Am cumpărat o mică barcă cu vele – „Misty” The Ocean Tiny Home

Am cumpărat o mică barcă cu vele - „Misty” The Ocean Tiny Home

O zi grozavă pe apă primitoare în noua doamnă din viața mea, Misty, 26’ International Folkboat. Abia aștept să văd aventurile pe care le avem și oceanele pe care le navigăm. Practic, o casă mică pe apă! Aduceți insulele… dar mai întâi să învățăm să navigam puțin mai bine😅 Susține canalul și familia de pe Patreon:


34 thoughts on “Am cumpărat o mică barcă cu vele – „Misty” The Ocean Tiny Home

  1. IFs are wonderful boats. You need to take this one to the Stockholm archipelago (or alternatively the Swedish west coast) for some sailing in its gorgeous native waters! (Edit: just realized you’re in Australia so perhaps my suggestion is a bit unrealistic!)

    (And please stow your fenders when you leave the dock or people will start referring to you as the floating hot dog stand 😂)

  2. Awesome. Thats a good little boat. Curious what year it is, and when did they start doing the pop top, that's awesome. You can probably rig a way to put a screen to prevent some mosquitos entry.

  3. Nice small sailboat quite enjoyable.
    That sailboat looks like perfect solo Sailboat!!🥳
    I gave you a like & have scribed.
    Love the interior!❤️
    Yes! I'm going want to see more sailing adventure's in this sailboat.🥰

  4. Thanks for the great video, and a huge thanks for not ruining it with crappy background music while you're talking. I don't know why some people are compelled to add annoying background music throughout the video.

  5. Wow! This is cool. But I don't know about having a "tiny" home on the ocean?😳. The other major cool thing is this fellow has such a positive attitude!

  6. Have a few questions, How much did it cost if you did mind me asking and also regular upkeep n maintenance bills what are we looking at?

  7. I don't trust auto pilot I'm a trout fisha I went to sleep and I woke up being tossed around and the skippa put on the auto pilot and we only just managed to escape a very rocky death and I mean death the was no cost just rocks and the waves were huge so auto is no something in trust

  8. Congratulations She's a Beauty you're going to have so much wonderful time I'm following your dream not there yet not physically but mentally I'm following your dream just waiting for it to manifest

  9. I'm confused by the anchor line. It looked like manila after the chain, but then looked like nylon when you were wrapping it around the sampson post? I wouldn't think that manila line would be suitable for anchor line…

  10. That was a very good intro & very helpful for us oldies who wanna buy a boat & cross some ocean.I'm a bit of a dare devil still at 73 & only sailed dingies,rowed boats & canoed rivers

  11. After you have sailed around the world and filled up your youtube channel with wind noise videos, then you should put a piece of open cell foam over your microphone hole to kill the wind noise, then delete you channel, start a new youtube channel and then sail around the world all over again.

  12. Beautiful. I envy you. Bought a boat, fixed her up and sailed away to Hawaii. My wife was seasick the entire trip… Now I'm back on the hard. All the luck to you.

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