Marea aventură cu navigație Ep. 5: Râul Guadiana până la Olhão

Marea aventură cu navigație Ep.  5: Râul Guadiana până la Olhão

Eu navighez pe Rio Guadiana și vizitez Sanlúcar în Spania și Alcoutim de cealaltă parte în Portugalia. Ambele locuri merită vizitate. De acolo navighez spre Tavira, un oraș foarte frumos din Algarve. Continuam spre insula Culatra de care ne apropiem dinspre est. Aici trecerea nu este atât de ușoară, deoarece graficul este incorect și este foarte superficial. Dar datorită scanării înainte, putem trece bine. Bucurați-vă de videoclip! Facebook: M Jambo Sailing Instagram: martin_jambo Tip Box: PayPal.Me/mjambosailing Link-uri către carte: SUA: Marea Britanie: Germania: Franța: Spania: dp/B0BPGBSXMR Italia: Țările de Jos: Polonia: Suedia: Japonia: Canada: Australia: https:/ / Link-uri de prieteni:


24 thoughts on “Marea aventură cu navigație Ep. 5: Râul Guadiana până la Olhão

  1. Every 20 years you have to replace the electric wires. Do you know how much it cost for Bavaria 38 2004 modell to do such a job?
    Best Regards from Sweden

  2. Thanks Martin for another great video! Really appreciate the shots of you leaving the slip – always a stressful time for me, it's nice to see how others do it!

  3. Danke, für die vielen tollen und spannenden Videos.
    Ich wünsche Euch ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2022 🍀

  4. Excellent video, you give a new perspective to cruising in the Med and surrounding areas. Thanks and all the best from Panama.

  5. Happy Holidays!

    Thank you for the tour of the Algarve in Portugal. In 2019 I was thinking of relocating to this area but then we had the Pandemic so my plans changed. What a beautiful area and I liked the idea of being able to take the Ferry from Portugal to Spain!

  6. thank you for another great video. I noticed you added a bicycle to your crew roster. Great idea for getting around town. I love watching your videos and really, truly appreciate that you film in English on top of your native language. Just curious about your nautical background and hoping you could clear up something. How did you become a captain? And is it true that if you're not a licensed captain you could have your boat seized and be arrested?

  7. I enjoyed the music and video going up the river, especially when I saw, "Fist Full of Spaghetti", in the credits. LOL Thanks again from Canada – we're waiting for launch soon 🙂

  8. Great video. Thanks from Norway. I’m curious, what is your honest experience with the forward looking sonar? I’m considering getting one and your feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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