o RECOMPLĂȚĂ după toată MUNCA NOASTRA GRUIENĂ | Beau and Brandy Sailing

o RECOMPLĂȚĂ după toată MUNCA NOASTRA GRUIENĂ |  Beau and Brandy Sailing

În sfârșit, o RECOMPENSĂ după toată munca noastră grea! Am petrecut 7 săptămâni lucrând la barca noastră cu pânze, am fost stropiți și am făcut o navigație de shakedown până la Klein Curacao. Explorăm micuța insulă și vă împărtășim unde vom merge în continuare. Și ești cu plăcere dacă îți place să auzi oceanul lângă barcă. Avem una dintre cele mai frumoase vele ale noastre pe drumul de întoarcere către insula principală de la Klein Curacao. Dacă doriți să donați prietenilor lui Oona, alcătuim un fond pentru a ajuta oricare dintre câinii de pe insulă pe care îi întâlnim în călătoriile noastre: vă rugăm să faceți acest lucru aici: https://bit.ly/oonas-friends . Dacă există vreun alt mod în care ați dori să ne ajutați, vă rugăm să ne trimiteți un e-mail la beauandbrandy@gmail.com mare dragoste, Beau + Brandy #beauandbrandy #sailing #kleincuracao –––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––– -AJUTĂ LA SUSȚINIREA PRODUCȚIEI- Alătură-te Patreon-ului nostru: http://bit.ly/BB-Patreon Donație o singură dată prin Paypal: http://bit.ly/one-time-donation- bb Asigurați-vă că sunteți abonat: https://www.youtube.com/c/sailingsaoirse Lista de dorințe Amazon: https://bit.ly/beauandbrandywishlist -SWAG- https://sailingsaoirse.com/shop/ -MUSIC- Epidemic Sound este locul în care găsim toată muzica noastră. Probă gratuită de 30 de zile: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/mxtzxe/ -LES BE SOCIAL- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beauandbrandy Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sailingsaoirse -ECHIPAMENTUL NOASTRE ÎN FOLOSIM- camera principală: https://amzn.to/2lm2bSY go pro camera: https://amzn.to/3hMxf5C cameră de rezervă: https://amzn.to/2l8e3ry Waterproof Dry Back Pak: https: //amzn.to/2VICYkH setare electrică*: controler: https://amzn.to/2lm7hP7 motor electric: https://amzn.to/2ZnLfvN controler motor: https://amzn.to/3getpSw ____________________________________ *Acest canal este un participant la Programul de afiliere Amazon. Ajutați-ne să câștigăm puțin fără niciun cost pentru dvs., doar faceți clic pe unul dintre linkurile noastre Amazon înainte de a verifica.


44 thoughts on “o RECOMPLĂȚĂ după toată MUNCA NOASTRA GRUIENĂ | Beau and Brandy Sailing

  1. god i wish i could have a life like this with a beautiful woman.each and every day becomes a new memory and a life that is filled with freedom and love..you can not ask for anything more in life than to be by the side of someone you love doing what people only dream about .good luck

  2. Yes, a “pole” makes a big improvement for the foresail! Your inability to find a “spare” one shows their utility! Good Luck! Best wishes in the coming sail to USVI!

  3. I like the name of your boat and impressed that you pronounce it correctly., Did you know that Saoirse is Gaelic for "freedom". " There must be Irish connections for you to name your boat in Irish?. Sláinte go deo daoibh ar fad faoi sheol ! – Happy and safe sailings for you all. !

  4. Wonderful to see you guys underway again. You definitely earned it.
    I've been thinking about repurposing windsurfing masts as whisker poles. I'll be you can pick them up cheep, Maybe a dyneema soft shackle on each end. Our Bayfield cutter could use a small whisker pole on both the head sail and Yankee.

  5. Congratz on the new sails and the spinnaker will be a lot of fun for you guys im sure! If your organinsing a Spinnaker Pole, I suggest get 2 spinnaker poles. you can put the spinnaker up with a pole on both sides and then take down the main and jib. your left with the perfect rig for downhil running where you dont have to worry about gybing because your set no matter the angle. Ive done a bit of cruising on the southern ocean off the south coast of Australia and we have had the twin poles up on a mid size spinnaker in 20+ knots and the boat is always smooth, comfortable and stable, but also a lot of fun when she surfs! no need to fear the oops manuvers and just point where you want to go. one of the best investments I have added to the boat. Also Spinnaker poles are usually the same or similar size poles as the trailer sailer small yachts – say 18-20" in size. our second pole was really cheap by getting a mast from an old forgotten 20" boat and puttting the jaws on the ends to make it a pole ready for use.

  6. Nice video with ocean sounds. Looks like Benji isn't going anywhere other than where he is now. I guess a whisker pole would keep the sail from flopping around and gain a bit of speed.

  7. It warms my heart every week watching the two of you take on the world on your own terms. The love you showed to the dogs on Curacao was nothing short of beautiful. Thanks for renewing my faith in young people.

  8. Hey Guys, Gr8 to see you both on the water and Benji has taken to you and the boat like a duck to water eh Oh and water sound with or without music is fine either way… love it

  9. Epic episode guys. I was super relaxed with the sound and music! I really miss seeing dolphins. Haven't seen any since we have arrived in the Caribbean. Hopefully we'll see some heading up north. Curacao looks amazing! Hope to see you guys up north! 😁

  10. Many other channels I'd say to forget the background music, That's why I watch your channel, I like your music, I like your ocean sounds and really like how you combine them! That's why I watch you.

  11. USVI! Woot! Hopefully we'll see you. We may not stay across your mooring ball on Friday Feb 25th – we may try and catch a private taxi that day to BVI – we'll let you know. Cheers! Safe travels!

  12. Benji is going with the flow.. I've been gone busy with my son. We are catching up together. Lil Bri said "keep Benji, I haven't seen a smile like that on Mrs Brandy in a while!!" Thanks again for sharing your lives with us Fare winds an following sea's guy's ✌🏼💗😊❣️

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