În această serie de Proiect Zomboid, Logan Stone a naufragiat pe coasta Cherbourg. Aici zombii sunt mai duri, mâncarea este mai rară și suntem complet și fără speranță pierduți! Dar, cel puțin, am scăpat de Knox Country! Proiectul Zomboid pentru mine este cea mai bună experiență de joc de supraviețuire cu zombi, acest joc nu te ține de mână și te va pedepsi la fiecare pas. Alăturați-vă mie în cel de-al treilea proiect al meu Zomboid, să jucăm în timp ce mă lupt să-l păstrez pe Logan Stone, în viață, împotriva oricăror șanse. Luptând cu zombi și mediul înconjurător, menținându-l sănătos și sănătos. Vom prospera în această apocaliptică? Va fi orgoliul nostru căderea noastră? Vom vedea. Multumesc pentru vizionare! ==Legături la canale== Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IslandPotato Discord: https://discord.gg/tYHMZq6nNn Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/islandpotato/ Twitter: https:// twitter.com/IslandPotato_ KoFi: https://ko-fi.com/islandpotato ==Descriere oficială== Project Zomboid este un sandbox deschis, infestat de zombi. Pune o întrebare simplă – cum vei muri? În orașele Muldraugh și West Point, supraviețuitorii trebuie să jefuiască case, să construiască apărări și să facă tot posibilul pentru a-și amâna inevitabila dispariție zi de zi. Niciun ajutor nu vine – supraviețuirea lor continuă se bazează pe propria viclenie, noroc și capacitatea de a se sustrage unei hoarde necruțătoare. ==Modificări== Pur și simplu sunt prea multe moduri folosite în această serie pentru a enumera toate linkurile de mai jos. Am încercat, dar am rămas fără spațiu! Pentru toate modurile pe care le folosesc pentru acest pachet, vă rugăm să consultați linkul de mai jos: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2638756255 ==Music== Ocean/Storm Sounds – Sound from Zapsplat.com https: //www.zapsplat.com/ #projectzomboid #hardcoresurvival #IslandPotato #Island Potato
Probleme cu barca! | Să jucăm Modded Project Zomboid (Cherbourg) | Ep3 | Build 41.56
33 thoughts on “Probleme cu barca! | Să jucăm Modded Project Zomboid (Cherbourg) | Ep3 | Build 41.56”
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This vid is a gift from god lol
So what's Logan's mission now?
Your doing exactly what I want to do with my bases I just constantly struggle to find somewhere I like 🤣
Oh the new survivor mod just released btw.
After seeing the recent blog from the devs im very exited for multi-player because then i can give the taxis a good purpose lol
Just hope you don't do what I did and end up back on the island you left from.
reloading ammo is something avid shooters do – as opposed to the basic act of reloading a firearm during a target practice session, hunt or battle, reloading ammo is something typically done beforehand or afterward at a workshop. you take the empty used brass casings or shotgun hulls, replace the primers, refill the powder, put in new projectiles and so on to make functioning ammunition again. some people even take it as far as scavenging for and melting down lead (and sometimes other cheap metals that aren't so hard that they might damage the gun's barrel) to cast into bullet molds. much less popular but still technically possible is scavenging for chemicals to try to make your own gunpowder and primer powder
Stop saving the katana for a rainy day – that collection of mansions was well worth breaking it out to secure a place – in my opinion ofc 😀 The hypnotoad told me to say these things
Another hit vid Logan stone is sure surviving like a true hero still a bit pulled back on a full send ,thanks for another banger potato
Ps: 5:14 "finally we got some decent armor"
That's the most medieval thing i heard through the whole vid
That looks like a secure place ngl. Should've set up for a couple of days and read all the books you have and drop them after.
Man I love the sound of that metal bat bouncing off their head 😈
Heck ya new episode i saved this for the weekend !
Are survivors here too or is all the french ded?
Finally caught up after finishing the first Logan series and the CURE series. Excited for what you have in store for us, keep it up‼️
Glad to see the red hardhat back. Signature Logan Stone look.
Mr. Potato, you live on an island. One would think you would want to learn how to sail a boat at some point. Then again, I'm not sure if the mod would follow real world behavior.
i love these series! so much fun to watch lol
as cruel as it sounds its really funny when Logan hits a zombie with the metal bat and i hear THUNK! THUNK! lol
Dude any idea on how to let the zombies lose track of you they follow you for miles!!
Silly question, but what's the music played behind when you were listing out the patreon names?
When one of the zombies had a map D:
dunno if it was a map for this place but coulda been interesting if it was.
Cool let's play. ^-^
Cherbourg was my least favourite map. The map was huge but also very sparse, I don't know if its improved as I only played it once & was bored out of my skull
How overweight can you get? And what are the repercussions of carrying too much?
I’m just starting to watch this play through so it’s kind of a moot point since you’ve already played ahead, but why be in such a hurry/anxious to get off the island? It seems to have everything?!?! Build up stats, start farming, get all those traps going, etc…
Endlessly entertained by the dainty little 'dink' of the baseball bat. 😀
Are the peanut seeds like normal peanuts you have to boil them or they're poisonous? 🤔
16:46, 16:48, 16:49, 16:51, 16:52, 16:54 (bop)
What is the name of the music that was playing at the end…..?????
just started watching this tonight straight after bthe first one glad barry is ok🐸
drinking game, each time he says: coast
That metal baseball bat is sick!