Renunță la slujbă și navighează în lume – Acesta este cât costă

Renunță la slujbă și navighează în lume - Acesta este cât costă

Bine, acesta este episodul pe care îl așteptați! Să vorbim despre bani și despre ce costă să navighezi pe aici. Vorbim despre costul bărcii noastre, cât am cheltuit înainte de a părăsi docul și despre fiecare cost pe care l-am avut în primii doi ani de croazieră. Dacă aveți alte întrebări despre acest videoclip, lăsați-vă întrebarea mai jos și vă vom răspunde! Mulțumim pentru vizionare – sperăm să vă placă! Tur video al One Life: Doriți să ajutați la susținerea producțiilor noastre video? Am deschis recent un cont Patreon. Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru One Life aici: Am colaborat recent cu Epic Water Filters. Împreună ne putem ajuta să ne protejăm oceanele și fauna sălbatică, câte un filtru de apă! Pentru a-ți lua propriul echipament Epic Water Filter, mergi la: Asigurați-vă că utilizați codul promoțional EPICONELIFE în timpul comenzii pentru a primi 20% reducere la comanda dumneavoastră. One Life Merchandise: Pentru mai multe aventuri Sailing One Life și actualizări curente, urmăriți-ne pe: Facebook – Instagram – Website – Consultați podcastul la care am fost invitați recent:


40 thoughts on “Renunță la slujbă și navighează în lume – Acesta este cât costă

  1. Hi guys, family of 3 here with a 4 year old girl that want to embark on this lifestyle and hopefully lifetime adventure, any suggestions and tips on how to get a cheap boat that will not sink but still be a great boat to live in and sail with ?

  2. You two rock! Your presentation is spot on with very important info. I especially appreciate your final words in that you will continue doing this until you're out of $ or the fun is gone. Great job

  3. Thank you guys for taking the time to do such great, well informed videos. My wife and I are looking at buying a 42 ft Hunter center cockpit passage. I'm 57 and she's 46. Neither of us have sailed before other than on a lake with her parents 21ft sailboat. By the way, has anyone ever said that Gary reminds them of that actor, JASON MANTZOUKAS??? It's meant as a compliment😁.

  4. Are those people from the San Blas archipelago giving you stuff at the 20:00 min mark?
    I visited their islands once when I was working on a sailing yacht, super fascinating place.

  5. You seem to be doing everything very smart. I know people sailing around the world who are spending 10 times what you are. There is an old saying, "a boat is just a hole in the water into which you pour money". Owning many sailing and power yachts myself I know that to be true. The other saying is, " everything breaks" … I also found that to be true and normally everything breaks at the worst possible time when you need it the most.
    Thank you for sharing your experience and when I get my new boat … maybe we will meet up somewhere around the world.

  6. Moral Lesson:
    Spend a little more on a newer better boat and you'll skip over 85% of their unnecessary expenses

  7. You guys honestly don’t look very happy. Fake smiles forced voices and stressed out sad eyes. I may be wrong, but I don’t get the vibe that you’re genuinely happy

  8. Really great video! I've been thinking about sailing for awhile, but now have a clearer picture of what to expect. Take care and best wishes.

  9. Your thoughts on others who travel with kids , also the cheaper boat 2000-10000 are they local or are they also going from continent to continent

  10. I live in Florida and has been thinking about living on a boat, as long it cost the same or less than living on land. Thanks to this video, i can plan ahead for the future.

  11. Really good video. I travel overland and work on £50 a day over 50 countries, ( includes fuel, camping, food and partying, so similar money.

    Really awesome – thanks for shating – have a great trip/life

  12. Thank you for this video! I grew up sailing with my dad, and the last trip we got to take together before he passed away was to move a boat, Firewater, from Norwalk Connecticut to Port Dalhouse in Saint Catherine’s Ontario. He and I got to spend 14 days together, going through the locks and what fun we had!! When my dad passed away he left me the sailboat, which is still in Ontario, and I live in British Columbia… She’s been on land now for two years, and it’s beyond time that I get her in the water again! I’m debating doing the voyage by myself with my two dogs (all of us with tether lines of course 😉), and while this is totally crazy, watching your video I feel like it’s doable! I wish you both all the best, maybe we’ll meet one day somewhere between Florida and Trinidad😉⛵️🙏⛵️😉

  13. Thank you.. You have help me a lot .. I have a 33ft sailboat ⛵️ that I have b work on for 5 years .. To go on this life time adventure

  14. As usual I'm late to the party as i just recently ran across your channel. But this episode brought a question to mind; could you estimate how much you save annually on maintenance costs by doing as much as possible yourselves? This is a lifestyle we have researched and hopefully one day will make it happen and the cost breakdown you've offered is a great help in deciding whether we should or not. Both of us have mechanical abilities and could probably do most things ourselves as well. However, we are a little older than the two of you and really don't want to more than basic maintenance. An estimate of what you've saved would be of great interest to us.

    Thank you for the informative channel you have!

  15. Great explanation of the living expenses. I have noticed that you carefully choose where to economize with sweat equity and where to splurge. This video is really helpful. It's actually can be more affordable than most people would think. The trick is to develop enough cash flow while traveling so you don't have to eventually quit.

  16. Just love what you ate doing I'm 68 now so going on cruises with royal Caribbean, we have booked a carabian cruise for Jan for 21 nights, going to some of the places you have been I wish I had done what you have when I was younger keep safe Colin UK 🇬🇧 😀 xxx

  17. That was AWESOME!!! Thanks so much for being transparent and sharing this info with all of us out here who wish we could do what you're doing. I am actually surprised at how well you have done, and honestly, how inexpensive you've been able to make your travels, while still making life on your boat enjoyable.

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