Cele mai puternice VÂNTURI pe care le-am văzut vreodată | S07E04

Cele mai puternice VÂNTURI pe care le-am văzut vreodată |  S07E04

Tocmai când începem în sfârșit să ne instalăm în partea pur distractivă a navigației, prindem vântul furtunii tropicale Alex, care se prevede că va sufla prin ancorajul nostru aici, în Bermuda. Oricat de frumos poate fi uneori, traiul pe apa ne poate lasa si la mila mamei natura. Sunt momente când trebuie să ne confruntăm cu frica de a pierde tot ceea ce am muncit; când nu avem la ce să ne întoarcem unul altuia și casa noastră plutitoare pentru a ne vedea prin furtună.

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Sunete epidemic


38 thoughts on “Cele mai puternice VÂNTURI pe care le-am văzut vreodată | S07E04

  1. In case you're wondering our primary anchor is a 65 LBS Mantus M2. This is rated for a boat of our size in winds above 50 knots. It is considered a Storm anchor for our boat.

  2. in a storm, 10 to 1 is a better way to anchor. Ill put out 90 feet in only 6 feet of water. More is better. I second that you should have a long nylon line added to your chain. Also consider the bottom, I've drug when the soft bottom allowed my anchor scope to change. When prepping for a storm try to shock load you anchor to set it. keep trying until it holds a high rpm shock load.

  3. This is why I could never live on boat.
    I just imagine being sick and having to cope with a weather emergency . Not a good outcome.
    PS: I took all my anchors and made a lawn ornament out of them. ⚓️

  4. A good game we played with our similar dog on our boat, was find the ball. One person would cover her eyes and one would hide the ball. She had a great nose and insisted on this game every night .!Jan

  5. Awesome video. I think 6 to 1 ratio in that depth of water is acceptable. Having even more chain out won't do much if your anchor is in a soft silty patch….that's why I'll always do my best to snatch the anchor out with my motor…if you can't do that then you can be confident the mere wind won't do it either…at least not the winds you experienced. I use an extra extra long stretchy snubber as well, just for extra cheap storm insurance.

  6. Cheers guys and well done, any storm is not a great place to be at anchor or at sea, I love your video capture, well done. The strongest we had as we sailed from the Med to Australia was in the Caribbean as we sailed from Puerto Rico to Panama, we managed 72 knots and rather nasty seas but we made it through. You now have a new subscriber.

  7. Well, that was quite an episode. I really enjoyed listening to your comments because apparently you really do know how to sail. You've had some experience. I think it's fantastic that you're able to do this at this point in your life. Keep it up!
    The comments about adrenaline levels, being tired, not knowing if you can do this for 12 hours, etc… made me think that this old dog could still offer one bit of advice: there were three of you were aboard and only two needed to be on watch at any given time. It's why they invented watch schedules. 🙂

  8. Thankyou for this upload. I could feel your anxiety throughout the storm. This is the first of your series I have seen and wil subscribe and follow your adventure.
    Wishing you all the best for the future.

  9. Wow – Higher risk of drag in deeper water where there is more negative leverage.
    The anchor does not hold the boat, the anchor holds itself and the scope of chain is then what holds the boat, so shallow water and lots of chain on the bed is best with more positive leverage

  10. another good job guys. I know i'm playing catchup here. guess everyone is glad it didn't get worse.

  11. you guys handled that well, props! I had my boat drag in 25 Knots while I was on shore watching, very sickening feeling. never paddled back so fast to get back. I would say it was the bottom for sure, that was my case.

  12. "do what it takes to have enough scope….". No where is the saying….."An ounce of PREVENTION is worth a POUND of cure…." more appropo.

  13. My suggestions from being in similar situations:
    We had a chain+rope for our anchor, so in case of emergencies we were even able to go past the chain and put a good 10:1.
    If you know a big storm is coming, try to dive and inspect your anchor if you can. This is easier said than done depending on depth, but if its shallow enough you can get to it and make sure its properly sunk in or help it along.
    Being ready with engine running is key, making the decision to re-anchor when you could was also the right call in my view so well done.

  14. Nice job! So what's plan B in case of engine failure or a fouled prop?
    Would you be better off out at sea away from lee shore with a storm jib up or a sea anchor out?

  15. When I anticipate a Blow, I ALWAYS deploy two anchors. You double your holding power, you keep the boat more stable, which keeps the strain angle more constant on eac anchor. Another biggy is that it allows you to moor in a tighter spot, because your swing circle due to wind change is much smaller, you can get closer to shore , less fetch, shallower water/less scope etc. my two cents :-))

  16. My highest ancorage was 62 kts sustained, not quite hurricane force but you could see it from there. I was in sand had 2 Danforth out with tons of rode out to give low angle, with 20lb lead balls on the chain, my favorite anchor for all bottoms is the Bruce.

  17. Mine is 78’ and I have a 300# Bruce generally if I have a blow approaching in the North Atlantic I go west young man, after checking the weather fax of course I am in Chesapeake Bay during Hurricane season or the south west of the zone. In your situation I would have headed southeast for a few days and return if I so desired.

  18. I am preparing a series of lectures on anchoring. I would like to insert some sequences of your video. Can I have your permission?

    You have dealt with the storm very well, using the engine to counteract the wind when the anchor was dragging. I find the repositioning of the anchor was a correct decision. Many situations, one for all Cabo San Luca 12/8/1982 were fatal to the boats for lack of initiative or due to the delay in intervening.

    Mantus for anchoring at 50 knots recommends that the 35-pound anchor is suitable for a 25-foot boat and displacing less than 11000 pounds. I would very much like to know LOA and displacement of your boat. If possible how long was the snubber, and what material was it made of?


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