Bestevaer Test Sail – Designer de iahturi la bord!

Bestevaer Test Sail - Designer de iahturi la bord!

De data aceasta, pe Distant Shores, testăm două bărci cu pânze Bestevaer din aluminiu – ambele construite de KM Yachts în Țările de Jos și sunt încântați să navigheze împreună cu designerul iahturilor, legendarul Gerard Dykstra. 00:00 Introducere 01:00 Test de barca cu pânze din aluminiu Bestevaer 45 03:18 Canalul Lemmer navighează spre satul olandez 04:24 Test de navigare Bestevaer 53 cu proiectantul de iahturi 05:00 Gerard „Gerry” Dykstra Yacht Designer 05:56 Navigație cu cardan „nav” stație 06:30 Bucătărie cu design ergonomic cu sobă cu cardan și tejghea 07:11 Compartimente etanșe design barca cu pânze 07:41 Sistem de balast cu apă pentru performanță și unghi de călcâi redus 08:56 Dezaocare cu monococă din aluminiu de 53 de picioare 09:23 Navigare la bordul Bestevaer 53 11:28 Pilothouse nav-desk cu vederi înainte Bestevaer 53 12:22 Test de navigare cu Gerard Dykstra 13:27 Data viitoare ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mulțumiri speciale către: Dykstra Naval Architects & KM Yachts Gebroeders van Enkhuizen BV Echipamente: Pantaenius Iaht Insurance:… BRNKL Yacht Security & Monitoring: https://www.brnkl .io/ Elicele lui Brunton: Elvstrøm Sails: Seldén Mast / Furlex:​ Lewmar: https://www. Raymarine: Scanstrut: Navionics Charts: GN Espace Ocean Chef: https:// Gonflabil Highfield Classic: Generator On-Engine Integrel: MG Energy Systems (baterii cu litiu): https://www. Înregistrarea iahtului Oceanskies: •••••••••••••••••••••• Despre Paul și Sheryl Shard sunt premii- producători de televiziune și videografi câștigători de documentare de călătorie care navighează internațional din 1989 și-și documentează aventurile globale pentru televiziune, rețelele sociale, în cărți și publicații de navigație. Ei au navigat peste 110.000 nm, inclusiv 9 traversări oceanice și sunt producătorii și prezentatorii seriei TV de aventură cu navigație Distant Shores, care este difuzată în 47 de milioane de gospodării în 24 de limbi din întreaga lume (AWE, Nautical Channel, ACCTV, ShineTV). Prin programele lor TV, videoclipuri YouTube, articole/bloguri și seminarii de croazieră populare, Shards îi ajută pe oricine visează să navigheze să iasă pe apă și să experimenteze propria aventură în siguranță și confortabil. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cadouri pentru marinari! Dețineți întreaga colecție Distant Shores Toate cele 157 de episoade complete de jumătate de oră fără reclame ale seriei TV Distant Shores Sailing Adventure sunt disponibile ca descărcări HD și, de asemenea, pe DVD pe site-ul web Distant Shores. Obțineți întregul set care este perfect pentru urmărirea excesivă, vindecarea blues-ului și, de asemenea, este un cadou grozav pentru marinarul din viața ta! Informații și comandă aici: Versiuni descărcabile: ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Vă puteți conecta cu noi și pe: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: ÎNTREBĂRI DE AFACERI: distantshores ••••••••••••••••••••••• MULTUMESC PENTRU ABONAREA!​ •••••••••••••••••••••• Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Sheryl și Paul


45 thoughts on “Bestevaer Test Sail – Designer de iahturi la bord!

  1. That's one weird sculpture at 0:23. At 1:29 that's welds, baby! Mr. Dykstra knows the difference. This boat is a lesson to anyone who makes any useful thing.

  2. On this boat, can you hand steer in the pilot house should the autopilot fail? Do you prefer a wheel a bit aft of the pilot house rather than a tiller at the stern? Thanks for your time. L…) Webhead STL

  3. what a a great boat designer, i didnt know who designed the black pearl till i seen this video, i love that vessel and the maltese falcon as well. dont think id want to be cleaning the bottom of either though 🙂 thanks for the updates and showing us some well built vessels.

