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navigarea e nasol

41 thoughts on “navigarea e nasol”
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The fantasy doesn't live up to the reality.
So true!
Hehe, The catamaran jihad is strong on the internet, this was the first thing I learned on the internet when I started to get familiar with sailing
@2:50 very true. As I learn how to sail better, as I spend more time on my boat, watch others and see whose out there… I realize the vast majority of real sailors aren't on YouTube and what the YouTube sailors recommend, I don't really need. Not saying it is bad advice, just over kill… and if followed sailing would be way way to expensive for us.
Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance….. and maintenance….. put it off today & you won’t be sailing tomorrow
kraken goes well with coke
I love cigars but they hate me….I cannot smoke a cigar because I will get sick. And guess what….My ASA class was on a 22 foot precision and the the wind was up into the 20's. I got Seasick. When I went back the next 2 days I loaded up on seasick meds and made it through the class but was loopy. Then the meds wore off and I had disembarkment syndrome. So my dream of buying a sailboat and traveling seems to be unrealistic at this point. I love sailing but sailing does not love me! Sailing Sucks! lol
Comments gone wild!
Joining this Patreon gives you sailing advice, not Boat Stories
Discount to ASA is not the same as discount on knives
Discount on ASA related businesses is not the same as discounts on swag bags, shirts & posters
Displacement floats a boat, routine maintenance keeps it floating, many vital parts to a sailboat have a limited lifespan
Another great video! Thank you!
Honest video
Testify Brother!! Neil Degrass Tyson always says one of the biggest problems for people is to know enough to think they are right but not enough to know they are wrong. Certainly applies to a lot of comments in forums and other sailing related things.
I want to know more about what in particular sucks about the Lesser Antilles. I've been quite seriously considering Granada, inasmuch as it's below the hurricane line, and from here, looks like paradise.
The biggest lie I have run across is “if you can sail a sunfish, you can sail anything”.

Total BS. But Sunfish are fun as hell.
Haters are going to hate.
Keep stating the facts and evidence, and I'll continue to watch these people put their foot
in their mouths.
You go Chris! You have always been accurate with information and you are informative regarding the sailing, maintenance et al when it comes to boats. We all want to be knowledgeable but we are human after all, we’re lazy self absorbed! However we can live up to a better ideal. I have been sailing since I was 5, and have sailed many different kinds of boats and they have all been fun, problematic yes but I would not trade it for anything, period full STOP!!!!!! I give anything to be there now. I will when I find my next boat it will not be a cat, just don’t like them. Chris and I see eye to eye on that!!! My next will be between 45ft to 55ft only because I want and need that kind of room. I had a friend who lived on a 34ft boat, think it was a Catalina 34. Boy very little room overall. Thanks Chris
Your channel has been a welcomed resource. I was going down the road of "saving money" and fixing up a boat and buying Japanese knives.
Now I'm waiting for the sailboat market, taking my ASA classes and gonna get something I can grow into and sail instead of fix. Hope I meet you in my journies someday, thanks.
Guarantee to meet an A–- go sailing, not by yourself , still love it, the people want to make you hate it
Wait. Should I have bought my first boat before the Japanese knives?
HAHAHAHA shots fired @ 0:15 lol!!! Chris wasting no time. I heard, the brief case in Pulp Fiction that glows when its opened, is actually a list of Sailing YouTube Channels that Chris has eviscerated in his youtube videos. RIP that cute young couple on that pos Cat. At least they have those Japanese knives and that YOLO dog. haha.
The only cat sailing ive seen that wasnt boring and lame has been Sam's latest series on that 7 day hobie trip.
He has more sailing in that series than A LOT of "sailing channels" have put out this past YEAR.
I love this video! He speaks the truth.
Respect man. Just saying.
Hi Chris, it’s hard to chose my favorite post from of all the killer content your post, but I think this may be the one. Keep up the great work!
Some people think they know everything cuz they have some small knowledge about one thing. I lived and worked on cruiseships for 2 years, was caught in a hurricane, BUT, I would NEVER call myself a sailor cuz I never actually sailed a boat myself. I know nothing about sailing. So I just shut up and learn.
