Navigați spre Bahamas cu o barcă de 16 picioare

Navigați spre Bahamas cu o barcă de 16 picioare

Am navigat cu hobie-ul nostru 16 de la Miami la Bahamas la a treia încercare. A durat 13 ore pentru a naviga 85 de mile marine. A fost chiar o nebunie. carenele s-au umplut cu atâta apă, aproape că ne-am scufundat, iar cârma de la tribord s-a desprins la 25 de mile de destinație. Dacă ești interesat să contribui, link-urile pentru venmo, patreon sau paypal sunt mai jos: /$SamHolmesSailing Bitcoin: bc1q23xsnagqat94tcu6tr40zcj504njlzqq2hg39c Urmărește-mă pe instagram @SamHolmesSailing


30 thoughts on “Navigați spre Bahamas cu o barcă de 16 picioare

  1. Nice, laid back fellow, definitely knows how to sail, and makes good videos. The amount of risk he takes is a bit concerning, and you wonder if exposing his girlfriend to that was a good decision.

  2. I hate these luxury sailing channels like this where people don't know what they are doing, have the most expensive boats, throw money at every problem, could never get themselves out of a jam, and don't do anything out of the norm.

  3. Loaded with water in a hull will make that boat pitchpole so easy there is nothing you can do to correct. Losing a rudder is dangerous in heavier air. In lighter air it is also dangerous, you were lucky to lose the windward rudder and not the opposite, to go to the bahamas on a good condition hobie is a risk in and of itself. To go on a NON SEA WORTHY boat, good for the landfill boat is foolish. Do you know who does that? The Cubans… most of them die.

  4. My respect to you guys, definitely you have guts or are a little bit crazy. Awesome trip, something I would like to do but without cargo. Awesome video!!!

  5. man i was debating if my us yacht 18 could handle costal sailing about 5nm offshore. This video single handedly convinced me not only that it could but would be pretty comfortable doing so if this hobie can make this journey.

  6. Although I'm a power boater, my hats off to you for making that epic crossing. I used to take my 18 ft Starcraft through the Golden Gate and then out 20 miles. It was always a wild ride on the way back with 6-10 foot following season. But well worth the wetness and beating up for the fish I brought back. Fair winds and following seas my good man.

  7. "Grabbed a 🧭 at Dick's. So we weren't using our phones" ….if your sailing ir boating especially in open or unfamiliar waters, a compas is about as essential as gets.

  8. I feel obliged to donate just to keep you alive! This was exiting but obviously insane! No radar deflector or lantern that I could se. No PFD on, no drysuit, no manual bilge pump and a boat that is clearly not fit for this sort of adventure. Apart form that, great!!!

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