Te-ai întrebat vreodată cum este să trăiești pe o barcă? Săptămâna aceasta schimbăm viața de RV cu viața de barcă, vizitând prietenii noștri care călătoresc pe Marea Bulă Americană pe iahtul cu motor Hatteras 53 renovat din 1977. 0:00 Introducere în vlogul Boat Life 0:59 De ce începem viața cu barca (călătoria în Bahamas eșuează) 3:10 Tur al unui iaht Hatteras 53 renovat din 1977 11:55 Boat Life in South Florida 15:00 Outtakes Video editat de: Chace Przylepa SUPPORTUS Un pic merge departe. Ajută-ne să mâncăm, să vedem și mai mult în RV! → Deveniți un Patreon și alăturați-vă comunității noastre: https://www.patreon.com/eatseerv → Cumpărați prin link-urile noastre sau oferiți o donație prietenoasă: https://eatseerv.com/support-us/ ▬▬▬ ECHIPAMENTE ȘI PRODUSE
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Începeți viața cu barca într-un iaht cu motor Hatteras 53 renovat din 1977 (TUR COMPLET)

42 thoughts on “Începeți viața cu barca într-un iaht cu motor Hatteras 53 renovat din 1977 (TUR COMPLET)”
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Cool boat. Curious how much$$. And what is the new camera equipment??
Bidens cost of gas will change your mind real quick about a boat.
There are two happy days with boat ownership. The day you buy it, and the day you sell it.
That boat is amazing!
Never own a boat just make friends with a yacht owner and bring beer and pizza.
Exactly our plan in a few years!
Now that is great!
My dream…
Traveling in class
Looks like so much fun!
Very nice boat. Curious.. do you prefer RV life or boat life better?
Beautiful vessel. Enjoy the cruise
She could not stop smiling. You could tell she was excited to have this experience. Btw “large logs” made me spit out my tea: it was so dang funny. The new camera
is dope. Awesome vid.
Gorgeous boat! And I’ve seen a lot of boats – owned & lived on boats for 30 years and I worked in a boat yard / marina office for 12 years. That boat might be one of the nicest and beautifully decorated boat I’ve ever seen! It is a fun lifestyle, but yes a lot of work. We had our catamaran in Ft Lauderdale for a bit – super fun area to explore by boat!
Hi Dennis and Liz, What is the fuel capacity and range of the boat ?
Absolutely loved the boat tour! Thank you for taking us along. My husband is now dreaming of boat life.
So glad y’all had this opportunity! That boat is stunning!! Dave just noted that you have such masterful way of describing your experiences as well as your surroundings.
Great loop is on our bucket list.
Oh my goodness this episode is awesome! The ship is beautiful and the views are amazing. Thank you for taking us along with you. I can’t wait to see more.
Christine said the boat is right up her alley. Looks like fun!
Love the video! Great contrast between living on land and on the water. I see you have a Sony A7 IV. Video quality is amazing! Can you please share what else you are using – ie lens and filters etc? It would be greatly appreciated
Good video
your having to much fun 
Great video and man, what a boat that is. Some real talent went into that restoration.
You can make it happen; But a Marina slit is hard to come by and their at a premium today in both Miami Dade County or Broward. Your friends boat is beautiful; Like how they kept it old but new. Allot $ went into that yacht to refurbish. Love when folks visit the 305 and Florida in General 2021 and now in 2022 a big
to our Florida Governor for keeping the freedom!
Actually you were sitting in an enclosed cockpit. A lazarette is a storage space typically below the deck with a hatch or sometimes a door. Basically a storage space you wouldn’t want to sit in. Sorry 35 years of boating made me comment
So fun!!
The lazarette is a below deck storage compartment/room you would have access to from that area but that area is just called the aft deck
Hi there!
I'm a proud owner of a 1978 Hatteras 53' MY
I would love to talk with your boat buddies about their experience and life aboard!
I hope the Hat don't brake. Otherwise, bend over everybody.
boat is in great condition for her age. Thanks for this video!
Thanks for this tour!
It’s not a ship.
You are a hottie!
Im in love with thst beautiful woman…. mike treat her right or she is mine!
Before the owner re did it was it called the enchantment iv?
This wasn't a full tour…You did not show the master cabin/head, the forward deck or the fly bridge. Disappointing.
I have to say the kitchen is nice
The interior is really nice for the age of the boats
Thanks for the video, awesome boat.
Just awesome, and a very nice boat… Enjoy it…
You barely showed the upper deck, waste of time