Navigați prin fiordurile Canadei (Nootka Sound) – Ep 55 S3

Navigați prin fiordurile Canadei (Nootka Sound) - Ep 55 S3

După ce ne-am oprit în Tahsis British Columbia, în Nookta Sound, ne continuăm călătoria către nord, spre Queens Cove, în speranța că vom găsi ceva surf. Scopul nostru este 100 de patroni, astfel încât Alie să poată deveni un creator de conținut cu normă întreagă! Donăm o parte din încasările noastre din sezonul 3 către Rugged Coast Research Society pentru a ajuta la protejarea și curățarea oceanului. Vă rugăm să ne urmăriți pe Instagram: @breakingwaves.sailing


50 thoughts on “Navigați prin fiordurile Canadei (Nootka Sound) – Ep 55 S3

  1. Whales generally have no more interest in bumping into anything than we do. So long as you give them wide berth there shouldn't be a problem running slow ahead. And if they get curious just idle at neutral until they move on or you sail/drift past them. The sound also lets them know where you are. What a beautiful encounter.

  2. I watch your stuff no matter what day of the week you post, so don’t stress too much. I know there’s this algorithm and to a degree the goal is to play it, but don’t stress too much about it. Make good content, and people will show up to watch it and show it to their friends, etc. The people designing the algorithm are trying to make it show people content that they’ll enjoy, so make content that people will enjoy and make the algorithm chase you rather than you chasing the algorithm!

  3. Love you guys. I’d just throw a short in real time cell phone few min video up every week in between episodes to keep that algorithm going and take some pressure off. You guys have come so far! Excited for that big leap with this channel when you cross an ocean someday!

  4. Understandable to get frustrated. But seriously, you guys need to set your priorities. Heck, if the video needs to go out and that is the most important, then cancel the trip to the next day. Or, if there is only one weather window and you have to go now, then cancel the video upload and shrug it off. No need to get bothered by it. All your subscribers will be happy whatever happens. And no matter what you do, you'll never beat Youtube. It's a crap site and software and you will always be behind the 8 ball. So, just order your priorities so that they never impinge on your plans and make sure they never cause any issues between the both of you.

  5. Great video, I understand your frustration but i really don'y mind when i see your next movie,as soon as i see you have posted another instalment i'll watch it, something to look forward to. Thanks for sharing so far and keep smiling.

  6. Love the videos you guys are creating. I haven't seen many other sailing channels showing this area and it's absolutely stunning! Keep up the good work!

  7. No worries guys your subscribers are always looking forward to the next episode. We love your channel. Most of us know that life happens and the struggle is real. Keep up the great work.

    Maybe one day our channels will cross wakes until then we will be looking forward to all your great Adventures on youtube.

    The sailing dream is contagious and you have and will continue to inspire people to chase after their dreams as well. Don't give up… that's a tough uphill climb but it's well worth the journey.

    Waving a hand from west Michigan. Stuck on the hard covered in snow and ice. Brrrrr cold but your episodes keeps morale high as we look forward to a spring splash….

  8. Another great episode!!
    Majestic whales, and bears, that ought to cheer anyone up, sure helped us!
    Also, thanks for the Sunday releases… It makes Mondays bearable!

  9. Probably the best episode yet. Great to see the struggles too. You two are the best. Please keep going. I was thinking how beautiful it was in the morning with those clouds and fog. Drone shot would’ve been unreal

  10. Love you guys' show. Keep up the hard work I KNOW you'll not have to work full time before long. Also your Likes to views ratio is quite high to remember that when your feeling low. PEEEEACE

  11. I just finished watching your latest video, with mamma and baby whale broaching, sailing and filming I thought should have a couple of poles out and get a double header! Almost as much stress as last year when the boat wasn’t ready for cruising!! You have both done amazing jobs and put a ton or two of money into your channel. I for one really appreciate it and if you ever get down to Luger sound I will host you beers and?

  12. We certainly understand the volume of work that is involved in producing videos for YouTube. We both work full-time and probably spend between 30-40 hrs a week on editing just to stay on track with our weekly videos. You guys are doing a great job and your channel is growing nicely … Keep up the hard work!

  13. We watch because we like what you produce. Sometimes a static shot with some reflections on things important to you are enough. Its how we get to understand and know you a bit. Connecting…

  14. "Nature comes closer to you, when you're quiet." Thank you for helping me make a decision. You're the best. Oh. First time viewer. Great stuff.

  15. Fighting over YouTube videos and algorithms? Life is way to short guys. If editing is taking to long, perhaps try a different approach. Check out Sam Holmes Sailing for a great example of how very basic editing applied to well narrated and interesting footage can grow a channel.

  16. All authentic couples argue / disagree at times, don't let it get you down. Be your real selves and move on to bigger and better things together!! I remain happy that I inscribed to your channel.

  17. Videos are much improved since you started, also you are both so much more relaxed and experienced as sailors. Thanks for sharing your lifestyle and challenges. You are a hardworking couple and an inspiration to your viewers. Thanks for keeping things real.

  18. It must be hard trying to build a youtube channel.

    So I sometimes miss one of your vids because of work, but every time I click onto a new vid, I click on your channel name and check for earlier vids. Some channels have a quick, Last time on .Breaking Waves…. That can be handy because then I know I missed one and being a Couch sailing Junkie, I'll go back and watch that vid first.

    I'm saving to do what you guys do. I love the fact that your not old salts, but learning and experiencing the good times and bad and taking us all for the ride.

    Thanks again. And peoples… Ring the bell!

  19. Your whale sighting was fantastic. The mother and her baby with the beauty of the Canadian landscape was brilliant. This episode really made it for me. Thanks for sharing. Stay groovy and stay safe.

  20. ><great post Very detailed and accurate video that you posted, buddy, I love your content. It's funny how some people out there still haven't accepted that crypto currencies continue to change the world globally. It's hard these days for anyone who is against it. What I feel from a trader's perspective that we really need more experts in the field to educate newbie’s / investors on how the community works, the price of BTC has been fluctuating lately which means the market is currently open and you are not Be able to tell whether it is going to be too bearish or bullish, this uncertainty pushes most traders away and forces investors to hold on. I would say it is completely wrong to just sit back and wait for a few losses is perhaps the wrong mindset for an investor because, as an investor, you will find ways to keep getting and topping up more and more coins should be our top priority, to make a profit. It all depends on the pattern you are trading in and the source of your strategies as well. I started with 0.2 BTC and have accumulated over 4.5 BTC in just 3 weeks, with the correct trading strategy given to me by an experienced trader, Mr. Edward Rowe. His methods are top notch and profitable and he can easily be contacted via Telegram: @EdwardRowe

  21. Having never seen a whale in real life, other than a beluga at the aquarium, I can say it would definently clear my mind from every other thought. Another great episode, have fun guys.

  22. I have been watching you guys for a while now, really enjoy your channel. I lived on my a boat at stones marina for a while, so that connection had me hooked when I started watching your videos. I also ran a water taxi in Nootka sound many years ago, so your most recent videos are bringing back some great memories. I am rooting for you guys, and hoping you achieve your goals and keep making great content.

  23. I know you have probably answered this question dozens of times, but what cellular provider do you use in BC that gives you unlimited data for uploading these videos?

  24. Y’all, this is an especially excellent video!! The photography is stellar, as well as the audio, storyline, etc. I appreciate that you are secure enough to share the “not so pleasant” moments of live-aboard life, which are normal for most relationships. I am thoroughly enjoying your channel and turning a lot of friends and family on to it!! Keep up the awesome work!!!

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