple with kids ….. lot of creature comforts reqd = payload!
    Couple only, ok with less comfort/ payload….. but 50’+ is way too much boat , but needed for the performance ( wL etc)
    35-45’ is plenty for a couple especially if older , way less load on the gear , boat etc.
    Carbon fiber boats (?) are generally really noisy …….
    Boats without a protected outside steering position are not serious sailing boats, period, Protected from sun as well. As wet and cold , often ignored!
    The only thing that really matters if your really want performance is true displacement weight. It’s like aerodynamics on a car ,still works however old boat/car is.
    Racing , what series are you seeing performance cruising cats sailing in?
    I don’t see much going on except possible Australia .
    Thanks for putting that video together
    I see what your have for follow up now!
    Cheers Warren

  16. China is a fascist totalitarian regime ! You should add this as an information – title / so we know how blind you are advertising such a product !

  17. Hh is also made in a fascist totalitarian regime country ! And you are representing and bring it to the greatest shine / you should think what you are saying !

  18. Hey Liz, In answer to your question about 2 helms. When sailing I like to sit to windward so that I can see the mainsail and telltales. When docking, and you dont have the option of docking to starboard, the portside helm is also appreciated but not essential. I think your O51 finds a happy compromise, with tillers on either side when you really want the full on, wind in your face experience , with perfect visibility of the sails and the waves (I dont like racing unless I can see sails and water in front of me)but you also have the single wheel for the time you are cruising without the autopilot on. My only negative on the O51 helm position is lack of sun protection, and I would hate to raise the goose neck.. If Im going to have weather protection for the helm (and I would) I would try and design it without raising the goose-neck. Seth, do you think that is possible?

  19. This video is a great starting point to know what is out there in this segment, but as someone who has built, refit, raced and blue water sailed multiple cats in the 40-45 range I found their pros and cons curious. Helm position is NOT a major factor if bluewater cruising, trust me, a good autopilot with remote does 95+% of the steering. A 50’ cat you might go into a gas dock, but anchoring systems are far more important than dual protected helms….. I am guessing that Outre-mer is the only cat they have owned as their analysis is skewed towards the Outre-mer design. It would be nice to know the extent of their cruising experience on the Outre-mer, They stress storage space and lightweight, the two are diametrically opposed, and any cat over 40’ is going to have more storage space than you should have/need. I love Outremers, they created the performance cruising cat segment themselves decades ago starting further out towards performance and then adding length to get cruising amenities instead of volume. The polyester, vinyl ester, epoxy build comparisons are at best simplistic, at worst misleading and combined with layup techniques (ie infusion) and carbon fibre have a huge impact on the build. SA/displacement is one of many performance indicators, saying a boat is ‘faster’ based on that chart is misinformation. If they love sailing more than motoring, what about sail handling? On a boat this size, the sails can be unmanageable for a couple if the running rigging is not well thought out. They are spoiled as the Outremers typically do a good job of this. Daggerboards vs mini keels is one of the biggest design decisions and he only casually mentions that both exist. He should have included at least one of the heavy cats if only to show how much his wife loved the amenities. 😉

  20. Very good presentation of the 50 performance cats. HH get my vote. Do you think the HH55 with the forward Helm is a good choice for one hand sailing?

  21. So let's talk helm positions again. I come from a racing background, so I 100% understand the sizzle and fun factor of outboard helms which allow you to see sail trim and waves simultaneously. I will NOT be racing my cat but I can see myself spending a couple of hours on a leg from Tortola to Virgin Gorda, steering the boat with the tunes cranked on and that delicious tingle of sailing a boat to perfection. I want that on my cruising boat . I especially like the outboard aft tiller option that some boats have. If you are going to provide a steering option where the sole reason is fun (or racing) then go all the way!
    I think the #1 reason for a sheltered wheel steering position is safety in bad weather. There are weather conditions where I can sail the boat better and protect the boat and crew better if I am driving. Unlike Otto, I can steer up waves and bear away down waves and avoid slamming the boat. I can feel an exception gust and ease the strain on the rig. I can do this for hours….IF….I am dry, warm and sheltered.
    So for me, I want my wheel steering position to have two characteristics (1) I have to be able to see the waves in front of me (I actually dont need to see the sails for rough weather sailing) and (2) It has to be well sheltered. Offshore sheltered steering positions are well understood by Pilot house cruisers and IMOCA 60s
    So my ideal steering combination would be:
    2 aft tillers like the Outramer
    + 1 Indoor forward wheel steering position or a wheel steering position in the front of the cockpit sheltered by the hard bimiini/doghouse coaming with good visibility through the saloon. .

  22. It would be useful in the next version to indicate performance in light winds, etc. Though that information may be difficult to find in a way you can consistently report

  23. New in this area and exploring . . . . So tnx for this informative and entertaining vid. I dug into the Windelo today at boot Dusseldorf and I loved what I discovered. I think your information can be expanded a little, like:
    – it is light due to light motors and the used materials.
    – there is a diesel powered generator on board, standard.
    – but, while sailing the batteries are recharged by the screws that are 'propelloring'. Offcourse solar power is an option that makes this boat completely selfsufficient.
    – there is a number of possibilities for the shape of the interieur, including the outside diningtable you would like. In fact, the grade of customising possibilities is very high.
    – I found that there was a lot of storage.
    – the building materials are basalt and recycled plastics. That makes the hulls very stiff what boosts the performance.
    – the model is 'tweeked' and the new models are more 'flowy' and less 'boxy'. Although, what you call 'boxy' looks robust and efficient to me, and I like that look.
    I have not sailed it yet, but I will and am very curious how that will be. I think you might like to adjust your opinion on this one a bit ; )

    Thx again for your insights. Keep up the good work.

  24. On the Ruby Rose channel they are spending a lot of time in the Seawind factory with their Seawind 1370 being built, anybody interested in the working conditions can get in contact with them. Most of the times factories move to such countries becouse salaries in general are lower than in first world countries like Australia, it´s not that they are exploiting the workers

  25. So disappointed about this. Clearly, you just talk out your rear end, without having done real research into the boats, that you promote or put down. Windelo for sure is as lightweight, as they claim their boats to be, because they use modern materials and technology. Tried and tested still though, because the bassalt fibers on a PET core is for instance already used in the windmill industry, but Windelo is the first boat manufacturer to implement this composite material. You also can install and chart table indoor in both the 50 and 54, if you wish to. These boats are semi-custom and many opt out, as sure would I: What is the point of chart table indoor, when the helm is just in front of it? I bet, that the Windelo 54 would outperform that ugly Outremer, and on top you have full headroom in all areas, and a full electric drive and solar and hydrogeneration system included in the price, and the price is 900k US Dollars for the 50, 1,2 million for the 54, which on top makes this boat the cheapest in class! I could say much the same about the other things, that you talk about. Seawind for instance are very open about their production facilities, and you have absolutely no right at all to insinuate, that the workers in Vietnam may be worse treated than workers in France or elsewhere! Shame on you for such a slander piece of an episode!

  26. HH OC looks good. but I just don't believe the build quality in China. It would be definitely on my top list if they are built in other countries known to be good manufacturing reputation

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