„Introducere în navigație”, o carte audio originală

„Introducere în navigație”, o carte audio originală

O invitație la navigație de la dinghie la croazieră și curse. Ne vedem acolo. https://youtu.be/wOblNE9kWnk


35 thoughts on “„Introducere în navigație”, o carte audio originală

  1. Brilliant “book” I listened to it on the drive to and from work. It’s expanded my knowledge of sailing and my thirst for a “bigger” boat

  2. I like:
    1) "Your job is to be yourself"
    2) The dad conversations for those without dads of their own.
    3) the chocolate covered pretzels
    4) the sailing looked good too

  3. Living in landlocked Switzerland I have not been fortunate to have much access to the water. Thank you for this effort. I am getting old(er) and may rethink whether my ship has sailed (sorry) on being able to still do this. It makes ones mind work and yet seems so freeing for the spirit. Even with the arthritis I might still have a small window left to give this a go.

  4. I've never stepped foot on a sailboat and yet have listen to everyone of your sailing books and I'm looking forward to this one. On my solo commute to and from work I was alone together with all of your true and fictional adventures.
    Thank you!!

  5. To this 65 year old stroke survivor you are an inspiration. I look forward to all of your videos. Any new adventures on the horizon?

  6. Already got it and enjoying along!!! I can say that at my 53, I can easily foresee devoting the rest of my existence to sailing and for that sir, you have made a great deal of contribution with all your excellent videos and this unique, elegant way to bring the joy of sail to all of us. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

  7. Nice job Christian. BSanders is clearly disoriented. As an older dad I like very much your sailing videos but they are so much more then that.

  8. Mr. Williams, Your videos are some of the most delightful on YouTube. How you don't have millions of followers is a complete mystery to me.

    Other than your videos, my sailing experience is limited to the 16' Hobe Cats they have at all the Sandals resorts. However, your voyage to Hawaii has sparked….(no, completely ignited) my imagination of navigating the earths oceans. Unfortunately life's circumstances pretty much keeps me land-locked.

    So I settle for living vicariously through your channel. But oh how I would love to go out sailing with you for a few days!

    Keep up the great work you are doing here!

  9. Christian, my sincerest and deepest thank you. I watched your original sailing to HI video some years back, before the release of “Alone Together”. That video stuck with me. I’ve sailed, though not skippered by even a stretch, several outings to the Channel Islands. That already was some years ago, but the seed lay dormant as it were, and your video helped germinate the intent and will. I’ve since read “Alone Together”, listened to the book you describe here, and have begun “The Philosophy…”. I have been truly touched by all you’ve taken the time to capture, perfect and share. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, history, perspective, and experience. With any luck I’ll be single-handing myself someday and will bring you along with me.

  10. With your superb narration and wonderful writing the audiobook makes a lot of sense but I'm going to get the novel in print first, maybe some of that same philosophy will rub off from that. It would be thrilling if you made an illustrated sailing instruction book in the future; maybe you'd make one that doesn't entirely leave out the philosophy and jazz, even though it's mostly about wind and lines.

  11. Christian, as a novice sailor, who plans to make a big trip to the deep blue sea someday, of course very much inspired by your travels, could you recommend a meal plan? Provisioning a vessel properly? I don’t want to just go to Costco and buy a pallet of canned tuna. Maybe you could share some of your delectables? Your thoughts on food and cooking on a long sail adventure? It may make for an interesting video and It would really help a guy like me out. Thanks!

  12. You, sir, are an inspiration of what we should all strive to become – poets not just in words, but most importantly – in action. Thank you for making yourself visible on this platform, being an avid sailor and philosopher, and an aspiring writer myself, you show the way in what life should look like.

  13. I am here, because I have to build a CLC Boat’s Eastport Pram. A small side note, I have a “stitch and glue” boat building addiction. Anyway, I decided to add a small sailboat to my stitch and glue kayak collection. Being over 50, and a few years from formal retirement, I decided it’s time to learn how to sail-even though I live in land locked Idaho. Looking forward to listening to your audiobook.

