Sailing – Christopher Cross (Trinley Gibson Drum Cover)

Sailing - Christopher Cross (Trinley Gibson Drum Cover)

Coperta de tobe pentru Sailing de Christopher Cross.


34 thoughts on “Sailing – Christopher Cross (Trinley Gibson Drum Cover)

  1. What a great choice!! Did you pick this song sweetie?!
    Was there as a teen when it was popular, and even then as a wannabe tough guy, this song hit a secret place I did not know I was hiding.
    Loved the movie too!!

  2. Muito feliz poder ainda ver isso em tempos em que vivemos por valores perdidos ,coisas boas como a música sendo cada vez desvaloriza……por uma geração sem rumo sem … Parabéns…….

  3. It's hard to play "not to play". If you over do the drums in any way at all with a ballad, it's no longer a ballad. Writing a drum track to support and enhance a ballad with the appropriate touch is a task that goes beyond the fundamentals of providing a rhythmic backbone. A producer once told me "I don't want to hear you, but if you're not there, I will". Very good performance to a great ballad. Well done.

  4. Wish you mixed the drum part a bit stronger, even exaggerated, for a focused cover like this for a fine young talent. Great beats. I really enjoyed it.

  5. I'm and so shocked that a kid this age had the patience or interest to learn this song, but she was incredible. True talent who can probably play most anything. I've definitely subscribed and look forward to more! She can only get better 🙂

  6. Outstanding 👍. You sure are talented!! Wish I could Play half that good, beautiful song of your choosing

  7. I'm your 317 subscriber. Make no mistake, as long as you keep on playing the drums you will be like Sina. This channel will grow so big you won't even notice it. Thanks and God bless you! Great cover love it!

  8. It’s not easy to sit that comfortably in the pocket for that long on sixteenth notes. Really well done. Very sensitively played. You keep this up and you’ll have no trouble finding work as a drummer.

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