„Să navigam în sensul vântului!!” …nu a spus nimeni NICIODATA!! ..pentru ca e incomod si lucrurile tind sa se rupa mereu! Ne batem în vânt pentru a ne îndrepta spre vârful Insulelor Caraibe și a naviga în sensul vântului de la Bequia la St Vincent la St Lucia la Martinica timp de 3 zile! Reușim să explorăm puțin St Vincent și să mergem în Golful Wallilabou, unde a fost filmat Pirații din Caraibe, înainte de a continua cu navigația în sus, unde reușim să spargem ceva pe barcă… ♡ Bine ați venit la Sailing Vlog – Sailing Coco! După 7 ani de renovare a bărcilor, ne-am restaurat Snapdraggon 27, am navigat cu Colvic Countess Monohull de 33 de metri în jurul Mediului și apoi am plecat definitiv din Londra odată ce am cumpărat un Catamaran Lucia 40 Fountaine Pajot! Suntem încântați să vă împărtășim aventurile noastre și vă rugăm să faceți clic pe butonul de abonare și pe clopoțel dacă doriți să fiți notificat când postăm cel mai recent videoclip al nostru! Sau comentați dedesubt! Ne place să auzim de la voi!! Stai in siguranta! Alfie & Ceylan Urmărește-ne pe Instagram pentru actualizări în timp real www.instagram.com/sailingcoco Dacă vrei să ne dai un like pe Facebook www.facebook.com/sailcoco Multă dragoste x #sailing #catamaransailing #fountainepajot # traversarea atlantică
Navigand in Caraibe in sus, ce am RUPAR ACUM?? // Sailing Coco #86

16 thoughts on “Navigand in Caraibe in sus, ce am RUPAR ACUM?? // Sailing Coco #86”
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This week we sail the last of the Windward Islands, which means NO MORE upwind sailing!!

Another great vid & soundtrack
Hopefully you don't encounter any hobby horsing in the Caribbean. Fair winds!
You are helping the locals far more than they are helping you, those small tips are likely their whole families next meal..
Will never forget you saving that Frenchmans life. The stars are in your favor my friend…
You can rip up the L plates now Cey, and just concentrate on the apprentice ship ,
then Alfie will have nothing to do. 
Hello both of you good to see you again having a good time looks like you have it under control now you go to some of the most beautiful places that last place was nice and I love those Christmas trees I used to raise those until I was about 18 and then I stopped growing them.
Tek kelimeyle muhteşem…
Emeğinize sağlık çok güzel bir video olmuş.
Another great video guys. You're really dhowing some of the Caribbean very well, thank you
Awesome video as always guys! Beautiful scenery! Great to see you on Rons boat with your dad last week Alfie, sea looked bit choppy the next morning and I thought ,"hope they get back ok?". Totally forgetting you've just sailed the Atlantic with epic waves and squalls, a bit of rain and choppiness in southern uk waters is a walk in the park….hahahahaha. #sailingcoco #essentialviewing
From Turkey with love…
You should do a video about costs of buying and running expenses on a catamaran. May fair winds always be in your sails! Much
Your getting into some amazing places on your new boat now .. you’re doing an awesome job . Bahamas and Bimini island some of the best places in the world to visit I’m sure your visiting them places for sure swim with the pigs in the sea it’s all on YouTube.. I’m from England
livings in Tennessee I’ve messaged you a few times on your travels.. watch all your shows looks awesome.. happy travels and good luck
watch out for them pirates

Hi buddy just a quick reminder you have some great equipment including your rib boat .. remember to lock your boat and engine at all times un attended .. I’m addicted on watching sailing videos on YouTube have been for over ten years nearly every YouTube channel on sailing have reported their rib boat has been stolen at night or at shore at one point or another.. I know how expensive and inconvenient a missing boat could be .. people even swim from shore take your rib boat although your in paradise lots of these guys desperate for money… I sure you you are aware .. sailing Sunday on YouTube almost lost their boat last week… that’s a great couple also .. happy sailing
Great video, beautiful place.
Love your channel… keep up the great work. Fair winds guys
Please return to St.Lucia and explore her grandeur when you can. She's such a beautiful island.

Fair winds and following seas