  14. Thanks for the memories!! I remember back to my childhood mirror dinghy racing days. So much fun!! It’s were I found my love of sailing!!
    All the best Richard

  15. Ive gotten into sailing recently (watching it that is 😁), and really enjoy the adventure, people and places you visit. Gave your video a lookout, and was not disappointed. Your humourous, quirky and philosophical approach is much appreciated by this couch sailor. Best wishes, and tight sails. Look forward to more adventures 🙏

  16. Maybe the techniques are covered in other videos, but did you cover them? I can watch anyone claim to know what they’re doing, but you have a experience they likely lack. Your solo sailing trips are one level of experience. The story of you being stranded and surviving is experience that imbues wisdom. That wisdom is the information I would like to know. I can’t literally sail with you, I can sail with you in video. I haven’t seen a sailing video where anyone intelligently straps themself to the boat. No, I get people with their spouse showing the glamour of their time. Knowing how to sail is something you have, and I know you have a plethora of knowledge to share, knowledge that is beyond the glamour, beyond the “this is tacking”, knowledge that is “this is how high to raise the sail in this condition because I experienced it”. Knowledge that is, “ I know this is the safe way to do things because “. I see there are videos I still need to watch. You know what you already covered. I hope what you haven’t covered, you will cover. To know how to sail is far more than the motions, but the motions are an important starting point . Maybe you know a way to do the motions that is better than the standard in certain situations. Maybe you know things that are better than the standard teachings. Maybe you know things that you believe are taught, but aren’t taught. Regardless. When it comes to sailing. I’d like to come to your channel and find everything I need to know about sailing plus the things only the experience you have can teach. A one stop shop. Make the lamen into a novice and the novice into a seasoned survivalist. How much food do you pack, how do you pack it. Fuel to cook with. Finding water to drink when you run out if fresh water. Sailing high sees. What was the highest sees you sailed by the way? Calm sees, how to deal with no wind. How did you dock a boat when the engine wasn’t working, if you haven’t, how would you? And so many more questions. Your channel is the only channel that is solo sailing by an intelligent person. The rest seem like reckless people who have never experienced a close call, they definitely do not teach how to sail to survive.

    Also, I watched your movie, “All is Lost”. They were close to your voice, but I think they got your skill level wrong.

  17. Thank you sir, even an experienced sailor such as yourself can get your sheets in a tangle which I see as a metaphor to describe life in general.

    One minute it’s smooth sailing and then it’s not.

    Watching your video as rookie sailor and starting out on the adventure I was very engaged from the beginning.

    For myself this was an adventure and very educational, probably the best I’ve watched.

    It is a great video, some glimpses into your youth and how you developed your love of sailing, teaching the viewers along the way.

    Thanks again and I’ll see you out there maybe not in person but in spirit.

  18. I just finished your book and thoroughly enjoyed it; lots of information with interesting anecdotal stories. I work on roofs and so listened to it whilst working. In between starting the audio-book and finishing it I managed to complete my ASA101 and buy a 17ft Montgommery trailer-sailer. Let the adventure begin. All the very best.

  19. CW, You remind me of someone. My oldest and dearest friend taught me to sail in the 1970s. He was a lifelong friend, mentor, and best man at my wedding. He was a curious, learner educator with solid advice. Sadly, he passed in January 2021 at 84 and I miss him daily. CW, so much of your advice is like a warm offshore wind welcoming me back after a long journey. Thank you. Looking forward to watching all your YouTube videos and reading/listening to all your books. Regards, Mike K

  20. Buying my first sailboat (o day daysailer ) and thought 💭 I should get a book . 5 chapters in and glad you talk about the daysailer. It gives me confidence that I’m headed on the right path. Also nice you referenced my native home 💪 Cod . Looking forward to finishing the book!

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