Top 10 cei mai bogați oameni din lume (2022). Cu toții ne întrebăm din când în când cine sunt cei mai bogați oameni din lume, ei bine, permiteți-mi să vă spun, este persoana cu o familie iubitoare și o comunitate care susține… Ei bine, însă nu conform Forbes. Deci, cine sunt oamenii cu cea mai mare valoare netă? Moșii și agitatorii, centimiliardarii care modelează industriile? Ei bine, încă o dată, în spiritul distribuției inegale, vom arunca o privire în topul celor mai bogați 10 oameni din lume. Așa că scoateți acea fișă de scor și pregătiți-vă să ghiciți cine s-a clasat unde.
Top 10 cei mai bogați oameni din lume (2022)

38 thoughts on “Top 10 cei mai bogați oameni din lume (2022)”
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With inflation hitting people really hard and with the economïc recession, it's no surprise that people are feeling the impact of the market crash. I realized that the secret to surviving the market,making profíts and attaining financial security is by making better :nvestment decision. Despite the recession, I've been able to make over 380k with a start up of 70k. The market is dynamic, and irrespective of the crash there's still a lot to be made, make the most of it
And none of them help the poor
Congratulations 🎉 Elon Musk
Elon Musk is the 🌟, because, respected
Elon Musk sir go ahead, 🎉, hhe is working for the human 🚶 beings
How about the 10 Top Poorest Person In The World? I bet you there's billions of them. 😪
Where's is Adani?
plenty of bitcoin scammers on the comment section 🙂
Among the rich person being mention in this video there is one person richer than them…
Me watching this video knowing about Bill Gates and Elon Musk
Not one person of colour. All inherited moola. No success, from-scratch stories
I would love to be at the bottom of this this 😅
Wow so amazing some rich people doesn't look like them, I like Elon musk he is funny and simple 😍
Why didn't Warren Buffet gift a bunch of Wealth to Me? Could be like the movie Mr Deeds. And I still wouldn't ask any gals out, not a good player.
I like Bill Gates
Nice video & my favroute is Elen musk
What does it profit a man (woman) to gain the whole world and loose his own soul (forever)?!
I believe that everyone can succeed if they work hard and clever. and most important then money is happiness.
Sad to see when there’s people who can’t even eat a nourishing meal.
I wish I could get enough to get an acre of land and build a rescue and train the dogs to become PTSD service dogs. It’s a dream I’m working towards.
Elon musks isnt the richest man tho
The leader VOC had 8 trillion in 16th century..
Thank you for this wonderful video….I have incurred so much losses trading on my own….I trade well on demo but I think the real market is manipulated…. Can anyone help me out or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Hello. Happy New Year. 2023. God bless you all.🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑.🎼🎵🎛🎶🎸.
How did they get rich
How about the Prince of Saudi Arabia?
Is he not one of the 10 richest people in the woeld?
I feel it is good we hear the stories of the rich every day to encourage us to use every resource very well to achieve more. It is in this lines that give me joy to watch your videos.
The world (and god for that matter) sides with the lucky over the hard working. Even without 99% of their wealth they are still livin large compared to the rest of us.ñ
Billionaires of 2023 in the world you can't believe
Wow ,I'm amazed by this
@King Luxury Mukesh Ambani!
You forget Adani my brother ❤
I like Elon Musk…
Big money is big work. And no rest. Well done, guys!