I totally agree, with your last video. In my search for a boat, using your YT help, a 40ish foot Cat was in my search parameters. Until I saw that they were almost twice the price for the same length mono, and haul out, and maintenance was exactly spot on what you said. I soon realized that a Cat was not for me, and for your info, I thank you. Haters will hate.
Glad you breathing bro
Love the content. Thanks for your honesty!!!
I call this the range of knowledge issue. Someone takes ASA101 and thinks the know 80% of everything there is to know about sailing where someone who has been sailing for 20 years knows they know 50% of what there is to know. Now who knows more about sailing a two day sailor or a 20 year sailor.
No salt on your fries? WTH is wrong with you? unfollow
Keep on spreading truth sir
Chris, I love the information in your videos. My original dreams were circumnavigation and have since realized for me 6 months in the Caribbean and hurricane seasons either in the Great Lakes or either US coasts will be my retirement plan. I’m building a trailer to haul my Catalina 27 to different launch sites in the US. It’s cozy, but big enough for two and Paul Childress circumnavigated his.
Chris, great video. Only so many seats at the table or be with the poor. (Shooter); Sailing fact check = Chasing Latitudes. thanks.
This all needed to be said
I don't know anything about sailing. In fact I've never even been on a boat on the open ocean much less a sailboat. I have recently become interested in sailing and even I can recognize the bullshit coming from some these channels offering "sailing advice". Then I come across your videos and I see the same pleas for me to buy into your way of thinking. You know buy my merch support me on patreon. I have to wonder why should I listen to you? You're only confirming what I already believed about these other people. How are you different? What are you really offering? It seems like you want people to listen to you but I just have to ask. Why should I? I doubt you'll respond and trust me I understand that you're probably way too busy to bother with a landlubber like me but I would really like to know.. BTW as far as the owner of kraken goes you're completely misrepresenting his comments. I watched an interview he did recently and he makes no such claims. Maybe you should contact him so that he can defend himself.
If you're going to transmit an inflammatory title or claim just to draw eyeballs, you deserve to get burned in comments. Be advised, intelligent people don't want or like cheap sensationalism.
Dude plz answer this Should I buy a sailboat in the islands by you or Florida with 25k…c
Patrick Childress (God rest his soul) sailed a 1973 Catalina 27 around the world.
Yes he made modifications but really they weren't that extensive.
It just goes to show you where there's a will there's a way.
You don't need a 250k+ boat to do it.
Go small Go now!
Lin and Larry ..ya gotta love 'em!
Kraken are so so much better than Oyster and many others companies who are trying to sell you creature comforts. Hands down Kracken kicks ass in so many categories if safety and thought out world cruising! Skip all of the hype and educate yourself folks. Not opinion, engineering specifications etc. learn! I personally love the look of a jeep but love my kids to much to give them one of those death traps! Conventional wisdom is BS!
That’s not Dick Beaumonts position that Kraken are the only blue water boat. His position is that it is the only company today making the boat today that is blue water ready. He fully encoUrages and supports people to buy other boats that meet a list of requirements for blue water cruising. Just some of those requirements are encapsulated keel, Center cockpit and fully skegged rudder. Twin rudder, dual helmed, bolt on keel are not fit for purpose and shouldn’t be categorised as ocean going, category A, vessels. (I hope I have stated his position correctly).
I have corresponded with Dick and I can tell you he is not about selling his boat to every enquiry. He wrote back with a list of vessels that he considers suitable after listening to the requirements of the person enquiring.
Now whether you agree or disagree with his position on what makes a blue water boat is a different thing, but here is a video trying to debunk misinformation and it has its own misinformation.
I would say that his position on whether Kraken is the only manufacturer today making true blue water (as by his definition) may be rather limited (Island packet, rustler, to name two, that I think meet his “standards”). But Halberg Rassy, Benetau, Hanse etc all don’t. (Old Halberg Rassy are ok!). I get the impression that he is 100 up for a debate on this topic. So maybe you should reach out and see if you can get a conversation with him.
I've been researching sailing for 2.5 years, still going to be another 3.5 before I'm ready to buy, still haven't decided on a boat.
Have a much better idea of what I'm looking for though than I did when I started.
Thank you
for being honest may God be with you, Amen.