Navigați prin Lower Loch Fyne

Navigați prin Lower Loch Fyne

Sailing Swallow


13 thoughts on “Navigați prin Lower Loch Fyne

  1. Another relaxing sail. You certainly don't want to spend every day on your boat, bouncing around like Mr Blobbie and struggling to make a cuppa!

  2. I've noticed that there's been another "Swallow" generally sailing South in Scottish waters, a good few nm's North of you @ 57.16138 x 5.77707 (on Monday 13th, at 20:30 hrs).

  3. This video reminds me of an ante back in Portugal that always had a butterscotch candy in her apron pocket to offer every time I saw her. It wasn't anything big but it always made me run and cross the street towards her. Swell, keep the sweets coming. Obrigado.

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