Colapsul stâncii din Brazilia a ucis cel puțin 10 persoane

Colapsul stâncii din Brazilia a ucis cel puțin 10 persoane

Cel puțin 10 persoane au murit și alte zeci au fost rănite când o formațiune masivă de stâncă s-a desprins de o stâncă din Brazilia, zdrobind bărci dedesubt. Priscilla Thompson de la NBC News explică că au existat indicii anterioare despre un posibil colaps. Avertisment: videoclipul pe care urmează să-l vedeți poate fi deranjant. » Abonați-vă la NBC News: » Vizionați mai multe videoclipuri NBC: NBC News Digital este o colecție de mărci de știri inovatoare și puternice care oferă știri convingătoare, diverse și captivante povestiri. NBC News Digital prezintă,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline și aplicațiile și extensiile digitale existente ale acestor proprietăți respective. Oferim cele mai bune știri de ultimă oră, acoperire video live, jurnalism original și segmente din emisiunile tale preferate de știri NBC. Conectați-vă cu NBC News Online! Aplicația NBC News: Alerte de știri de ultimă oră: Vizitați NBCNews.Com: http:/ / Găsiți NBC News pe Facebook: Urmărește NBC News pe Twitter: #Brazil #CliffCollapse #SouthAmerica


41 thoughts on “Colapsul stâncii din Brazilia a ucis cel puțin 10 persoane

  1. I was actually going to go there with my family on that exact day, but we decided not to because of heavy rain the night before.

  2. This is exactly why when you see/hear a cliff beginning to structurally fail (loud cracking sounds coming from the cliff, dirt and smaller rocks falling from the edifice), you need to BACK UP. Even the boats from which the video was taken were dangerously close as rock fragments could fly out from the impact and hit onlookers, the boats that were recorded were suicidally so as they were directly in the debris path when structural failure occured. This was frustratingly avoidable. Even more so considering that there were apparently signs that the cliff face was structurally weak long before this even happened, which means there probably should have been posted warnings about getting too close to the rock cliffs a long time ago. If nothing else, hopefully this spurs the implementation of necessary preventative measures.

  3. That was surreal, the way the whole thing just detached looks like something out of a movie. If you look closely you can actually see someone jumping into the water trying to escape as the cliff is falling. The fact a whole family including children were on the white boat is heartbreaking.

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