În videoclipul de astăzi, căpitanul Mike defalcă marcajele căii navigabile intracoastale (ICW). ICW se desfășoară pe litoralul de est al Statelor Unite paralel cu Atlanticul și Golful. Oferă o protecție pe care oceanul deschis nu o oferă și face o croazieră grozavă pentru navigatori. Cunoscând semnificația marcajelor și a formelor, veți putea călători în siguranță printr-un canal. Urmărește asta înainte de a închiria o ambarcațiune https://youtu.be/KhcgXeP58GA Ilustrații și mai multe informații de la USCG: https://www.uscgboating.org/images/486.PDF Urmărește-ne: Instagram: https://www.instagram .com/reelreports Twitter: https://twitter.com/reelreports Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/reelreports Tag pe Social Media → #reelreports #boating #safety Q7AHWACLULIEZVLU
Toți navigatorii trebuie să știe asta! ~ Cum să navighezi în ICW | Tutorial de navigare cu barca 101

44 thoughts on “Toți navigatorii trebuie să știe asta! ~ Cum să navighezi în ICW | Tutorial de navigare cu barca 101”
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In the ICW instead of trying to remember North-Green-Starboard (which is actually false on the west coast of FL) and a lot to remember even for me, I just remember that the red triangles always are on the mainland side of the channel. Red is dark and looks like sand/clay so it reminds me that red represents the mainland side of the channel and I should stay on the ocean side of that marker in the ICW. Green is a lighter color and the color of ocean up here in stuart sometimes so that represents the ocean side of the channel and I should be staying on the mainland side of that marker.
I don’t know ALL the markers from decades ago. 1 very important I recall is RIGHT/RED/RETURN.
What if you're in a airboat. Doesn't matter how deep the water is
Going into Port should be on the right side
Red right returning.
Great video, my Dad taught me long time ago…. RED ,RIGHT ,RETURN!
Left. Red, right, return!
There are 200 countries on the planet.
In 198, green is starboard for inward bound, red is port.
In merica and the phillapines (due to dumbmerican influence), they are the other way around.
The priority is for vessels that have been at sea and require the best information to navigate home.
What does 'international' mean in the mirriam webster dictionary?
Is that a 25 Competition?
There's a t in there kid.
Generally good information, however, you should remember that on the Intracoastal waterway (ICW), the boater follows the yellow color markers — not the color (red or green) of the channel marker. There are channel markers and then there are ICW channel markers. ICW channel markers always have a yellow rectangle or square, and in the event two markers offer conflicting directions, the yellow colors supersede the colors of the actual red or green marker on which they appear.
That was helpful and something new to learn . Going north from Miami keep the green on the right. Going South green on the left. Go, Green, Left / Red, Right, Return for most situations- Thank you
right side mike
on the right or starboard side
Another phrase to remember regarding the Intracoastal Waterway is that we are “Returning to Texas.” Therefore, keep red on the right as you are heading to Texas.
Square on green Should be on the Starboard side
It should be on the right side.
Starboard side
Starboard side
Took Power Squadron here. Couple little tricks I learned. In addition to red, right, return…..should be red, right, return, rising. If you are on the wrong side of the red marker, and it's on your right and going down in numbers…you are on the wrong side. Also, those little reflectors (yellow) on the markers actually will change. Meaning if you have a crossing channel going perpendicular to the ICW, rather than adding a conflicting marker, the symbol that is yellow and either a triangle or square, can be opposite. So a green marker could have a triangle on it, if that marker is in a spot at a crossing channel where a red marker would be…..so the green becomes a red when it falls in along the line of where a red marker would be on a crossing channel. Make sense? Although I am here in the Fort Myers area, I haven't seen an example of this, but it was in the class and on the test.
I wonder why America chose to have their markers back to front to international regulations
Red right returning south green to the sea. Easy to remember in usa waters though overseas its other way
Nice Video. The single sentence to remember, I've always used is…. Red, Right, Return and Clockwise.
That's all of it. If you are going clockwise around the US Reds are on your right. South on the East Coast, West in the panhandle and North on the West Coast Reds are on your Right. Also that returning markers have precedence over ICW markers.
As a towboat captain running both ICW and the LMR. Ohio river, tenn-tom this is on point to the fullest. We push 6pk from new Orleans to Brownsville, then 12 to 15 up north
The right hand side
After you come through industrial lock east of New Orleans the red and greens are switched around the mini Grand Canyon.
My advice is don’t attempt to navigate the ICW! I made an attempt a few years ago in a shallow draft boat (7ft 6in draft) I ran aground every few hundred yards and couldn’t get out of the ditch till Charleston SC! You can forget about getting fuel or stopping anywhere as you will run aground hundreds of yards from most marinas. The charts are wrong, the ditch is shoaled in horribly, and most inlets are completely impassable for anything but a skiff. It’s not worth it! Do yourself a favor and run outside!
Red marker
Red n green stay in between. Is that a international guide ? Is it the same in Australian waters ?
This is fine in USA but it is actually the othe way around elsewhere
Want a boat for family and learning baby steps
Headed home from the keys green is on right because of the inner coastal water ways
Thank you! Very informative video and short and easy ways to remember these main rules. And red, right return…so that green marker should be on the port side. This is Mel but i dont neee a gift, just an "atta girl" for paying attention.

Great how you mention all!
Brilliant to mention shape and way and colour way not.
This presents of yours condition of how to be unlikely to caused danger in navigation in port and how to built port with safety of navigation. As well as enchanged by a body of ruls coverting issue are like you present and also construction of ships but as well of port., i. c.
Good presentation how to ima gine path of navigation and how to start constructing – for me is first to see general points in sea / ocean adding later offshore waves.
Excelant to see in real !
I’m glad I don’t have a boat
An easier way to remember: Square is seaside, triangle land side.
Right side