Chef miliardar de iahturi explică cum o face…

Chef miliardar de iahturi explică cum o face...

Bun venit la episodul 3 din Axioma din șantierul naval. Acest episod se concentrează pe bucătărie și gastronomie de la bord și pe ceea ce face bucătarul-șef Sascha pentru a produce mese incredibile. Instagram: Axioma: Bucătar: Jared Watney: https://www.instagram .com/jaredwatney/ Chef Dean: – Producție de: Cum să devii membru al echipajului de iaht: Biblioteca echipajului: Jared este îmbrăcat cu Cuts Clothing: Verificați CUTS și economisiți 15% folosind link-ul meu:


23 thoughts on “Chef miliardar de iahturi explică cum o face…

  1. Wonderful content creation Jared!!! How do chefs get liquid nitrogen on a yacht? Are there laws in different countries? How does this work?

  2. I'm a self avowed atheist……but if there is a god…..he's(she's) gonna give us a bad time…..folks dying of hunger out there while these jokers spend hundreds of dollars in a lobster……Pray for the payback day!!

  3. If I won the jackpot and was able to charter a yacht like this, I'd ask the chef to make me hamburger gravy on mashed potatoes. I don't like high cuisine and I think it would be fun to see an accomplished chef cook some college student food.

  4. I'm assuming that all the staff perhaps with the exception of the maintenance engineer have been laid off. This yacht was seized by the Gibraltar Admiralty Court, and is being auctioned off due to a non repayment on an outstanding loan. J.P. Morgan petitioned the Court in order to recover an outstanding $20 million loan against the Russian owner. Although the yacht is valued at $75 million, it's expected to sell for a lot less next week. Just shows that even billionaires can face cash flow problems.

  5. I though this was going to be about a chef who was a billionaire and how he did it. Ahh, it remains a mystery or an impossibility. (Kudos to Sasha, he's awesome).

  6. All russian yachts now useless, Axioma now sold, interesting to know who bought it
    How many cooks on board ,
    Did everyone get paid, I guess everyone left

  7. The best fruit & vege is eaten within one hour of harvesting. Impossible when buying – anywhere. I wonder if any Suyperyachts have their own kitchen gardens – they've ample space. Many exquisite foods need little space – ie, mushrooms, micro-greens/sprouts, strawberries, radishes lettuce! … But – is it worth the effort..

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