CELE MAI RAPIDE 24 de ore ale noastre de navigare – VEDODA! | Navigarea în curentul Agulhas Ep.124

CELE MAI RAPIDE 24 de ore ale noastre de navigare - VEDODA!  |  Navigarea în curentul Agulhas Ep.124

Depășirea recordului nostru de distanță de 24 de ore în condiții uimitoare de navigație în larg pe COASTA SALBATĂȚIEI Africii de Sud și drumeții până în vârful CEI CAI MAI ÎNLTĂ CASCADE din lume, totul într-un singur episod. Ne temeam de condițiile înfricoșătoare de navigație de pe coasta sălbatică a Africii de Sud, așa că, când în sfârșit a apărut o fereastră de vreme, ne-am luat amândoi tabletele împotriva răului de mare înainte de a renunța la linii. Înainte de asta, am avut timp să vizităm Cascada Tugella de pe creasta Drackensberg, care tocmai a fost re-măsurată drept cea mai înaltă cascadă din lume, cu aproape 1 km înălțime! Navigam în jurul lumii de peste 5 ani după ce am plecat din Anglia în 2016 la bordul ambarcațiunii noastre de 37 de picioare Florence. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim culmile și dezavantajele călătoriilor în jurul lumii cu barca, navigând în larg peste Oceane și explorând locații îndepărtate cu propria noastră casă mică. Viața cu barca în larg, pe ocean și în afara rețelei. Susține-ne pe Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailingyachtflorence Ne poți urmări și prin blogul nostru la http://www.sailwiththeflo.wordpress.com #Sailing #sailingaroundtheworld #OceanSailing #OffshoreSailing #Offshore #circumnavigation #SailingYachtFlorence #WildCoast #yacht #SailingSouthAfrica #SouthAfrica 00:00 – Introducere 04:36 – Drumeții la cascadă 08:52 – Cea mai înaltă cascadă din lume Tugela Falls 12:28 – Navigare pe coasta sălbatică a Africii de Sud 16:12 – Noul record de viteză de 24 de ore pentru Florența Muzica în ordinea redată: Dream Cloud – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat Keep Walking – www.hooksounds.com – Creative Commons – Atribuire Creative Commons 4.0 Licență Emotional Strings – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat To a New Land – www. hooksounds.com – Licențiat Victory Salvation – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat A Simple Life – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat Breathing Under – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat Keep Me Now – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat The Last Hero – www.hooksounds.com – Licențiat


23 thoughts on “CELE MAI RAPIDE 24 de ore ale noastre de navigare – VEDODA! | Navigarea în curentul Agulhas Ep.124

  1. Amy and Matt, does hold on, and come to expirience in Brazil, the biggest watter falls on volume, Foz do Iguaçu. And also in the State of Bahia, the Veu de Noiva"

  2. Ahoy mate! I’m new to your channel and absolutely love it. Unlike many here on YouTube, your focus is on the adventure and discovery of travel & sailing. Thank you. Great story telling. Beautiful photography, and you both have lovely personalities and excellent humor. Well done, you!

    Now, I’m starting back at the beginning after getting hooked and I’m curious what happened to Episodes 1 & 2? Are they the mysterious “lost episodes”? I was hoping to get a bit of background on how you came to jump off the treadmill and cut lines.

  3. Speed record with 5knt current assist, but your hull sog probably maxes out at 6 knots. And what’s with that painful pretend proper English accent?

  4. Thank you Matt and Amy, speechless after that last adventure except to say what wonderful filming, we enjoy every minute and you are our favourite sailing adventurers. Godspeed!

  5. So well done you two. Your mountain adventures and scenery were awesome and then followed up with a perfect passage.
    I’ll have fingers and toes crossed for you two for your sail around the cape.

    Best wishes and safe travels.

    Tom and Pam
    Dream Chaser

  6. We've been enjoying your journey. I am in Port Elizabeth and sailed the coast regularly between East London and Kynsna. Yes, it can be a terrible coast to sail along, but there are many hide away spots from the Westerly fronts which come through, (all the way to Capetown.) Port Elizabeth does have a marina which could accommodate a stay if need be. I wish you fair sailing, Philip Stunden

  7. Thank you for most professional video´s ever in this category. As I see about these sailing channels….this lifestyle this lifestyle can be a obsession and people can´t stop sailing. I am seeing 5-10 years, do you know about people sailing longer than 10 years?

  8. So glad you guys got to see the Tugela falls, and hike the amphitheater. The views are some of the most spectacular in SA. Brought back many happy memories. Just a spelling correction on the video, the hotel is called "Witsieshoek Mountain Lodge" not 'Windhoek' which is the capital of Namibia, but hey no worries, just thought I would share that for anyone wanting to stay there. I have so enjoyed your videos and hope you have time to enjoy more of SA.

  9. So glad you got to experience some of the landscapes of my adopted country. Unfortunately for me, my sailing days are pretty much over, because, as you know, it ain't so easy as the English channel, particularly living in Johannesburg. Love the channel, love your enthusiasm for sailing. Keep it up peeps

  10. I watched this one after I watched Cape of Storms. Struck me how fit you both are, able to climb that waterfall, after periods at sea! The clarity of your filming is exquisite! ⛵️

  11. Fantastic episode in EVERY way.. Even your commentary is wonderful…So glad you made it safely down the Wild Coast and to the highest waterfall in the world .. 983 meters stunning views !!❤

  12. I noticed that you turn in to the wind to reef. Have you considered reefing down wind? We do this as a matter of routine on every passage and particularly on ocean passages in bumpy conditions and strong winds. We always use a preventer on the main. We simply pull the reef in at the out end of the boom first to pull the sail in to the stackpack then the reef by the mast. You may need a line into the reef cringle at the mast end to help pull the reef down. We find it far safer to reef like this downwind at the mast than turn up wind through big breaking seas. Love your blog

  13. Fascinating- we sailed out of Durban for many years before spending years in the Med. Now in New Zealand, too old sail and filled with nostalgia. It is wonderful that you have the opportunity to do what you are doing. Best of luck and fair winds behind you.

  14. Wow wow 100k Subscribers!! 👏🏾👏🏾 I was about 900th. So proud. Best wishes from Hamble Point.🇬🇧

  15. It's so nice that you both love and trust Florence completely. and, you love and trust each others competency completely. All very, very nice and comforting.

  16. It was good you had that on-land storm when visiting the waterfall (in South Africa).
    The amount of recent rain makes any waterfall either spectaculaly awe-inspiring, or a damp squib.
    Just as an example – here in UK, I've seen the virtual equivalent of the almost frightening, thundering Niagara Falls, but of-course it's anything BUT most of the time.
    People only want to venture to these places in the height of summer, and that of-course is "damp squid season".

  17. Kinda new here so All I can say is that I am enjoying your content very much!
    And I must say just a little bit envious!
    Good job on all your planning as well as your choice of sailboat, she seems very capable…
    Way to go Florence!

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