Aterizare pe o insulă vulcanică!! – Ep175 – Francezul navigator

Aterizare pe o insulă vulcanică!!  - Ep175 - Francezul navigator

Land ho! În sfârșit, sosind în Insula Canare pentru a încheia prima etapă a acestui @minitransateurochef5520 . Ajung pe locul 16 din 60 de ambarcațiuni, nu rău, dar nici bine. Asteptam cu nerabdare restul cursei! – Hanorace, tricouri și multe altele sunt disponibile aici: – Aflați mai multe despre Mini Transat pe site-ul meu: =referral&utm_campaign=channel&utm_content=description ACTIVAȚI SUBTITRĂRI: pentru a activa subtitrarea, puteți face clic pe butonul CC din colțul din dreapta jos al playerului youtube și faceți clic pe rotița mică pentru a alege limba în care doriți să fie subtitrate. Acest link explică destul de bine procesul: Mai multe pe Instagram #thesailingfrenchman și pe pagina de facebook: Muzică : Arsène Magnard: • The Watt Enterprise sau Arsène Magnard : o «Muzică produsă de casa de discuri independentă – The Watt Enterprise » o /channel/UC1ULdNZugpriy12IsUrn6rQ o Mind The Watt : o Saint-Pétersbourg : o Saint-Pétersbourg : // o Percepții : o Santo Pleyel : o Santo Pleyel : https://www.HIVQVG5HVQVG5: o SOMER Days: 5bfkGbu3FFh2VKbxP0DHcVVp9hJBt


40 thoughts on “Aterizare pe o insulă vulcanică!! – Ep175 – Francezul navigator

  1. Great video! Will you make a video about sail triming guide after the series of mini transat? Id love watch the detailed techy guides 👍😉🤪👋💪

  2. Hugo, your positive "C'est La Vie" attitude – despite whatever the life, the seas, and volcanos throw at you – never ceases to amaze and humble me. Great video, can't believe you risked your drone over a lava flow. Well done on Leg 1, and yes – Future Hugo – you should have gone further south on Leg 2, c'est la vie!

  3. Hugo you ARE THE REAL BOSS! Fantastic footage and your content, edit and high production value is always perfect. Your channel as always shown that you do not need hype, or click bait to be successful.
    SVB has chosen a great ambassador in you my friend.

  4. Wow your Best Video to date !!!
    Bravo 👏 👏 👏
    You were killing it man.
    I understand how you feel, when the fleet gets a new wind and comes up from behind.
    Thanks so much its -2°C WSW 40-50 mph here in MKE

  5. Hey man, didn’t like the looks of the crack at the inside corner of your damaged area. If that’s what it looks like you might want to revisit your repair on the interior surface or extend the patch area on the outside. Such a cool boat!

  6. I am familiar, I think, with all of the feelings you expressed. They are part of sailboat racing. However, pause to look at what you actually did sailing! You persevered and recovered from the back third of the fleet to the top third! That is truly noteworthy. Keep at it and apply what you learned along the way and you will be working from where you are now to the top. Never stop! The results will show. And your competitors will hear the footsteps. Fair winds and following seas!

  7. Salut Hugo, au final 16ième, ce n'était pas si mal. Autrement, tu nous as fait des images incroyables de l'éruption. Un grand merci pour tout. Je suis curieux de connaître tes projets après cette transat mais je suppose que tu dois encore digérer cette transat avant d'aborder la suite et certainement d'en parler. A bientôt et fier de te supporter. Marc

  8. My wife's book is a good read, published by Austin Macauley of New York, literally a fictional story of sailing and adventure: "Seychelle and the Cannabis Yachties". I hope you will give it a try.

  9. Hugo it’s normal to be upset after leg one. Your luck was terrible. These things happen snd tend to even out over many races but this is once race and it was so important. But life goes on and you will be fine. Enjoy the sailing. Best wishes. Stay safe.

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