  4. Good morning from your fans from St. Petersburg! We have been watching your travels for many years – first on TV, and in recent years on YouTube. A big request – add Russian language to your subtitles. Thanks! We love Paul & Cheryl and wish success to the Distant Shores!

  5. Great to follow your search for a new boat.what a privilege to sail such a wonderful boat with the designer!!
    can’t wait to see what shipyard you choose!! Good luck
    Fair winds ⛵️

  6. If you are looking for something new I'd say make it something out of the ordinary. Maybe a junk rig? Or a dutch sailing barge?

    I'm about to attend university to become a naval architect specializing in sailing ships, what i want to eventually have for myself is a boat inspired heavily by the hull of viking longships and the top deck closer to a dutch barge, probly with a twin/bilge keel. (Probly going to be cheaper than other boats because I don't care for all the fancy decorative stuff they out I'm most boats.

  7. Minnies in Newport beach CA has lots of mast parts. Also not being a wise ass but aluminum pipe is an easy way to make custom spreaders. My neighbor lost his stick and did a fine job making some. The bases are the had part but well within your skill set. If that carbon mast is otherwise good you should jump on it.

  8. Well, that was enjoyable! Very nice to see a legend is naval architecture still sailing one of his 'final' designs for 60,000 nm to boot! Personally, I do not enjoy the lines of the KM Yacht boats, although I do enjoy the very cool engineering that takes excellent advantage of weight distribution! I prefer the Alubat Cigale 16, or the Mark Lombard designed Gulliver 57 with it's Finot rear dining table!

  9. Since sailing is your life obviously you surely deserve your own custom design for comfort. Carbon rigging is fine sailing close to a yard, but repairs will not be easy in far locations. Regular aluminium is preferable in that case.

  10. Let us know the design of your new boat, please. Also, what kind of features are included for cold water sailing? Insulation, heater, hull thickness, and such. How is the fresh water tank kept above 0° Celsius when sailing in arctic conditions? Is the bow modified a little to help with heavy ice?

    Sorry, I love such technical stuff.

  11. Wow, what an impressive boat. I want one. Not for sailing cold weather or water places. I think I am allergic to that, but to bounce off any reef I hope i never encounter with the bottom or keel.

  12. Received a notice from DirecTV today that as of April 4 they will no longer carry the AWE channel 387. No more "Distant Shores" for me. I called to protest but got nowhere.
    that was the only channel on my DirecTV that carried the show.
    Where do YOU watch the TV program? We will be leaving DirecTV over this.

  13. Thanks for sharing! It doesn’t look anywhere near as comfortable as the Discovery. Does that bother you? Is this basically to sail amongst icebergs?

  14. Very cool boats, enjoyed that, although slightly disappointed not to see the water ballast in action. Best sofa ever on the 53. Old fashioned cabin but very cosy. Not the endless natural wood everywhere is a nice change. It must be great cruising while feeling safe with these boats. Interesting to think metal boats can still be light weight, never realized. (but please consider holding the shots a bit longer so we can take it all it in without pausing all the time)

  15. The suspect comes those water tight doors are to confine the water you already have inside the boat in case that something goes wrong in that crazy water ballast piping. And for the steering: that hull has a rudder higher then a tall man when you manoeuvre in reverse you simply cannot hold it. It swings abruptly left and right it can really hurt you badly. Once we called all this stuff design flaws.

  16. Feadship was called Amels in the 80s. It did a makeover of the Trump Princes I. I watched it leave in 1988, I think. The Donald later ordered for the building of the Princes II by Amels. But then he ran out of money…. What did he do? He bought the wharf, and let it go bankrupt, so didn’t have to pay for the super yacht he had ordered…. Some elements of the hull are still lying around there at the wharf….. So Makkum got to know Donald Trump back in the 80s already….By the way, beautiful ship, this Bestevaer. I sail at the IJsselmeer regularly myself.

  17. What a treat to get a tour of Dyksta's personal boat, and to sail it with him and his wife! Thanks for sharing some history of the boat, etc. Very impressive!

  18. Wow Mr Dykstra one of my favourite designers. I love Frers but for exploring aluminium yatchs , Dykstra n1. Love the Dixon's Moody as well but would be better in aluminium

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